I just thought I would try something and give you fury's point of view on the whole Steve/me(Tony) situation.

An agitated man sat at the end of a long table, the lighting in the room was dim, but still enough to illuminate the area in a soft yellow.

He glanced down at the glass in his hands and sighed shaking his head in a disapproving manner. "These motherfuckers need to build a god damn bridge, fuck and get over it... or I swear I'm about to lock both of their stupid asses in a closet, until these assholes admit some shit- or at least make nice, this shit is getting older then me." He said tiredly.

"In all my god. Damn. Years... these motherfuckers.." The annoyed man mumbled and took a sip from the glass of scotch he was holding.

"These two are blind as my right fuckin' eye... Pissin' me right off, I mean who in the hell?- ugh! Its too late for this shit." Fury stood and left his empty glass on the conference table, the ice still melting as it sweat onto the mahogany. He fixed the pink hello kitty boxers he had chosen to wear and made sure to close his leather coat. Fury gave the glass one last glance and went back to his own quarters.

He wanted to get some rest and think about something besides stupid love-struck motherfuckers.