Darkest NT Evolution Ch.1

All TMNT characters were © Peter Laird & Kevin Eastman, now currently Nickelodeon (with Kevin Eastman still working on the comics).
Kudos goes out to Kevin Eastman for his continued brilliance on the Turtles all these years. We can trust his team to give the best entertainment on this never-ending classic. Never ever stop what you do best! Author Note: See my main Fanfiction page for more links, info, & details.

(This was written before Irma was revealed to be a robot. In my story, there's a real Irma that got kidnapped and replaced by the Kraang.)
This is a new updated mutant terrapin saga story by me with some of Nick's versions mixed into the old versions. This story will focus more on Donatello and April's relationship (with Casey butting heads with Don) and Leonardo's troubles with Karai in turn him to the dark side (and against Splinter). Along with Raphael trying to figure out Spike/Slash and get him to understand Raph and his brothers on less hostile terms while Mona Lisa comes into Raph's life. Kameko returns from "Destruction of Turtle Trust" aka DoTT in this story and Mikey finds her once again (though this is a different version how they meet and she's not killed this time around).
If you like a real Don X April / Raph X Mona Lisa / Leo X Karai (& Leo becoming evil) fic, this will be a treat for you :) Of course, the hyper mutation problem always lurks in all the Turtles in this tale too, thus fans of that I hope will like this story too.

Special thanks goes to SncTCllctr for helping me out for a bit on Raph with the clean blanket part addition :)

Note: There's mature content due to the reality issues I often put in my stories, so it's not really for the little kiddies out there. The profanity is not censored! Please check out my NEW main site at ww w. cpbunnyart. com (remove the spaces) for full downloads of some of my stories and artwork based off my fics and original stories like this one. Also check my DA site at alaer. deviantart. com (remove the spaces) is being updated with new art/stories and still has plenty of my old art and stories.)) Enjoy!

All my stories were delayed by herniated disk in my neck/spine, that was pinching my nerve and affecting my right arm/hand with so much pain that postponed all my usual activities. Having a tooth abscess in my upper jaw didn't help much either. Had multiple surgeries done and slowly recovering from the constant pain. Note: Many might be thinking "Why such a long delay in updating the fics?" or "What happened?" Please read this page in its entirety Please read this page in its entirety: (remove the spaces!) cpbunnyart whathappened.h tm
and then you will know why much has been delayed. I hope you who read this will understand why there was such a huge delay in my stories being updated. Thank you for your patience and understanding on this. These are the issues I had to deal with while my stories went 'dead'.

Please consider buying something at my eBay auctions (URL below, remove the spaces & take out the one 'O' in coom) and/or ordering custom artwork. I'd really appreciate any/all help! Please tell others of my situation and buy or donate if you can. Thank you. :)

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Thank you and I hope you enjoy the chapter below.

Darkest NT Evolution

Donatello sighed forlornly at his table in the Lair where he did his tinkering and experiments. Metalhead stood nearby, staring as if the robot understood his creator's sadness. For nearly a year now, he observed April spending her spare time with Casey than coming to the Lair. Even when Don tried to visit April himself, he had to hide in the shadows while idiotic Casey was there for so-called study groups.

Irma was there sometimes too, but Casey made it clear that she wasn't welcomed during his 'dates' with April. Donnie heard Irma mutter plenty of profanity whenever she was kicked out of the 'study group'. Donnie wondered if Irma possibly liked Casey, something he hoped was so. If Casey was out of the picture, then Donnie could be with April more often than not. He could get April to forget about that ape Casey.

Whether or not Irma liked Casey was not a priority for Donnie. What was important to him was to keep April close to him. He saw April first, not that moron Casey. He didn't deserve her and especially not all her attention.

Didn't April remember who cured her dad as of late? When Donnie found a cure for Timothy aka Mutagen Man, he was able to reverse the Kraang's mutagen effects on Mr. O'Neil at last. April seemed to be very happy about that. She even kissed his cheek and gave him a strong hug. Donnie was sure April would return his feelings and then things could really get serious between them.

But then Casey kept on appearing, hogging all April's time away. Donnie knew Casey was not a bright person who needed a lot of help to get through High School. But why did April have to be the one to teach that dumb ape? Why?

Donnie hung his head before hiding his face into his folded forearms on the table, moaning in heartache. Metalhead clunked over and patted his back. Donnie looked up at his metal friend and smiled weakly. Even a robot could tell how much his heart was bleeding here.

"Thanks, Metalhead." Donnie stood up and decided to go to his room then. Without being told Metalhead went to work cleaning up the lab. The purple clad terrapin warrior dropped his shell on his bed, swirling emotions threatening to make his eyes well up.

He angrily brushed his wrist over his face, scowling. An image of Casey's face with that ridiculous grin of his appeared in Donnie's mind, almost like mocking him. The Turtle grit his teeth.

"What does she see in that goofball anyway?" a very jealous question escaped the Turtle's beak. "He's not one speck intelligent! Why in the world would she want to be with HIM? Didn't I make her father normal? It sure wasn't Casey. He's too stupid." Donnie covered his face with his hands, groaning in misery.

"Why can't she see I'm the one for her, not Casey? There's no way anyone could love her more than I do!" Donnie sighed as he sat up. He decided it would be best to stop thinking about April and how she wasn't returning his feelings.

He decided to go check up on Timothy. While Donnie was sure his cure was stable, he had to keep close tabs on Timothy and Mr. O'Neil just in case. They could revert back into their mutated monstrous selves if anything went wrong. The Turtle cringed thinking if that did happen, April would most certainly hate him. It would be a big blow to his pride as a scientist, not to mention demolish his heart.

As Donnie watched Timothy's home from afar, he saw the big guy leave his apartment. "Where's he going?" the Turtle wondered and followed. He felt sick with worry when he realized Timothy was heading for April's place.

The still very chubby Timothy struggled to get onto a fire escape on a building across the street from April's place. Then he climbed to a certain level and pulled out a pair of binoculars. Donnie moved his gaze to where Timothy was looking and felt his throat get slammed by his heart.

April was undressing near the window with a very sheer curtain. While it wasn't overly clear to see the details, it was enough. Hypnotized by April's beautiful bare frame, Donnie's tail swelled strong and hard as he watched too. His heartbeat pounded in his ears as he gawked in stunned awe, shivering. Finally, he tore his eyes away, breathing hard in rage and lust.

That ungrateful slimeball! He was peeping on April without her knowing it! Don had a feeling this probably wasn't the first time either. It made the young terrapin's blood boil and he felt like he was about to lose his mind to fuming fury.

"How DARE he look at April like that?!" Donnie hissed viciously as he clenched his fists and teeth. Killing Timothy seemed about the right punishment for this outrage, but Donnie knew he couldn't do that. He wasn't a murderer. He might be cold-blooded reptile-man, but he wasn't a murderer. Yet... Then he felt embarrassed.

"Shell, I was just doing what he was doing as well. I'm guilty too! Ohh, why did I look too?!" He covered his face with his hands and groaned in shame. "How could I not? She's so...perfect... Shell, I can't stand it! I shouldn't have looked! Dammit, now my tail is driving me crazy!"

The intense nearly insane desire he always had for April was strangling him. He fantasized often becoming one with April, feeling her body against his as he expressed his upmost longing in every position possible. And how she would express her pleasure back to him? He could only imagine. But he knew he wasn't past first base so far, so he couldn't allow himself to think such naughty thoughts.

Timothy had NO right to dare set his defiling eyes on pure innocent April. It was criminal to Donnie and he was going to do something about this injustice. He glanced back to the chubby man to see him masturbating.

Donnie grit his teeth. He found some nice hard rocks on the asphalt and chucked them at Timothy's precious binoculars, which fell from the man's other hand and to the street below the fire escape. Timothy began to swear like a drunken sailor as he quickly headed down to retrieve his now broken binoculars.

When he tried to get them, a bo staff appeared with a loud bang before him. Timothy narrowed his eyes and was about to complain, when Donnie slammed him into the brick wall of the building.

"What the HELL do you think you were doing?!" Donnie snarled, wanting to smash Timothy into the wall over and over. But if he did, Timothy probably would not survive. It took the Turtle all his will-power to restrain himself.

"What?" came Tim's cocky reply as if he wasn't doing anything wrong. Donnie pointed to the binoculars with his bo. Timothy snickered. "Oh yeah, that. I'm just sight-seeing."

"Don't lie to me, you repulsive pervert! You were watching April when she was undressing! How dare you look at such a pure angel like that?! Stay away from her, you hear me?!" Donnie growled, really fighting the urge not to destroy him.

"Wha-?" Timothy began to laugh, which made Donnie want to crush his windpipe. "I won't stay away from her, Donnie! She'll be mine someday! I love her!" Timothy spat, infuriating Donnie further. Love? Love?! That disgusting excuse of a shallow human being couldn't love anything, except his next fattening greasy fast food meal. It was lust, pure and simple. Donnie was certain that Timothy would force himself on April. He had to keep that pervert away from her at all costs!

"You don't love her! I do! I've always loved her and I'll NEVER let you take away her purity!" Donnie shouted, breathing hard. Being sexually strained and angry made the purple clad Turtle just as explosive as Raphael. "And Casey sure won't let you live if you do anything to April!" he added.

"Casey? Pfft! That moron doesn't have a chance against me! And he doesn't have a chance with April too. And neither do you, freak!" Timothy boasted. He had seen April and Casey fight and go in different directions angrily. Timothy believed he had a good chance at taking April for himself then once he witnessed that.

Timothy tried to do a karate kick on Donnie, but the Turtle moved away and let Timothy crash to the asphalt in a pathetic heap. Unable to not strike him, Donnie whacked the man without holding back his strength. Man, did that feel good to hit that idiot!

"Oww! Donnie! That hurt!" Timothy cried as he tumbled a few feet away from the attack. "Some sensei you are! Harming your own student!"

"You're not my student and you're NOT going to secretly watch April anymore! I'm going to make sure you don't..." Donnie threatened, starting to forget he shouldn't kill.

"Oh-ho! What? Now you're going to kill me? You cured me just so you can kill me?" Timothy shot back.

"I'll do anything to keep you away from April! Keep away from her, you filthy disgusting gutter trash!"

"Pathetic! She doesn't even like you, Donnie. You're a freak! A green freak. You're just an animal. I'm human; you're not." Timothy jeered.

"If it weren't for me, you'd still be a glob of intestinal goo! This is the thanks I get for turning you back?! Hell, I should have let you rot!" Donnie was about to bash his skull in, when a gang of Purple Dragons showed up suddenly listening in to the argument.

"How romantic! A squabble between two guys who are gonna fork over big cash to us for being in our territory. Pay the toll!" Fong demanded, he and his buddies ready with their knives and chains.

"Hey, you guys! I'm part of the Foot, so you better not mess with me!" Timothy boasted, thinking that would help him. Donnie rolled his eyes and held his palm to his forehead in disgust. What a moron!

"The Foot doesn't have any people ninjas, you dolt!" Fong cried, laughing. "Shredder has robots for that now. You're not a Foot member!"

"Am so! Here! Check out these moves!" Timothy proceeded to make a big fool of himself as he did pathetic attempts at karate katas and falling a little as they watched snickering. Fong wasn't amused.

"Jeez! Whattaya fooling around for?! Just kill him already!"

Timothy was attacked around all sides as the Purple Dragons pummeled him and robbed him. The overweight man begged for Donnie to help him, but the Turtle watched from afar, stone-faced. Fong made some of his friends try to attack Donnie too, but the terrapin warrior wasn't a budding teenager with entry level skills anymore.

Donnie made quick work of the goons and so they began to focus more on torturing Timothy. While Donnie felt intense satisfaction seeing Timothy getting strangled and beaten up, he knew this was wrong and had to stop it before the man was really killed, even though that was what Donnie's dark side wanted.

Little did he know that his animal side was mutating further, altering his usually peaceful thoughts. He did not catch on that he was in the first stages of hyper-mutation. If he had, he would know what to do to try and tame the issue.

But he didn't, since in the past when he was 14 years old, Splinter had helped him block out the growing beast in his soul, helping him find the courage to imprison it and keep it under control. Donnie wanted to believe that horrible beast would stay under control even though Splinter warned him it probably won't and reawaken someday. Still, Donnie did not like to think about the monster and eventually forgot about it.

Finally and reluctantly, he stopped the mercilessly beating Timothy deserved. Chasing off the Purple Dragons was easier to Donnie than tying on his mask in the morning. The now broken Timothy whimpered on the asphalt, bleeding and crying. Donnie glared coldly at him, strong hatred for Timothy flooding him.

Dark thoughts filled the Turtle's vision with Casey on the ground too just like Timothy, whimpering and suffering as well. It thrilled him instantly and then shamed him. For a pacifist, how could he delight in another's suffering and want their death? What was wrong with him?

"I'm sorry, Timothy. I-I should haven't let them beat you up so much." Donnie sighed, feeling ashamed and guilty. He forlornly looked to April's apartment window and the light was off. 'Sleep the best you can, my angel. I'll always protect you.'

"Here, let me take you to the hospital." the Turtle tried to offer, but Timothy screamed at him to leave him alone. Police sirens wailed close by. Someone must have called them since the Purple Dragons weren't very quiet when they gave out beatings.

Donnie made himself scarce and disappeared into the shadows. The police could get Timothy to the hospital, but those hateful dark feelings Donnie felt still troubled him. Frightened him. How could he control these new dark urges?

If he couldn't have April, what would he really do? Kill those in his way? Make her be with him? No, never! That wasn't right. It was wrong. So very wrong. What else was very wrong was April undressing in front of that window with that nearly transparent curtain. Donnie made a mental note to warn her, though he worried how she might take that. How would he know if she was having peeping Tom problems unless Donnie had been looking too. There was no way he could say he didn't look when he did. It was an accident, but he doubted April would believe that.

He made it back to the Lair and back into his room without any of his brothers realizing he was gone. They were watching a ten hour movie marathon of Super Robo-Mecha anime with other animes which were more on the adult side of things. Mikey kept turning up the volume which made Splinter shout from his room to turn it down or else they would get plenty of randori and in not a good way. Leo had to take the remote away from his little brother then.

Donnie didn't feel like watching overly sexualized anime with squealing big breasted girls doing stupid things. He needed relief, not even more lust. He pondered on how to get April to realize how bad it was to undress in front of the window. She had to know. Why did she do it? How long had she been doing it and where was he all that time missing out?

Donnie sighed, embarrassed by his rampaging lust. No, no. He shouldn't think like that. If April wanted to show her body, he'd want it to be willingly and only to him. Not view it in a pathetic desperate way like Timothy was doing. 'No, I'm better than that...' Donnie told himself.

He decided April needed more checking up on than he first thought. Forget that idiot Timothy. Let him revert back into a goo glob, he didn't care. Who he did care about was April. She needed his protection more so he thought.

'I'll tell her in a way so she knows not to undress out in the open, that's all. She can't get mad at me... I didn't see that much... Well...' Donnie couldn't help, but to close his eyes and began to romanticize a wonderfully naked April in his arms while they made love to each other. His daydream bubble popped when he heard Raph screaming at Mikey since he apparently spilled his popcorn all over him by 'accident'.

"Can't they ever shut up!? Ugh!"

Leo knocked on his door. "Donnie are you ok? Want to come watch TV with us?" Leo was concerned since Donnie came back without saying a word to them and he looked strange. The eldest Turtle brother knew something must have happened.

"No, it's ok, Leo. Watch it without me. I want to sleep early." Don lied, wanting to be alone so he could seriously work this great tension off his tail. Leo gave up and went back to his other little siblings.

Raph was viciously punching Mikey on the couch while the orange clad Turtle screamed like a girl and shouting, "RAPE! RAPE! RAPE!" Leo broke the two up and slapped them both Captain Ryan style.

"Knock it off! Raph, can't you just BEHAVE and watch the damn show for once instead of acting like brute?!" Leo trying his best not to shout and cause Splinter to come out to end their movie night fun.

"Mikey dumped burning hot popcorn on me, Leo! Why the hell do you always take his side, huh? He started it!" Raph roared and slammed his fist into Mikey's stomach before he stormed off to his room. As Leo checked on coughing Mikey, he gave his brother a glare which Raph ignored.

As he went to his room, he heard strange sounds coming from Donnie's room and figured out quickly what he was doing. Whenever they were verbally making peeping sounds, it only meant one thing to a Turtle. Raph was sure he heard Donnie saying April's name in between his peeps.

The red clad Turtle shook his head. Poor poor Donnie. He was so 'sadorable' with his crazed passion for April. Raph highly doubted April would ever see Donnie anymore than a geeky friend, but stranger things had happened since. Donnie was able to cure Mutagen Man and Mr. O'Neil. Maybe April would give Donnie the time of day.

Plus, Mikey said he had found a girlfriend on the internet. Her name was Kameko and she loved anything terrapin. Raph figured she must be ok concerning that, but there had to still be something wrong with her. She seemed to like Mikey back. Raph wanted to see how long that would last when and if she ever saw Mikey for real.

Raph went topside to beat on some criminals to quell his lonesome feelings. Of all people, Mikey had a girlfriend. Mikey! If that wasn't bad enough, Leo was still messing around with Karai despite what they knew about her.

Since Raph was the only one to really get Leo to talk about Karai heart-to-heart to him, he found out some things that Leo made him promise to not tell others. It was months ago, but Raph remembered it as if it happened yesterday.

"So she actually took your fingernail clippings and her hair to be tested for DNA? And she gave you the results today?" Raph had said back then while he and Leo were alone patrolling topside. Leo nodded and held out some papers to Raph.

"Yes and I can still be with her. She's not our sister." Leo pointed out on the result papers where it said there was no relation whatsoever between the samples tested. Raph wasn't overly sure. DNA tests could be tweaked and flat out made fake on purpose. He didn't trust that witch.

"I don't know bro. She's tricky. She could have made those up herself-" Raph backed away when Leo suddenly whacked him in the face with the papers. He shook them at him as he forcefully tapped on the part where it said there was no relation.

"She's NOT lying to me, Raph! I can tell! I believe her!" Leo shouted, getting angry a little too much too quickly. Raph knew he struck a nerve and how much Leo was crazy for Karai. It was practically on the same level of insanity as Donnie's desire for April. Leo couldn't forget about Karai. He simply couldn't.

"Leo, what if you're wrong?" Raph asked seriously which caused much distress in Leo. He couldn't be wrong about Karai. She was telling him the truth, wasn't she? Obviously, Leo couldn't tell his younger brother all the details of his intimate relations with Karai. But Raph did have a good idea what they were doing together and it wasn't just sparring.

"You know what? I could care less. I just love her too much. I'll never give her up. I can't. I'll... I'll die if I do." Leo admitted, now scaring Raph. He had stared at him, feeling quite strange.

"Dude, that's intense."

"Let's stop talking about it, ok? Let's just find Dogpound's new hideout." Leo never said much after that day about Karai then. Raph figured Leo must still be with Karai since he often went to her apartment secretly.

Raph found and halted several crimes in progress throughout the night and made his way to the docks downtown where the worst sleezeballs hung out. He crouched on a tin cold rooftop as he rested for a while, watching the waters twinkle in the moonlight. He crossed his arms while still crouched and then lowered his head down into his arms forlornly.

'Everyone has someone, but me.' he thought, squeezing his eyes shut then turned his head. He pressed his eyes into his left bicep, trying to subdue his tears of loneliness.

"Now, I don't even have Spike anymore." Once he had Spike, his wonderful pet turtle, but he was mutated into a monstrous insane freak that wanted to kill his brothers. How he missed him despite what he had become. He liked the name Slash, but to Raph he was always Spike.

"Where are you, Spike?" Raph said out loud, wishing his friend-enemy would appear magically, but he didn't. He hadn't seen him since the massive mutant break-out at that Kraang lab prison. Spike helped Raph against some Kraang droids and the red clad Turtle knew that his beloved turtle friend was still there under all that evil Slash.

Then there was an earth-shattering ka-boom off in the distance. Raph shot his gaze towards the noise and saw a smoking fire had broken out on a submarine out at sea.

"Alright, baby! Some real action!" The Turtle dove into the icy waters and swam out to the disaster. People most likely needed to be rescued.

The people onboard were dropping off the sub like flies into the drink either flaming or just escaping as is. Raph welcomed the sweltering heat from the flames since his body was slowing up from the cold swim. The high temperatures raised the Turtle's core and increased his speed as he checked for people who couldn't save themselves.

There was a shrill scream and grunting on the highest level of sub. Raph witnessed a strange scientist-looking man fighting some girl and then he shot down towards her legs and feet, getting her in the calf. Letting out a cry of pain, she fell to one knee and the evil man shoved her off the sub. It happened so fast and with the burning debris around him, Raph couldn't intervene. Screaming, the girl tumbled into the water. Instead of bashing the jerk's skull in like he was about to, the red clad Turtle went after the girl.

Raph saw the girl struggling to swim despite her gunshot wound, but failing. She was sinking fast like a stone. The Turtle tried to reach for her out-stretched hand, but she slipped away since Raph had to avoid heavy debris falling off from the sub.

Angrily, Raph fought hard to catch up to the girl floating down to her watery grave. By the time he finally had her, she was unconscious from the lack of oxygen. He swam her back to the surface as hard and as fast as he could. Above the water, he didn't have time to register that she was reptilian when the sub blew up in a few more massive explosions then. He had to get her away and fast.

Swimming back to the docks was easy enough, except for the coldness of the water and his concern for the girl. He dragged her up onto dry land and then discovered she wasn't breathing. Being schooled by Master Splinter, Raph knew how to revive her with CPR.

He struggled to get her to breathe again. Pushing on her chest and breathing air down her lungs lasted quite some time before at last to Raph's relief, she began to choke up water and gasp for air. But her leg was bleeding profusely, so Raph decided to bring her back to the Lair immediately. Donnie most likely would know how to patch her up. There was no way she could go to a regular hospital and she needed medical treatment now.

Raph rushed her home the best he could without making the wound worse by jumping and landing hard on the rooftops. He steadied her shot leg and made it home in record time, but the lizard girl's green was becoming paler.

Raph looked for Donnie who was in his lab tinkering. Thankfully interrogating Leo was not in sight and Mikey was furiously typing away on the laptop while some random anime played on TV. But he stopped typing when he noticed Raph enter carrying a pretty green lady.

"Ooooo! Hot babe alert!" Mikey said in an interested tone which irritated Raph. He ignored him and held out the girl to Donnie. The purple clad Turtle yanked off the goggles off his head when he saw the blood coming from her leg.

"Raph, what happened?! Who is this?" Donnie took her and set her down on an operating table. Raph disgustedly told them both the events of his night concerning this girl and that she needed help since she was shot. Donnie went to work to stop the bleeding and to remove the bullet.

A tense-filled half-hour passed before Raph anxiously asked if she would be ok. "Well, can you save her? Will she be alright?"

"I stopped her bleeding, but she's very weak. We just have to wait and see. I'm going to try and remove the bullet the best I can. Just wait." Donnie replied, trying his hand at surgery. Should be easy enough with how intelligent he was. He made sure to reference from the laptop just in case though.

Raph waited barely another half an hour before he asked once again on her condition. This annoyed Donnie greatly. "I can NOT work with you pestering me all the time! Get out and let me work, damn it!"

Raph gave him their version of the finger and forced himself to wait on the couch. Mikey was there staring at him strangely. Raph looked to him crossly. "What?! What is it, Mikey?"

"Dude, you brought a super sexy babe home! Can we keep her? Can I keep her?" Mikey asked playfully.

"What?! Shell NO you can't have her! She's mi-" Raph tried to say when Leo appeared from his room. He must have been in deep meditation to not hear what was going on.

"Keep who?" Leo asked, immediately wanting to know what was happening. He hated to be in the dark on anything. Raph growled and huffily crossed his arms.


"Raph brought home a hot mutant babe. Way better than pasty Karai; dude, she's green like us!" Mikey couldn't help but insult Karai. None of the Turtles liked her except for Leo.

The blue clad Turtle snarl-growled at Mikey, frowning. "Karai is NOT pasty! And what do you mean he brought someone home?" He looked to his younger brother testily. "Raph, what did you do this time? Who is this girl?"

"I found her getting shot on some exploding sub at the docks downtown. She fell into the water and almost drowned. I saved her, alright? She was bleeding so I brought her here so Donnie could patch her up. I couldn't let her die!" Raph scowled, glaring at Leo resentfully. Why did Leo always think that Raph was doing something wrong?

"It's good you wanted to save her, but we don't know anything about her. She could be dangerous!" Leo complained, not trusting of new people. Raph narrowed his eyes. There was no way Leo was going to force out this pretty girl. He had no right! Plus this girl was hurt and she needed Raph, er, them to help her.

"She can't be any more dangerous than Karai. So lay off, Leo!" Raph shot back, pushing past him to check on the girl again. Donnie knew exactly what he was going to ask when he entered the lab and beat him to the punch.

"She's doing better now, I think. I ran some tests on her too." Donnie said, going back and forth from the laptop and Mona Lisa, checking her pulse. Metalhead was tidying up the lab, removing blood soaked rags and trash.

"Yeah, what did they say?" Raph was never this anxious in his life. He wanted this girl to be well enough so he could get to know her better. He felt in his heart that this might be his only chance to get a soul mate here.

"She's a mutant like us, though she was human before. Not sure how she got this way, but man oh man! If I could duplicate this process, do you know what this means?" Donnie asked excitedly, getting ideas about April.

"No, what?" Raph was not interested and just wanted Donnie to do what he had to do to make the girl wake up sooner.

"I could get April to be a mutate Turtle just like us! Then she'd HAVE to like me! Ahh-hahaa..." Donnie swooned like a handsome geek, giggling to himself in a lovesick way.

"Donnie, let's go at this one step at a time. What if April doesn't want to be a freak of nature?" Raph tried to get his brother to stop daydreaming without much success. His mind was flooded with happily-ever-after images of him and April together as mutant Turtles with a clutch of eggs about to hatch.

"What? No, she'd love to be with me; I just know it. Gahhh..." Donnie drooled as he kept on living his fantasy in thought without really understanding what Raph had said. "I know she'll look even more beautiful as a mutant Turtle..."

"Isn't she good enough as she is?"

"Of course she is! Shell, I love the way she is now and always will even if she never becomes a mutant Turtle. She's already a mutant anyway. I just got an idea after seeing your lovely green lady friend here. That's all." Donnie forced himself to quit thinking of April and their many nonexistent children otherwise he wouldn't be able to help Raph's friend.

"Just get her well again, Donnie." Raph said coldly, unable to wait more. He wanted this lovely lady awake now. Donnie promised him he would do his best. After many hours, Donnie retreated to bed for sleep, but Raph stayed up. He watched this lady intently and kept rehearsing on what to say to her when she was conscious again.

'I can't sound like a total dork. I need to impress her. Oh Kami, please, please don't let me mess up!' Raph prayed, clutching his hands together towards the ceiling. Raph had some time to soak in this green beauty he had saved while he practiced his lines mentally over and over.

She had long brown hair tied in a ponytail and a pink scarf around her neck, plus a belt on her hips. She was naked otherwise and the most exquisite creature he had ever seen. From her perfectly pronounced breasts and soft smooth curves, Raph was instantly attracted to her.

He dared to touch her again, but thought better of it. What if she woke up to see him touching her while she was out? She would think he was groping her instead. Boy, that would ruin everything then. He could forget about her being an acquaintance, let alone a possible girlfriend.

Another tense hour went by. Then finally, she began to stir, making Raph's heart skip a beat. This was it!

"Ohh, man! What happened? Where's that scumbag Captain Filch? I almost had him!" the girl angrily said then held her calf in deep pain. "Uggh! That bastard shot me! I can't believe it! That asshole!" she growled, then she looked at Raph. She recognized him, amazed.

"You're one of the Turtles!" You saved my life. Thank you."

"It's what I do." Raph said, feeling instantly stupid. What a dorky thing to say! He sounded like Mikey, ugh! Why couldn't he have said something more sophisticated? He shifted nervously on his swelling tail which caused him to forget his perfect rehearsed lines. Why couldn't his stupid tail leave him alone? Curse his hormones!

"So, you got a name?" D'oh! Again he thought he sounded dumb, but the girl didn't act like he did. She smiled softly. "I'm Mona Lisa."

Raph decided to take a chance and help her off the operating table. "I'm Raphael." He paused, looking her over in pleasure. "So...how did it happen? You know, your mutation. Who was that creep trying to kill you?"

"Well, that's a long story, but the short story is that I was a physicist in college when I was kidnapped by that wacko Captain Filch, the bastard who shot me. He wanted me to work for him, but I knew he was up to no good. He was getting weird chemicals and weapons from some strange men that I suspect are alien brain things. Weird I know. Anyway, I went to destroy the submarine's nuclear reactors to get rid of his lab and when it exploded, I got turned into a mutant." Mona explained then winced as she leaned the wrong way against the table. She changed the way she was standing, but the pain only intensified.

"Ow! Oof!" Mona started to fall, but quick as a wink Raph caught her, their faces inches away then. The two stared for several moments before Raph hastily aided her to the couch to lie down. He definitely felt something there when he gazed into her glittering green eyes. A spark was the best way to describe it. Maybe she felt it too?

"I-uhh, um... I'll-" Raph cleared his throat. "I'll get you a blanket." he offered, overwhelmed with emotions then. Mona Lisa nodded and whispered, "Ok." in a sweet voice, smiling shyly.

"Don't go anywhere. I mean, of course you can't go anywhere. Ugh! I'll be-..I'll be right back." Raph whacked his forehead in embarrassment. Sheesh! Why'd he have to keep sounding like a nervous dork?

Mona Lisa giggled to herself as her favorite Turtle went on the hunt for a suitable blanket. How bashful he was! How incredibly adorable and sexy he was... When she looked into his bright lime green eyes, she felt something inside of her click. She hoped he felt a click too. He certainly acted like it and man, was he ever so cute.

Raph returned with a clean blanket. Well, as clean a home in the sewers could provide. She adjusted it while he did so and their hands ended up touching. There again was that spark Raph felt before. But this time it was stronger. Much stronger. Mona couldn't deny the fire created between them was burning hotter. She knew very well as Raph did for himself that their choices in mates was extremely limited. If she wanted someone in her life, who better than Raphael?

"Mona Lisa, I know I just met you and we hardly know each other, but would you like to stay down here with me, er, I mean my family? I mean, until you get better that is. I'm not saying you have to stay down here if you don't want to. With your leg shot and all, I figured this is the safest place for yo-" Raph's nervous babbling was halted by Mona's finger to his lips.

"Even if my leg wasn't hurt, I would like to stay down here with you, Raphael..." Mona said in a way that made Raph extremely happy and whole inside. He grinned, blinking excessively, almost unable to believe his great fortune.

"Really...?" he squeaked, not caring anymore if he sounded like a dork.

"Really." Mona stroked his forearm timidly. This was all he needed to gain his confidence back. She did want him like he was praying for. How cool was that?

"So...do we kiss now?" Raph said, boldly then had second thoughts. But his worries were put to rest when Mona pulled him closer and kissed him tenderly. Being inexperienced, Raph wasn't sure how to kiss back right. It didn't seem to matter and soon he had her pressed against his plastron tightly, smooching like there was no tomorrow.

As they shared a long warm hug before Raph decided to sleep on the floor near her. She smiled gently, feeling so happy. Now she had the extra muscle to destroy Captain Filch and his gang finally.

Sure she liked Raphael very much and he saved her life, so she would be a real jerk if she wasn't fond of him. Yet, while she wanted someone in her life, she also wanted someone to help her make Captain Filch pay for ruining her life. She was a freak now and he wasn't going to get away with that.

'You're using him. Don't play with his feelings.' a voice said in the back of her mind. 'I'm not playing with his feelings.' She told herself, trying to justify her reasoning for being too intimate with him so quickly. She needed him. 'I do feel something for Raphael. I know he's the one. And he's also the one who's going to help me take down Captain Filch once and for all...'

To Be Continued in Chapter 2! In-depth reviews are highly appreciated! Please be specific on what you think; if you liked this chapter, say why, how so, etc. Please please no more "where's the next chapter" type reviews! I beg you, none of those! DO NOT LEAVE 'REVIEWS' ASKING WHEN THE NEXT CHAPTER WILL BE OR WHY I TOOK SO LONG TO UPDATE, THOSE ARE NOT A REAL REVIEWS!
Keep reading to find out more on the story! Until next time. ^_^

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