Poseidon POV

Hestia and I were in her temple discussing some important business, "The titans will rise soon sister, and we both know Gaea will follow suite" I said to Hestia, "will the primordials help us?" she asked, "we have no means of contacting them and even if we did some of them may support Gaea" I said grudgingly "Of course" she said "we do not want this war to escalate to such extreme bloodshed".

"And so we must fight them alone" I said, Hestia walked closer to me keeping her eyes on me carefully "We have defeated Gaea and her spawn before, what truly worries you brother?" she asked.

I turned quickly "Nothing of importance" I lied, "it's just… I have been having these troubling dreams", "Gods do not dream" Hestia said worriedly "and that is why they trouble me" I muttered, "what happens in these, dreams" Hestia asked curiously, "it isn't that clear" I said trying to explain "it's not events or actions I see, I just, feel fragments of emotions, fear, destruction, hate and then… it doesn't matter" I said trying to shake Hestia's interest.

"Go on what is it" Hestia said eagerly, "what else do you dream of", I paced awkwardly "it doesn't even make sense" I said "let alone matter", Hestia stepped forth blocking me from leaving "You were once the god of prophecy Poseidon, and I doubt you gave all your power to Apollo, it is quite likely this is important so please brother tell me what do you dream of?" she said.

I turned away and mumbled my answer, "What?" she asked straining to hear, "I said I dream of 3".