A/N: Idk I was having feelings last night because I had just finished watching Tangled (I swear that's my favorite Disney movie) and I just wanted to write family fluff about affection and plus i didn't want to get rusty with my writing skills. So yeah, this is basically just 500+ words of fluff & yeah. Anyway, enjoy!

A/N: I am so mad that they don't have a genre labeled 'fluff'. They should :c

Leo thinks that the best thing about having a big family is that everyone shows their affection in different ways. At times, it can seem like they're immensely cruel, but Leo knows it's different.

He sees it in the way Adam ruffles Chase's hair after they finish an argument, and he sees it in the way Bree puts up with her brother's childish antics. It's not entirely different with Eddie. His insults can be scalding, almost to the point of hurting feelings, but he makes up for it by protecting them later on, when it's really needed.

Tasha, his mother, is the most touchy out of all of them. She chooses to express her feeling with hugs, or putting her hands on their shoulders. When she's relieved that they didn't die from an extremely dangerous mission, they're all subjected to a cuddle session in the living room while they binge watch movies on Netflix. And they all put up with it because it's what they need too.

Davenport's the most different. He shows his affection in his words, tone of voice, and facial expressions. When he's concerned, his brows furrow and there's a definite tinge of worry as he asks them all if they're okay. Leo sees it a lot when Douglas gets close to the kids or when they glitch out badly. He may seem to only care for himself, but Leo can tell that that's only his outer shell. Once one gets to know him, they're able to tell exactly how he's feeling.

Chase likes to talk things out. Although he can be a bit of a pain when he's acting superior, Chase knows when to stop and when to communicate with someone if they need to vent. He's the best at giving advice, though when it comes to romance he's unreliable. But with almost anything else, he's there to help when anyone needs it. Leo suspects that this might be part of the reason why Davenport made Chase team leader.

Bree shows her affection in different ways, Leo has noticed. From the way she puts up with the pranks, to the way she's always there when they need her. From the way she smiles, amused, at their actions, to the way she won't hesitate to tell them when they're being too much. She's the kind of sister that he always wished he had when he was younger, and he's glad to have her now.

And Adam? Adam shows it by protecting them and stepping up when it's needed. Adam's not the sharpest tool in the box, but he has his moments when he focuses and keeps them safe. Sometimes he acts like that's the only thing that's important, and Leo knows this because when they battled Marcus and Chase got hurt, Adam was ready to do what he had to to ensure they left safely.

And Leo appreciates that. As he sits with the family in the living room, he definitely feels the love.

"Leo," Chase says, voice sounding curious, "You've been smiling for like, ten minutes. What's up?"

"'S nothing," he replies, and then when Chase shrugs and focuses his attention on the movie once more, he sighs softly, comfortable.

He never thought he'd reach this sort of happiness, but here he is, reaching it.

A/N: I wrote this last night at one in the morning while I was half asleep, so I apologize for any spelling errors, any grammar mistakes, or anything that legitimately did not make sense to whoever's stuck with this short thingy to then end. I appreciate it 3

A/N: Also, reviews are my life force, so you guys should leave me some *Wink wink*