Seven Devils

Summary: The Cardinal suspects the Queen's pregnancy is anything but a miracle and plots his revenge against her and the musketeers. D'Artagnan has trouble getting over his love for Constance, Porthos tries to get Flea to leave the court of miracles behind her like he did, Athos is still working out his issues with Milady and Aramis tries to find a way to keep the Queen and his future son safe. Set after the events of season 1.

Disclaimer: Not mine or there would be more episodes by now.

Lots of thanks to my beta Vesper

Chapter 1: Heroes and Cons

'It's these musketeers who will ruin France' The Cardinal was impatiently pacing through his chambers. He'd said it before and now, as it turned out, he was right. Only a few days ago the Queen had spared his life because she believed in his sincere devotion to the country of France, but she'd soon regret her decision when it would be her and that filthy Musketeer awaiting execution themselves.

The Cardinal wasn't a fool. He'd seen the way the Queen and that lowly Musketeer had stared at each other and he knew that the Queen's unexpected pregnancy was anything but a miracle. He just didn't have enough evidence to prove it yet. That's why he'd sent some of his best red guards to the monastery where the musketeers had been held under siege by the men he'd hired to kill the Queen. He'd also got someone to follow her and each of the four musketeers she seemed to have bonded with over the past few days since her rescue.

The Cardinal was sure that in a matter of days he'd finally have his revenge and then, with the Queen and those pesky musketeers out of the way, he'd finally be the most powerful man in France. The thought of this alone was enough to bring a big, sadistic grin to his face as he continued pacing through his chambers, waiting in anticipation for the news his men would bring him.

"Have you ever noticed that there's always the same group of people in the bar every night of the week?" Athos wondered aloud as he sat down at their usual table.

"Us," Porthos laughed as he removed his feet from the chair opposite him so D'Artagnan could sit down.

D'Artagnan followed Athos' gaze and saw a small group of four men standing around a table near the entrance of the bar. None of them had any drinks in their hands and they didn't seem to be conversing with each other either. He didn't recognize any of them.

"I haven't seen them before," he said, turning his attention back to his own friends, with the exception of Aramis, who'd been unusually quiet the past few days and was absent from their usual evening spent at the local tavern. "But that's probably because unlike you… I don't feel the need to come to here every night to drown my sorrows," he said in a jokey manner.

Porthos' heavy laughter echoed through the bar and he playfully punched D'Artagnan in the shoulder. "No, but waiting outside Madame Bonacieux's house all night in the hopes you might catch a glimpse of her is a much better way to drown your sorrows," he shot back.

D'Artagnan felt his cheeks turn red; he didn't know his friends were that well informed of his nightly activities. He looked at Athos who gave him a knowing smile. D'Artagnan could tell he was still bothered about the group of men he'd claimed to have seen before.

"Where's Aramis?" Porthos asked after a minute or two of silence. He turned around in his seat to see if his missing friend was anywhere in the bar, charming a woman perhaps, but found no one even looking the least bit similar to his best friend.

This seemed to draw Athos' attention away from the group of men he'd been eyeing suspiciously ever since they arrived. He knew exactly where Aramis was and why he hadn't come with them tonight. Ever since Aramis had said his farewells to the Queen a couple of days ago, the Musketeer hadn't been the same and everyone around him noticed it.

"He was feeling ill so he decided to stay at the garrison tonight," Athos explained. He was the only one who knew what had transpired between the Queen and Aramis and they had both silently agreed it should stay that way. Besides, Athos wasn't completely lying to his friends; Aramis really wasn't feeling all that well. In the past two days Athos had had to talk Aramis out of going back to the palace to see Queen Anne at least trice. Suddenly Athos couldn't remember why he'd thought it was a good idea for him to go to the bar whilst his love-struck friend was all alone back at the garrison. Unguarded.

"I'd better go check up on him," Athos suddenly announced as he jumped up from his seat.

Porthos eyed him warily. "We only just got here," he said. He had the same look on his face as the day that they had waited for Aramis near the palace, when they all thought he'd been saying goodbye to some other woman, Charlotte. Porthos clearly knew there was something amiss.

D'Artagnan on the other hand, didn't know Athos and Aramis nearly as well as Porthos did and seemed oblivious to whatever it was that was going on. "He's a grown man, I'm sure he can take care of himself," D'Artagnan smiled.

Athos sighed, keeping secrets from friends wasn't nearly as easy as he'd thought. Deciding not to start another discussion, he grabbed his hat from the table and bid both his friends a good night. They stared after him until he was out of sight.

It was a lot colder outside now that the sun had fully set. Athos wrapped his cloak tightly around his body, bidding goodnight to the small group of women that were chatting away outside. He quickly rounded a corner which led to a small ally behind the tavern. He pressed himself against the wall, waiting to see if any of the men he'd seen before would follow him. Instead he suddenly felt a strong arm wrapping itself around his neck and a gloved hand against his mouth to keep him from crying out. Athos was pulled further into the shadows. He was preparing to break free from his attackers death grip and fight back, when the arm around his neck loosened.

"We're being followed," Aramis whispered, shooting a glance over Athos' shoulder to see if anyone was eavesdropping.

Athos stared blankly at his friend before letting out heavy sigh. He was not amused.

"The men in the tavern," Athos finally answered, glad he wasn't the only one who had noticed something wasn't quite right.

If Aramis was surprised by Athos's knowledge he didn't show it "They've been following us around for at least two days," he added absentmindedly without looking at Athos. His thoughts went back to everything that had happened in those two days. From the Queen's kidnapping to her unsuspected pregnancy and especially the vile look he'd received from the cardinal when he found him and the Queen saying their farewells to each other.

After a minute or two, when it was clear nothing was going to happen and the men, whoever they were, still hadn't shown up, Athos loudly cleared his throat. This brought Aramis back to the present and he raised his eyebrows at his friend.

"What are you doing out here anyway?" he asked suspiciously.

"I was going to check up on you" Athos casually replied, looking his friend straight in the eye.

"I'm touched," Aramis mocked as he placed his right hand over his heart with a big grin plastered on his face. "You were afraid I was going to sneak away and visit the palace weren't you?" he added after a beat.

Athos noticed Aramis use of the word 'palace' instead of naming the person he was really going to visit but decided to let it go for now.

"Were you?" he asked his friend sincerely.

Aramis pretended to be hurt, but it wasn't long before he started grinning again "Nah, wouldn't dream of it." He patted Athos on the shoulder and together the musketeers took off towards the garrison.

Neither of them paid any mind to the small, blonde haired woman who was the only one left of the small group Athos had crossed before. Flea was sure there was some good money to be made by passing this information through to the right people.

To be continued…

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