Ok, so you'll guys hated for like the rest of your lives or until I choose this story to focus on. And sadly it's not this story! The story I'll be working on is The Dragon & The Slayer, if you haven't read it you should. People say they love it, I one and a half pages of review; 21 reviews!

I would love it if you guys could help me focus on that story, like if I'm taking too long to update curse me out. Seriously, maybe along the lines of;

"What in the name of fucking hell is take you so god damn long? Get your ass into gear and update this fucking story! You fucking bitch!"

Yup, you guys can totally say that and I won't get offended at all. No, really I won't. I' been called that too many to find the meaning behind it and I sometimes call myself that when I fail to update. But then I get depressed that I'm a worthless writer who can't even update frequently.

The point is this story is on hold until I finish The Dragon & the Slayer:

Layla was human, right? Jude is Lucy's father, right? Acnologia was always the bad guy, right? What does the dragon's civil war have anything to do with Lucy and Layla? Read and learn the truth with all the Dragon Slayers. The poll for Lucy has come to an end and the winner is...Read it for yourself and you'll love the answer!

Fairy Tail - Rated: T - English - Family/Romance - Chapters: 3 - Words: 3,345 - Reviews: 21 - Updated: 4/24/2014 - Published: 9/19/2013 - Lucy H.

Hopefully I get back to my others before writing a new story, oh god, my mind is filled to the brim with new story ideas but I'll try to hold them back until I'm finished with the stories I've already started.

Everyone, thank you for your support!

I love you all!