Sitting at his desk, sulking, he had his head buried in his arms as he thought dreaming would be better than living. He was upset—really really upset for several reasons. One of them was because he couldn't find that blonde woman he saw earlier that day and the other was Gray trying to act like he was a good friend and give him some sort of present. He tried to bring him over to where he was saying he got a present but whatever it was, he didn't want it.

He was angry at Gray and he should get the hint that he didn't want to even talk to him.

Clicking his tongue in disapproval, he closed his eyes and took in a deep breath, trying to drift into his dream world until he couldn't tell the difference of the real world and the dream world.

It was supposed to be in his dream world but looking around, he was still in his office.


Suddenly, he heard a knock on the door and he ignored it as he didn't want to deal with anyone right now. Even if it was some kind of fire—his men could handle it themselves. It was probably Gray and he didn't want to deal with his stupid self.

"Natsu, I know you can hear me, damn it. Open the damn door 'cause it's locked and I have something important to show you."

"Go fuck yourself, ice-princess. I'm in the mood for your shit."

"This is important, I said! Open the goddamn door you fucking match-stick!"

"I said to go away you damn stripper. Take the hint and leave." He hissed as he looked at his brown wooden door as he knew the policeman was right on the other side. Listening closely, he could hear cursing and shifting as his sensitive ears picked up most of it.

Just then, he felt his body freeze when he heard a familiar female voice.

"You want me to call for him?"

"Yeah, I mean, I bet he'll open it for you."

"But Gray—"

"Try it."

A soft sigh was heard and soon another knock was heard and Natsu continued to stare as his head laid on the wooden desk. He was quite interested on this female who was with Gray and he couldn't help but stare and have his eyebrow raised the entire time.

"U—Uh... Natsu?"


"Can you please open the door for us? I really want to meet you..."

Her muffled voice sounded a bit weird since he heard it maybe once or twice in his opinion and he furrowed his brow, trying to see who it was that was with Gray. Who sounded like that, again?

"Who are you?"

"Just open the goddamn door and maybe you'll see!" Gray shouted from the other side as Natsu gave up and shoved himself away from his desk. He cursed and groaned as he walked towards the door, running his hand through his messy locks.

Once approaching the door and opening it, he leaned against the door with his fingers still combed through his locks.

"What the fuck do you want—?"

"Happy birthday!" Gray shouted as he shoved Lucy right in front of him as the couple both froze in their spots. Natsu had to go cross-eyed for a moment to get a glimpse but pulled away as he stumbled backwards, feeling the bile rise to his throat.

"W—what—"he sputtered in shock as he stared wide-eyed at the blonde who also stared with wide-eyes. She looked as shocked as he was and he couldn't deal with the surprise as he felt like throwing up. Natsu could only blink and grip the back of his chair that caught him as he stared at his dream girl. He was sure this was a dream—Lucy wasn't real. She was someone who would only appear in his dreams and now, how in the hell was she standing in front of her?

Oh yeah, he was dreaming—he was totally dreaming but why did it seem so real and why was he freaking out?

"H—holy shit..." He choked out, trying to believe it was a dream but no matter how much he pinched himself, she wouldn't disappear. "W—what is this..?!"

"N—Natsu," she whispered, her brown orbs growing watery as Natsu let out an inaudible gasp. "is it really you?"



"Lucy..! It's—it's really you! It's you! Lucy!" He got louder with each and every word as he pushed himself back to his feet and took two giant steps to embrace the woman he loved so much into his arms. He nuzzled himself into her neck and inhaled her sweet scent which always smelt like spring flowers and showers, her golden locks tickling his nostrils like it always did. He felt around her familiar curves and dips, feeling the warmth of the blonde to actually find out this wasn't a dream but reality.

He felt her arms encircling around his shoulders and heard the choked sobs as he also felt the sob coming up.

"Y—you don't know... you don't know how long I've been dreaming of this... of you... of you and me, together." She cried into his shoulder as he felt his entire body grow cold and his heart swell, his arms tightening around her as he nuzzled himself deep into her. "I—I dreamt of you... you and me for two years... you were so warm... so nice... so loving... and now I'm feeling all of it... it can't be true."

"Lucy," he whispered he pulled her away and grabbed the sides of her face to dip down and press his lips against hers.

They felt real and soft and warm and so loving that Natsu was no convinced this was no dream.

Their lips molded perfectly with each other and their tongue's danced, making their mouth tingle with delight when they pulled away.

Their eyes locked and Natsu cried softly making Gray stare in shock as Lucy laughed with tears rushing down her face, her small hands holding him tightly against her. "You're real," she whispered softly making him nod and chuckle. "You're real, too."

"I love you."

"I love you so much more," he stated, grabbing her hand tightly to kiss it and press it against his grinning mouth. Soon, the couple's attention was pried away from one another as they realized they weren't alone and there was somebody standing by the door.

Gray merely smirked smugly as if he was proud and Natsu smirked back, as if the two were communicating in their own way.

Untangling himself from the love of his life, he made his way towards Gray and gave him the biggest bear hug he ever had given him. As if they hugged anyways and Gray accepted it.

"Thank you so much, bro. You found her for me—I can't thank you enough!"

"You really don't have to," Gray chuckled as he gave his back a hard pat. "she found me."

"What do you mean?"

"I came to Magnolia in the search of you, Natsu." Lucy came in, peering over his shoulder as she smiled innocently at the two as Natsu gathered her in his arms again. He pressed his lips against her forehead and smiled lovingly. "What do you mean?"

"I've been looking for you for a while now and when I found out your name and identity, I took the first train here. Though, I didn't look for you right away because I didn't know you'll be here—I looked for Gray first. Luckily I found him and he brought me to you so, thank you, Gray Fullbuster. I love you."

"I love you too, Lucy."

"Hey, she's mine." Natsu growled protectively as Lucy laughed. "You're exactly how I dreamt of you as... protective, obnoxious, handsome... oh so loving." She brushed the back of her hand against his cheek as he gazed at her, smiling softly. "The same as you... but you're one hundred times more beautiful than in my dreams... I can't believe you're actually here. With me, in my arms."

"Have you been dreaming of me since... y'know, two years ago?"

"Yes. I remember how I met you like it was yesterday," he chuckled as he twirled a strain of blonde hair on his finger. "did you meet me the same?"

"I remember I was in a crowd full of girls crowding around some guy that was famous. You broke in the crowd thinking it was someone else and my attention was on you ever since. You took me away to some cafe and it trailed out from there... I got multiple dreams about you. I loved you in multiple scenarios and I vow I will love you in every way possible in real life."

"Nashi," he whispered towards her making her blush. "yes, her as well."

"Okay—looks like something is going to happen with you two and I think I better go before I get caught up with it." Gray suddenly announced making the two look towards the policeman. "Don't break too many things and remember, you're in the firehouse. Don't be too loud," he winked at Lucy as she blushed and laughed, leaving the couple alone as Natsu chuckled.

"He's an idiot."

"How do you know, Gray?"

"I've known him since I was a kid... you roomed with him in College, right?" He murmured as their lips hovered over each others, Lucy giggling slightly. "Yes."

"He better have not pulled a move on you."

"I've hooked up with Gray multiple times, Dragneel."

"Are you serious?!" He shouted in disbelief as he pulled away from her in a heartbeat as Lucy laughed. "No! I was kidding! Well, uh, actually—"

"What are you trying to say?" He eyed her specifically as Lucy smiled sheepishly. Natsu gawked in disbelief as she blushed at the memory. "Gray and I go way back, Natsu, remember. And it's College! You do all sorts of College experiments!" She defended herself as Natsu growl and started to approach her. "Fine then—let's do some experimenting ourselves."


"Lets make something, together. Something only a man and woman can make." He smirked, his dark eyes twinkling as Lucy backed away. "W—what?"

"Let's build Nashi."

The last thing that was heard in the room was something being knocked over and the two were completely absorbed in a different world which involved only her and him.

"Lets make our dreams into reality."

"You just read my mind."

Leaning against her hand, Levy sighed as the business was slow and steady. Ever since Lucy left with her beautiful creations, the restaurant has been dead and slowly going downhill. They still pulled through but without Lucy, it was just so empty and dull.

She's been officially gone for a week now and everyone missed her. Even the costumers but she's gone to find her dream.

Levy couldn't blame her at all.

Suddenly, her phone vibrated in her pocket making her attention shift towards her phone.

She knew there was a strict policy of no phone during work but nobody was present anyways. So without anymore second thoughts, she flipped her phone out and looked at the text.

Her eyes widen when she noticed it was from Lucy and there was something attached to the text. Curious, she opened the text and pressed the attachment as her entire body went cold.

Staring at the attachment, it was a photo of Lucy and Natsu, both grinning like fools and holding each other as if they were heads over heels in love.

Lucy looked so happy and the male next to her looked the exact same.

Right below the picture, it captioned something that made her scream and go find Mirajane to tell her the good news and ask her for train tickets to Magnolia.

I guess this is what it means to make your dreams into reality... i found my dream and i made it into reality. meet Natsu Dragneel, the love of my life and my future-husband.

notes: damn, i had sooo much fun writing this! i hope all of you liked this chapter and aren't too sad that i already ended it! thank you so much for the support and love, i swear i'll have other stories updated soon because my summer vacation starts this week!

much love to all and don't forget to leave the last and final review. :)