Chase's pov

Whoa and my family thought I was crazy. Mr. Davenport apparently needed to state the fact that he crazier by smiling like a loon and excitedly talking to himself. Ahh.. when is my family gonna learn that it's not a good thing to snap their fingers in front of my face when i'm lost in thought. "Congrats Chase." " I can't believe it". Huh…

"You spaced out what we said didn't you?" Yeah. "You just discovered your third hidden ability, creating illusions." See when Leo said something about a rat you thought of a rat therefore you created an illusion of a rat and it just so happens that creating illusions was the only hidden ability that I knew you had," Mr. Davenport explained. Seriously how many hidden abilities do I have? "Well you were the third one so Douglas put a lot of hidden codes in your chip." How did you know about this one? "This is one I created that I was sure Douglas gave to you and no I don't know about any other hidden abilities you guys have," Mr. Davenport answered. Great another ability equals more training. "Yup, as soon as we get to my secret facility we train and that goes for all of you." Everyone including me groaned.

At The Warehouse

" We won't be able to stay here long, six months at the most, " Mr. Davenport announced. Wait we don't have our capsules won't we glitch without them? I ask Mr. Davenport. He flashes a grin before replying. "Well lucky for you three you have the most awesome, handsome, genius, billionaire, scientist, inventor dad ever." "See thought ahead and prepared for this," he says while pulling out three boxes each having a capital A, B, or C on them. He hands us each a box which had a necklace inside with the Davenport industries 3 interlocked red circles logo on them. They also had our first initials on them. He explained that they work like our capsules as long as we wear them. What's the catch? "No catch." Okay, but if these thing blows up and kills me it's on you.

Mr. Davenport's pov

I was a little dissapointed at the fact that the kids didn't trust me. Oh well I need to work with Chase. Alrighty then, Chase time to train, I say. K is all I get in response. time skip I was a little surprised at how fast Chase managed to control his knew ability. I mean yeah he's the smartest person in the world, but still. I did notice how Chase seemed a little uncomfortable and he mouthed off to me a few times during training which is highly unusual. Whatever he's probably just frustrated and tired. It's been a long day. Although he seemed nervous like he was hiding something. Hmm...


Hey honey can I tell you something crazy? I asked my wife. "Sure sweetie what is it." So the other yesterday when I was training with Chase and he kept mouthing off and complaining like a... "teenager," she interrupted. No, it was different he seemed nervous and uncomfortable like something was bothering or he was hiding something. "Honey he's a teenager he's not going to tell us everything and if it's really bothering you try talking to him about it." Pff... and I thought I was talking crazy, that's a good one Tasha. I look up to see her frowning, Oh your serious. She just gives me a duh expression and nods her head before turning back to finish making breakfast. Did I mention my warehouse has top of the line everything. I'm Awesome!

A/N Okay so it's not as long as I hoped bu... whoa it's dark out. Okay then, Well now that it's summer i'll have more time to write so expect more updates and longer, intenser chapters. Ps I'd like to send a shout out to smile or else who helped me decide on Chase's knew ability. "Tries walking casually off stage gets blinded by light falls off stands up and walks away awkwardly like nothing happened."