Hi, so to any readers out there that follow Fractured I just want to let you know that I have not forgotten about the story. I have in fact hit a very very bad writers block with the story. So in hopes to get my juices flowing I thought I would post this story.
This story is purely for myself. It bases around ideas of a story I wanted to publish once fractured was all finished up. This unlike my most of my others stories is not planned out. Most of the ideas and story lines float around in my head but I haven't even thought about putting this story into motion until today. so there are no set guidelines on updates or anything, I'm just hoping that this helps my writers block and if it does brilliant. I will then finish both this story and Fractured (as unfinished stories are my pet hate)
I hope everyone enjoys...
They were brothers. Blood. It was them against the world, nothing could come between them...or so they thought.
Three Hearts one Love
It's just a little Crush
Haley watched him from behind as his eyes wondered away from the calculus test paper he was supposed to be concentrating on to the Harley clock on his bedroom wall. This was the fifth time she had caught him doing this action and she knew that it had nothing to do with checking how long he had left to finish the test. She sighed sadly to herself.
"You should be concentrating on the test Sam." Their was a little annoyance in her voice. She could hear it herself and mentally she cursed herself for it. But all was forgotten when her best friend looked over his shoulder at her and gave her that smile. The smile that warmed her from head to toe and made her remember exactly why this guy was her best friend above anything else. Above a stupid little crush.
"Come on Hales can't we just finish this another time. Please." He pleased as the famous smile turned into a pout.
Haley rolled her eyes and shook her head. "No." It was her typical no nonsense answer. Sam smiled to himself as he turned his attentions back to the mock test she had set him. When it came to studies Haley did not see the funny side especially when it came to him trying to mug it off.
"You want to graduate don't you?" That was usually her reply when he complained like a child about studying. And normally it worked because no matter what else- or who else- he would rather be doing at that moment he really did want to graduate. Not just to celebrate with his friends- Haley- but because only once he graduated was he allowed to prospect for the Sons Of Anarchy, Samcro. Only after graduating was he allowed to get a chance to follow in the footsteps of his late farther, brother and step-farther according to his mothers rules. And not matter how annoying these little pop tests that his best friend gave him were, he would not let anything get in his way. Although that being said he was currently missing out on crucial make-out time with one of the hottest girl in school. He was getting blue balls just thinking about it. So with another glance at the clock- twenty minutes late already- Sam looked back at the test paper in front of him. 8 more questions to answer.
Fuck it.
Taking the pencil he randomly circled one of the choices in the multiple choice based questions.
"Done." He said triumphantly as he dropped the pencil on the desk and cockily turned in the swivel chair to face his best friend. He smiled at the annoyance on her face. He couldn't help it.
"Come on Hales." He got his feet grabbing the leather jacket off the back of his chair and sliding over his fitted white tee. He picked up the paper looking back at her. She looked at him, the annoyance still there but her eyes softening ever so slightly.
"Fine." She signed taking the paper from him. "But next time your taking a double test in whatever subject I say and no bitching from you." And there was that smile of hers again. He did love that smile.
"Your the best Hales. Catch up with you later." Sam hurried out the room and was halfway down the hall when he suddenly stopped. "Shit." He mumbled to himself as he headed back to his room where Haley was in the middle of packing her books away in her khaki back pack that was covered in drawings and badges. He smiled she'd had that bag for years. Half those badges on there he had given her.
"It's okay I can walk." Haley knew that in his haste to get to his girlfriend he had forgotten that he had promised to take her home after they finished studying.
"No Haley you can't." Sam reasoned.
Sam looked at the clock again it was nearly 30 minutes after the time he had arranged to meet Christie. Taking Haley home would add another 25 minutes to that. Which would result in Christie being pissed and therefore meaning that his chances of getting passed second base was going to be a whole lot harder...not impossible, he was a Teller, but it would defiantly take that bit more effort on his part.
But then he heard the door open down the hall. His problems solved. "Come on." Heading down the hallway with Haley hot on heels.
"Hey Bro." Jax looked over his shoulder from his position in front of the fridge.
He registered the look straight away. His little brother wanted something. "What?"
Smirking to himself Sam pulled Haley from behind him and tucked her smaller frame against his larger one.
"Hi Jax." Jax nodded to her before turning fully to face the pair. The contents of the fridge forgotten as he tried to suss out what it was his little brother and his sidekick wanted.
"Well this this lovely lady needs a ride home."
"And you can't do that because?"
"Because I'm heading out and I'm already late." Jax watched his little brother start to grow impatient. Clearly he wasn't impressed or comfortable with the question considering the way he was fidgeting. "Jax come on man..."
"It's okay I can walk." Jax's attention straight away went to the younger girl. The girl who he had known since she had been born, the girl he along with his brother had grown up with. A girl he considered family. A girl who's safety he would never risk. And her walking two blocks away was the opposite of that. He just wanted to pull his little brothers chain a bit.
"Nah I'll take you darlin' no problem."
"Good." Sam sighed releasing Haley from his hold. "I'm outta here." He drops a peck on Haley's temple before moving towards his brother. "Thanks bro." He slaps his brother on the arm and heads out the door. Jax didn't miss the way Haley watched Sam leave. The crush obvious to him if not to Haley or Sam.
"So where's he heading?" Jax asked reverting to his original plan of making a sandwich and giving his full attention to the ingredients that lay in his mothers fridge.
"Hot date with Christie Carmichael." And there came the bitterness.
"Ahh...the double C." Jax remarked over his shoulder as he pulled his favoured ingredients.
"Apparently in every sense." Haley mumbled under her breath.
Subconsciously Haley folded her arms over her smaller chest. She was just scraping by a B cup. It probably didn't help that she was a year younger than everyone in her graduating class thanks to her intelligence in her younger years catapulting her above her actual grade, but that it did not stop Haley Parker feeling inadequate compared to the other girls in her year especially Christie Carmichael... Double C the nickname all the boys gave her. Not that Haley could blame them she was beautiful and her breasts well they were something Haley wished she could have if only to get Samuel Teller to notice her for anything but his best friend.
It hadn't always been this way. There was a point when the were actual just best friends with none of the other crap thrown in. But one day it changed and one day she started noticing what all the other girls started noticing about the younger the Teller.
But even if she had noticed him Sam had ever see anything but the best friend he had known for his whole life.
It's just a little crush.
That was the mantra she chanted to herself almost everyday. But it was times liker his. Times where he seemed so willing to go after other girls and forget all about her that she could not stop that little sting to her heart.
"You wanna join me?" Haley looked up to see Jax staring at her. He had that look, the same look he always had when he was around to witness one of her Self-deprecating moments. She still couldn't make it out.
"No I'm fine."
"You gonna make me at alone?" Jax teased. Glad when he saw that smile of hers. That smile that...well he wasn't quite sure how to describe it but he defiantly liked it.
"Okay." she removed her backpack placing it on the floor. "What are we having?"
They had eaten in pretty much silence but Haley finished her last bite of the monstrous meal which consisted of a triple sandwich of dill pickle, ham, crisp salad, onion with dill mustard and mayo finish with a bag of chips Haley had to speak as she placed her used up plate on the coffee table in front of them.
"That was so good. I never knew you were so good in the kitchen Jackson Teller." The complimentary comment made him chuckle as he to placed his plate on the coffee table.
"Thanks sweetheart." He hated that she was acting the way she was. Ever since his littler brother had walked out the door...she was upset, hurt. He knew that feeling all too well. She didn't deserve that. "So uh...my brother..."
"Is failing his classes." Haley wasn't stupid she knew what Jax was trying to dig into. Jax knew she had a crush but that was it just it...it was just a little crush. Nothing was going to spoil what they had. What they all had. "That's the only reason I'm pissed." Haley said firmly hoping Jax got the drift to drop the subject. He did. In fact he went silent. Uncomfortable Haley continued. "So how are things with you?" Haley was timid with her questioning because in all fairness things with Jax had not been good since Tara had left for Chicago 9 months ago. And Haley did worry. She liked Jax, cared for him. Sam had told how messed up Jax had been regarding the whole situation. Shit she had seen it with her own eyes and it had scared her.
Worst part of it all she actually liked Tara Knowles.
"I'm all good sweetheart."
For some reason Jax did not want to talk about Tara with Haley and he couldn't even explain why, all he knew was that he enjoyed the young girls company...her innocence even. Something about how clean she was made him feel better about himself.
"Come on lets get you home."
Haley followed him to his old beat up truck...or rather John Tellers truck. It was something Jax had inherited after the older man had passed away. That sadness still weighed heavy on her heart just like her own mothers death had when she was 4. You never got over a loss of a parent. Although as she climbed into the passenger side of the truck she couldn't help but smile.
Jax's pride and joy...his Dyna stood still in drive way. Anyone else Haley knew that Jax would have made them ride bitch but clearly her dads warning from years ago still rang clear in the Teller boys minds.
The short drive was silent apart from the dull sound of the country music playing on the radio. Jax unlike Sam let her listen to the music she liked and she liked that. Sam at the moment was all about Nevada.
Jax pulled into Haley's driveway."Home sweet home."
"Thank you again Jax, you didn't have to."
"I know." Haley grabbed her bag and went to slip out of the truck when she felt a hand grab her wrist. She turned to look back over her shoulder. "My brother is dick if he doesn't see it."
"See what."
"See you?"