AN: I don't know what I'm doing. Enjoy!
It was Misty Day who had wandered into her room and sat on her bed. Although Cordelia was shocked to find someone in her room, she wasn't surprised that it was the only witch in the entire school who had actually talked to her.
The taller blonde looked a little nervous and Cordelia thought back to their conversation earlier in the day and how nervous the other girl had looked when she had run out of the dining room and away from her.
"Misty?" Cordelia said and closed the door behind her.
The other witch seemed to come to life at her words and quickly stood up, "Cordelia I'm sorry for going in here without your permission, but I need to talk to you about what I said at breakfast, is that alright with you?"
Cordelia walked closer to Misty and sat down at the end of her bed, "Of course we can talk."
Misty relaxed and sat down on the bed as well, crossing her legs in the process.
"Listen, I said too much when we talked before, things that neither you nor anyone else should have heard. But now I guess the cat is already outta the bag
"So you're here to intimidate me?"
"Well that was my first thought," She said and smiled, "but I was taught to only pick a fight with someone my own size, so you're lucky I'm taller than you."
Cordelia laughed heartily, it was hard to imagine Misty threatening someone, let alone hurt another living being. The other girl chuckled but soon they were laughing loudly together.
As the first of them to calm down Cordelia said, "Well if you aren't going to threaten me or beat me up, then what do you plan on doing to me?" She was surprised by how flirtatious and confident she sounded.
Misty blushed slightly and looked down at her hands so the other girl wouldn't notice. "I was kinda hoping that maybe the two of us could be friends, you know team up against the others?"
Cordelia took a good long look at the other witch in front of her and decided that she liked what she saw; Misty's hair was a mess of thick long curls and Cordelia was sure that she had seen a feather in there somewhere. Her clothes were worn and colourful and a white shawl was hanging slightly off her shoulders. She looked wild and untamed, the exact opposite of Cordelia's controlled and perfect behavior and appearance, but for some reason she was drawn to Misty like a moth to a flame. Perhaps the wild would do her some good.
"Of course we can Misty, although I hardly think it's 'us against them'. I mean we're all student here and part of the coven." Cordelia said and stood up to find her cardigan.
Misty stood up as well, walked over to the window and looked down at the garden below where some of the children were outside playing with a ball without ever actually touching it. "You haven't really met any of the others yet have you? There are some mean bitches out there, who don't share your idea of a 'tight knit sisterhood'."
Cordelia didn't know what the others had said or done to Misty so she decided to change the subject before the other witch became too upset.
"Misty where are you from? You have a very unique accent and I just can't place it."
"Louisiana actually, I'm of Cajun descent so that must be where the accent comes from." Misty said and turned towards the other blonde.
"Yeah that must be it," Cordelia said and walked over to the window "how did you end up here at the Academy then?"
The taller witch sighed and touched her shawl, "Well now that we are friends," she said and smiled "and because of what I have already said, I might as well tell you the rest of the story. I have a unique gift, or at least that is what Miss Watson calls it, but … I can bring dead animals back to life."
She looked up to see the shorter girl's reaction and she wasn't disappointed; Cordelia's mouth had dropped open at her words and she couldn't help but laugh at the sight of her new friend's surprise.
"That's a very rare gift Misty." Cordelia said when she had snapped out of her haze "I've never heard of anything like that before. Is it limited to animals or can you bring back people as well?"
Misty's smile fell at the question, "I've never had the chance to try that, and I hope I never will." She said and walked back to the bed.
Cordelia mentally chastised herself and followed the other witch back to her bed. "I'm sorry Misty, I shouldn't have asked."
"It's alright Cordelia, you're naturally curious I understand." She said and smiled reassuringly to the other blonde. "Anyway back to the story. Someone from my neighborhood discovered my powers, and they thought I was possessed by the devil or somethin', so they decided to burn me alive …"
Cordelia listened silently as Misty told the story of how she was burned at the stake by friends, neighbors – even family. And she felt an overwhelming sadness for the girl in front of her who had been through a horrible ordeal in the last month - she couldn't even begin to imagine the betrayal Misty must have felt.
When the taller witch was done telling her story Cordelia surprised the both of them by leaning over and enveloping Misty in her arms. It was odd hugging someone she hadn't even known for a day, but she had the feeling that they both needed it.
They had left Cordelia's room shortly after and had headed for the library. On the way there Misty mentioned that she had visited the library many times in the last couple of days.
"There are so many exciting things to read about in here." She said and opened the door for Cordelia, "Back when I first found out that I was a witch, I thought I was the only one. But this room is proof of how many of us have existed and for how long; some of these books I can't even tell the date of because they're that old!"
Cordelia smiled at the taller witch's enthusiasm and followed her over to an odd looking book in a small glass case.
Misty leaned over and whispered in her ear; "This book here is one of the oldest in the library, and it's supposedly bound in human skin."
Cordelia, a little distracted by Misty's raspy voice, took a moment to reply.
"Yeah, unless the others told me that to tease me."
The shorter blonde felt a pang of sadness in her chest for her knew friend. The Academy was supposed to be a haven for young witches, and a place for them to grow, but it seemed that Misty hadn't experienced any of that so far.
"I thought it would have been smaller." Cordelia said and took a closer look at the book.
Misty's left eyebrow rose in confusion, "You knew about it?"
"Yes, my Aunt told me about it once, she attended the school from she was thirteen." Cordelia said without thought. When Misty didn't say anything for a while she turned around to find the other witch staring at her in wonder.
"What?" She asked nervously, and was slightly confused by the taller girl's surprised expression.
Misty closed her mouth and smiled widely, "You mean to tell me that you grew up in a family of witches?"
Then it dawned for Cordelia; Misty had grown up as the only known witch in her family, and she had had no one to talk to about it. Of course she would be interested in knowing what it was like to grow up surrounded by people like herself.
"I did, yes. Both my mother and my aunt are witches, but it wasn't as exciting as it sounds."
"Not exciting?" Misty started, "It must have been amazing to be able to share everything with them. I bet you're very powerful –"
"Misty!" Cordelia said sharply, interrupting her friend before she could say anything else, "I really don't want to talk about it."
The taller girl looked hurt, but she nodded quickly and the two of them walked around the library in awkward silence for almost an hour before it was dinnertime.
"You just go on without me," Misty said "I'm not really hungry."
Not wanting to push the other girl, Cordelia nodded and went down the stairs and into the dining room alone. She grabbed one of the sandwiches from a tray and sat down at her 'usual' spot.
The two girls who sat at the other end of the table smiled at her, and she smiled back at them. The one with short brown hair opened her mouth to speak, but before any sound left her lips she was interrupted when three girls suddenly stood in front of Cordelia.
They were all fashionably dressed and every single one of them looked like a model. The girl closest to Cordelia had long dark hair in a tight ponytail and she was wearing what Cordelia thought was the world's shortest skirt. The two girls behind her were both blonde, and Cordelia recognized one of them from her first time eating at the Academy; it was the girl who had shifted in her seat so there was no more room for Cordelia at their table.
With a sinking feeling in her stomach she stood up as well, "Hi." She said carefully.
"You're the new girl right?" The dark haired girl said and sat down in the same place that Misty had been sitting at breakfast. The other two witches didn't sit down, but their intimidating looks made Cordelia sink back in her seat.
"Yes, my name is Cordelia."
"Cool, now listen. I can see that you are clearly from a good family." She said and gestured at the shorter blonde's clothes. Cordelia blushed in embarrassment, she didn't like when it was pointed out that she was from a well off family.
"So from one witch to another I would like to warn you against spending time with Misty Day, trust me that swamp rat will only drag you down, she's no good." The two blonde's behind her nodded in agreement and Cordelia had the feeling that the dark haired girl was the leader of their small group.
She was surprised by how aggressive they seemed and she could easily read how fake their smiles were.
"I'm sorry what was your name?" Cordelia asked.
"I'm Ainsley, and this is Rebecca and Harriet." She said and smiled even wider and Cordelia felt like she was looking at a predator trying to lure in innocent prey. She was not going to be prey she decided and took a deep breath.
"Ainsley what are you trying to say?"
"We're saying that if you want to then we'll totally be your friends, so you don't have to hang out with that Misty girl anymore. And then you can come sit at our table." They all giggled and Cordelia felt the hairs on her neck stand in warning.
"Listen, Ainsley, Rebecca and Harriet. I didn't come here to choose sides, I'm just here to learn and hopefully make some friends. But now that you brought it up yourself I will tell you that, we will not be friends and I will not be sitting at your table." She stood up feeling very confident in the moment, "Besides, I don't befriend bullies." Without looking another second at their surprised expressions, she turned around and walked towards the door.
When she had just rounded the corner she heard Ainsley yell after her "You just bought yourself a ticket to hell blondie!"
Though telling Misty's bully off had felt incredibly empowering, Cordelia felt like hitting her head against a wall; she had just created an enemy for herself. She had been at the Academy for less than two days but she had already made more enemies than friends.
AN: This chapter had been on my computer for more than two years, and I only touched it up a little, so sorry about that lol.