Say Nothing

By Shaz1

None of the recognised characters belong to me, they are all the property of CBS and Shane Brennan- no promises that I will return them unharmed but I will try my best!

This is the sequel to End of The Game- I genuinely am so thrilled at the response to that story, so thank you so much for all of your wonderful reviews!

Some expressed sadness at the end of the prequel to this one, but I wrote it that way for two reasons. Firstly Callen has always moved around, always found it difficult to settle- so how come there has not even been a thought of him moving on? Secondly he struggles to trust, refuses point blank to put trust in people and Hetty has constantly been beyond naughty in withholding information from him- he accepted that just a wee bit easily in the show for my liking!

Happy Easter everybody!

Anyway on with the story.

Say Nothing

"And you are completely certain that this is the path that you want to take Agent Callen?" Director Vance asked the younger man seriously.

"I wouldn't be here if I wasn't" Callen replied with a sigh, wincing as he shifted in his chair.

"I have concerns- your injuries for one" Vance stated- his hands clasped in front of him.

"Sir- we both know that the first stage is simply intel gathering, a busted wrist won't make any difference to that" Callen argued, determined that the op would go ahead.

"You and I both know that you have a tendency to get yourself into trouble even on the most basic of Ops" Vance commented with a small smile to show that there was no malice to his words. "That's why you are getting some backup from the word go" he added, raising his hand to stop the agent from arguing. "It is non-negotiable Agent Callen. You will have a partner and a task force that will remain in the background- with your wrist broken like that I shouldn't even authorise you to go in so take it or leave it" Callen sighed dramatically at the latest update- cursing his luck at getting injured on his latest mission.

"Fine- but the deal still stands, no one from OSP is to even know about this, or I am out"

"I am aware of that Callen and you have my word that they will know nothing about this" Vance promised.

"Who is the partner?" the younger man asked with a sigh.

"Well this is a joint operation so your partner is from the CIA. I hear that you two know each other and have proven how well you can work together" Vance stated with a grin and Callen groaned as realisation dawned and he had an awful feeling who he yet again going to be working with. Vance noticed the pained expression on the younger man's face, and got to his feet to move to the office door.

"Hello Callen" Trent Kort greeted with a smug grin.

"Kort" Callen reciprocated with a sigh.

"Since it seems I kind of owe you for saving my arse-I was given the opportunity to repay the favour" the CIA agent explained, sitting down beside his NCIS colleague. Callen sighed to himself again, not overwhelmed with joy at he prospect but he supposed it could be worse.

"How exactly are you going to fit in? You don't even speak Russian or Polish" Callen asked.

"As usual, we will get by" Kort replied with a grin. Callen couldn't help the small glimmer of dread that ran through him at the words.


Sam Hanna was in a foul mood- unfortunately for his colleagues his current slump had already gone on for over a week and showed no sign of abating- ever since his partner had walked out of the mission and none of them had heard from him. The former Navy Seal was beyond annoyed- he was seething. He was angry at his partner for walking away, Hetty for letting the agent down and himself for not being able to stop him.

"How long is this going to go on for?" Deeks muttered to his partner as the two made a fresh mug of coffee.

"Until Callen comes back or someone starts talking about what the hell is going on" Kensi whispered in response.

"Do you really think that Callen is going to come back?" the detective asked incredulously, knowing that the older agent was a stubborn man and once he made his mind up there was little chance of changing it.

"Without knowing exactly what has gone on I wouldn't like to guess" Kensi sighed, the whole thing was a mess- the team was falling apart before her eyes. The family that they had all built up together was ripped apart at the seams by Callen's departure and she wasn't sure if there would ever be a way to fix it.

"Have you heard from him?"

"Nope! I called round his place, it is just how it always was including his car on the drive- but no sign of him. His cell was left in his desk drawer and his passport hasn't been used either" the junior agent finished, her entire posture the picture if dejection.

"There will be a way to fix this Kens" Deeks vowed seriously.

"I am not so sure there is this time Deeks" she responded moving back to her desk along with a general aura of depression.


"I have to say Callen, I am excited about this op" Kort told his sometime friend as the two sat in the Washington bar.

"How did you even end up assigned it?" Callen asked, his displeasure obvious in his voice.

"I was approached when I returned to Langley for the debrief of our recent exploits- the powers that be were happy with how we worked together so decided to pair us up again. Come now Callen- don't look so peeved, at least you know you can trust me" Kort stated, one glance at the NCIS agents face said it all. "Well you can trust me as much as you trust anyone" he added to clarify his statement.

"It concerns me the way our paths suddenly keep crossing Trent" Callen stated, finally laying his cards on the table.

"It concerns me that you have upped sticks and walked out on your team- what's going on with you?" the older man asked, showing a rare glimpse of serious concern for his former colleague.

"That is none of your business Kort" Callen snapped, unwilling to reveal any information to the British man.

"It is if it affects your work Callen- I need to know that your head is in the game"

"This isn't a game" Callen argued.

"No G it isn't- this is far from being a game, people's lives are at stake so yes it is my business. If you don't want to be here, get on the next flight back to your family in LA and don't risk yourself or me on a mission that you are not focussed on" Kort stated calmly, understanding that something big was going on with the other agent.

"I don't have a family" Callen whispered, his voice cracking as his emotions snuck into his response.

"You and I both know that isn't true" Kort responded softly, getting to his feet and moving around the table. "I'll see you tomorrow my friend" he commented by way of good night squeezing the agent's shoulder on his way out of the door.

End Chapter One

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