Note: Well here is the final chapter. Thank you all for taking the time to read and review. I really appreciate them. I also like Amber, think it's time we saw a happy Danny. Thank you to TheDogo for the prod and to wenwalke for all the help and advise.

Disclaimer: I do not own H50.

Chapter Eight.

The rest of Danny's Ohana arrived 20 minutes later after Steve had checked with the doctor and called them. They entered the room to find Danny awake and Amber telling him off for fiddling with the oxygen mask.

"Danno." Grace cried as she ran over to the bed and took hold of his right hand, mindful of the arterial line.

"Hey monkey, how's your arm? You ok?" Danny said his reply muffled by the mask.

"It's fine Danno." She cheerfully replied holding up her newly scabbed over arm. "I do ache a bit all over though." She honestly replied.

Danny smiled at her then looked up at Jane entering the room.

"How about we swap out that mask for a nasal cannula so you can talk better, your oxygen levels are holding well."

"Thanks." Danny said relieved to be free from the claustrophobic feeling of the mask.

"How you feeling Danny?" Kono asked.

"Erm, tired I guess. A bit sore and overwhelmed by all this," He motioned to the medical equipment.

"Don't worry Danno it's all there to help you." Grace proudly stated. "Jane explained it all to me yesterday. She even let me help measure your pee."

Danny looked horrified. "Please tell me she's joking."

"Afraid not buddy," Steve sniggered.

Danny turned bright red and shifted slightly in bed causing the pain in his abdomen to flair.

"Hey don't worry about it Danny," Kono reassured. "After worrying we were going to lose you, we don't care what embarrassing tubes you have."

Danny smiled, then reached for his pain pump and pressed the button. As the pain receded back to a manageable level he glanced over at Rachel who was quietly hovering by the door.

"You ok Rach? Are you still mad at me?" He asked.

"What?" Rachel stammered. "I'm not mad at you. Danny, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have blamed you. I shouldn't have just presumed it was anything to do with you. I'm sorry I pushed you." She began to cry.

"Rach it's ok." Danny comforted, shocked at his ex's sudden breakdown.

"No it's not. You almost died saving our daughter. I blamed you and it was nothing to do with you." She sobbed.

"It wasn't?" He asked looking at his team and raising an eyebrow.

"No it wasn't Danny. I'm so sorry. It was one of Stan's ex employees." Rachel explained.

"What?" Danny asked, his anxiety given away by the heart monitor picking up speed.

"Danny calm down." Steve demanded. "No ones to blame. The guy was nuts."

"He went after Grace for revenge?" Danny asked a noticeable tremor to his voice.

"Yes." Chin answered. "You don't need to know the details yet Danny. Just that Grace and everyone are safe now. You look exhausted, please just get some rest."

"Ok. But I need Grace to do something for me first." He said turning to Grace. "Can you go give your mom a hug? I think she needs it."

Rachel looked at Danny as Grace walked over to her and enveloped her in a big hug. "Danny I, I'm still so sorry I blamed you." She stuttered.

"You were just in protective mom mode. I get it." He wearily answered.

They all watched as Danny struggled to keep his eyes open.

"Go to sleep Jersey." Amber instructed running her hand through Danny's hair to relax him.

"Mmm." He sleepily replied. "Love you monkey."

"Love you too, Danno."


Steve entered his partner's hospital room and watched him pushing his breakfast around the bowl with his left arm. His right arm now immobilised in a sling to protect his broken collar bone, now that Danny was more mobile.

Danny had spent two days in the ICU before being moved, late last night to a step down unit. While still pale Danny looked noticeably better. The NG tube had been removed much to Danny's delight and he was now allowed to start a light diet. The arterial and central lines had also been removed and replaced with a BP cuff and peripheral cannula. The cardiac monitoring was still in place as well as the nasal cannula and much to Danny's disgust so was the catheter.

Steve had been a constant at Danny's side, but had finally agreed to go home for the night once Danny had been moved out of the ICU.

"Two days I've had to listen to you rant about not being able to eat and now you're allowed you're playing with it rather than eating it." He joked.

Danny startled at the sudden arrival then smiled at his partner. "This is not food Steven. This is slop. How they expect me to eat this tasteless mush is beyond me."

Steve walked over and took a look in the bowl. "It doesn't look so bad, I've had worse."

"Oh I'm sure you have, but that doesn't comfort me, coming from a man who still regularly enjoys a MRE over a steak."

"Just stop moaning and eat it. I promise as soon as your allowed something more substantial I'll sneak you in a Malasada."

"Deal." Danny said and started to eat. Once finished Danny turned to Steve.

"Thanks for being here the past few days man. I know you were in overprotective SEAL mode, but I also know you stayed so Amber would feel happier going home and getting some proper rest."

Steve smiled. "No problem Danny. You know she really cares about you, don't mess up."

"I don't intend to." Danny replied.

Steve sat down in the chair next to Danny's bed. "So I spoke with the DA first thing this morning."

Danny raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything waiting for Steve to continue. The team had filled him in on the basics of why John Clayton had decided to take revenge on Stan and how he had gone after them at Steve's house. Danny had had a near panic attack on hearing how Clayton had got into the house while his daughter slept. So they hadn't told him that it had been Rachel who shot him, glossing over that bit, and explaining that Clayton had been left paralysed from the waist down and been committed for his mental issues.

"They cut Clayton a deal. He pleads guilty and he will be transferred to a secure facility for psychiatric care." Steve informed him.

"No jail time?" Danny asked.

"Have you been inside one of those places Danny? I'd take jail any day."

"Fair point I guess." Danny conceded.

"I also checked with them and they won't be pressing charges against Rachel. Just like we thought."

Danny's head snapped around. "What? Why might they have pressed charges against Rachel?"

"Try not to freak ok." Steve calmed. "Rachel was the one who shot Clayton, he was about to kill Stan."

Danny lost whatever little colour he had regained. "Rachel shot him! No wonder she has been so quiet when she brought Grace to see me."

"Your romantic dates at the firing range came in handy." Steve sniggered.

"Shut it you. Those were practical lessons and very important given I kept guns at the house." Danny lectured.

"Well it's all sorted out now. No need to worry." Steve reassured. "Have the docs been round yet? Any idea on a time frame for me springing you out of here?"

"All being well, the beginning of next week. But you don't need to spring me. Amber is going to come stay for a bit 'til I'm back on my feet."

Steve gave a smug smile.

"What?" Danny asked.

"Nothing man." Steve smiled.

"No, it's not nothing, you have a face." Danny ranted.

"It's just good to see you keeping your promise. Allowing Amber in. I know you were worried about the age gap but you too work well together."

"I know." Danny smiled relaxing back into his pillows. "Time for a nap I think. These pain killers knock me out"

"No problem buddy." Steve said stretching out in the chair. "I'll be here when you wake up."

"Great, just what I need my own personal stalker." Danny replied before falling asleep.

The End.