After returning the injured Kate to the infirmary, Rhythmi, Kieth, Ms. April, Principal Lamont, and Luanna (who came over when she heard that Kate was hurt) stood near her bed to talk about the events that had occurred.

"There's something that's bugging me though." Rhythmi stated. "When Kate got shot, she completely changed from her usual cheery self, to a tough person. Not to mention the fact that her eyes were orange, and that she said that she was the Child of Mew. She also said before she collapsed that she 'wouldn't be in control' for long. I just don't get it!"

"Maybe I can help you with that." Said a voice that seemed familiar. They all turned to Kate to see that she was now conscious, but had pink eyes this time.

"Kate, you should get rest, your hurt." Luanna said, concerned for her adoptive sister's wellbeing.

"Kate is fine, she is getting rest while I borrow her body. Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Sabrina, the Pshycic persona of Kate. Every Mew Child has personas for the different pokemon types to teach him/her how to use their powers. Kate's powers were awakening this morning when miss Rhythmi found her this morning, creating us. We can step in and control Kate's body when needed, though we haven't all met yet. Some will appear later than others, while most appear faster. Though we can take over her body, it takes away a small amount of Kate's energy. If there is any more information, refer to this." Sabrina then materialized a book, titled "Mew Children discoveries" and handed it to the group. "You should know that if new discoveries are made, we advise you to write it down for future generations of Mew Children" Sabrina finished, going back to sleep somewhere in Kates mind.

"Not trying to be rude here, but basically, Kate has MPD?" (MPD = Multiple Personality Disorder) Keith asked, trying to soak in all the information they just recieved. He was about to be answered when a note appeared on the book.

Watch out for Legendary pokèmon, they will most likely attack,

Thinking your keeping Kate captive.


"We have a lot to deal with now, don't we?" Kieth groaned.

"Man up Kieth! If you let Kate get hurt, I will hunt you down!" Luanna threatened, not wanting her little sister hurt because of him.

"Okay, okay, jeez."

Sorry for barely uploading over the summer, I forgot all about my stories with everything I was doing. But, I need your help. I need names for the personas that Kate will have. There will be one for each type, so think of one that best suits the corresponding type. Leave your suggestions in reviews, and if I like it enough, then it will be put into the story! (Note: don't put names for the pshycic type, I named her after the gym leader Sabrina in Kanto.) See you guys next chapter!