
There is an old legend about a human who has a special gift. This person was said to hold the DNA of the legendary Pokèmon Mew. Like said Pokemon, this person could harness the power of any pokemon in the world! No one has seen this "child of Mew" for over thousands of years, and has regarded it as just a myth. But this story is of the heroic deeds of a girl who was the reincarnation of said "myth". It all goes back to a stormy night in our very own Almia reigon...

Normal P.O.V

On a small island not too far off the coast of the main region was a school. Now it wasn't just any school mind you, it was a school for futer Pokèmon Rangers, OOperators, & Mechanics. Anyway, it was a strangely stormy night on said island and every inhabitant was trying to make sure everyone & everything was okay. During the whole fiasco, a lone egg washed up and was hidden in the now flooding Ascension Square. No one noticed it at all and was too focused on getting the Pokèmon to safety.

Later, after the storm, in the very earlmorning, Ascension Square was no longer flooded and the little egg was hidden near the Pledge Stone and was GLOWING! ( for those who do not know, when a Pokèmon egg starts to glow it means its about to hatch.) All the nearby Pokèmon egg were curious about what the egg will hatch into. Then the glowing turned into a bright light and started to form the figure of the newborn. All the pokemon were shocked at what they saw. Instead of a Pokèmon, a HUMAN came out from the egg! The girl had auburn-brown long hair tied into spiky pigtails and had the body of a 14-16 year old and wore a beautiful pink dress that went to her knees w/ floral patterns.

The girl was sound asleep and was breathing normally. The Pokèmon couldn't get into the school to alert the other humans and could only watch over her until the humans woke up.

To be continued...

Hey guys, I hope you guys liked the prolouge to my very first fabric! I had this idea for a while now and only just started working on it. I would really appreciate it if you guys could review it an show name some support. Also if you want, you can give me ideas on some other stories I could do ! Thanks and I'll see you next time!