Natsu looked outside the big glass window; there is vast greenery and a wonderful little village in sight.

This isn't something he's used to looking at but it somehow felt like his old place. . .warm and loving. He sighed with a smile and started walking quietly through

the long, marble hallway of his newly bought home.

"Geez! This place is really big! It'll take some time to get the hang of this, don't you think so Happy?"

"Aye! If one of us gets trapped somewhere, it'll take a week before we find each other! How do you think L- - -"

"Don't say it Happy"

Natsu stopped on his tracks.

"Don't say it."

"Aye. . ."

Both of them continued walking.

Quietly this time.

Happy looks at Natsu every once in while trying to look for the moment he could say what's in his mind.

"Sorry Happy" said Natsu finally; breaking their silence

"I should be the one who's sorry Natsu. I shouldn't have brought it out so casually. I'm sorry"

"It's okay. . .partner" said Natsu with a smile as he pets Happy's head

"Aye!" replied Happy brightly

"So where are we going now Natsu? We might get lost you know."

". . ."

"If we really get lost and I don't get to eat that fish I saw a while ago I'm going to be really mad at you"

". . ."


"I have a good nose Happy"


"I could smell her. Let's go Happy!"

And Natsu ran. He is running pass stairs and doors and hallways so fast that Happy needs to fly to catch up.

But he didn't mind. He didn't mind the puzzled looks on the housemaids, not even minding if Happy gets left behind.

There is just someplace he wanted to check out no matter what. Some place he wanted to be no matter what.

Left. Up. Right. Right again. Up the stairs and pass another hallway.

The house seems to be a maze itself but he was sure to where he is heading.

He's heading to her.

He skidded to a halt in front of a big beautiful wooden door, his heart pounding;

not because he ran, not because he is tired but because he is sure he's about to see her again.

He's going to see her again.

He reached for the handle but hesitated.

Is he ready?

"Natsu. . .you. . .You don't have to push yourself too hard. We could just go back here a- - -"

"No Happy. I have to see her now. I. . .I. . ."

"Natsu. . ." said Happy worriedly

"I just. . .have to. This is what I was waiting for. This is. . .this is what I was working hard for."

"Aye. . ."

And with a reassuring nod from Happy, he pulled the door open and the air from the inside seemed to have greeted him so warmly. . .like a loving embrace; like her embrace.

He could feel his legs shaking but it wasn't because he is scared, it's because he longed for this so much it makes him weak.

He stepped inside with Happy.

"Uwaaaa! It's still so beautiful even after these years. . ." said Happy softly

"Yeah. . ."

There was stinging in his eyes, his face warmed up and words seemed to fail him.

Natsu inhaled the sweetest and warmest scent he ever knew. The room was clean and tidy and so was the clothes and sheets. Even if this room stayed empty

for years, to him, the previous owner's scent still lingered freshly i the air.

He inhaled again. He couldn't get enough of it. This beautiful room even makes him hear the sound of her laughter. . .like she's just beside him, laughing at his

crying face. It is indeed a beautiful room bathed in warm golden sunlight.

"Just like her. . ." he said as he stared at a huge painting just across the room.

The sun shone as if it rises just to illuminate her face. With tears in his eyes, Natsu tried his best to smile and touched the canvass.

"The sun shines as bright as your hair. . ."

"Natsu. . ." said Happy as he grabbed unto Natsu, tears flooding his eyes.

There was knock on the door and an old yet kind-looking woman stepped in.

"Spetto-san. . ." said Natsu

"Natsu-sama" she said as she looked around the room and to the portrait

"I knew I'd find you here. . .she grew up to be a very beautiful woman indeed. . .Lucy-sama."

". . ."

For a moment, there was nothing heard in the room except Happy's violent sobbing.

Words failed Natsu as he stared at Lucy's face. He's finally able to see her again. He finally got to smell her scent again.

"It's been three years already huh. . ." he said weakly as he wiped the tears in his eyes.

"I. . . I'm sorry it took me this long Lucy"

"Now now, I'm sure she's very happy right now Natsu-sama. . ." said Spetto-san as she tried to hide her tears

"Thank you for buying the house back in her place. . ." she finally said

"Yeah. . ."


A small, pink-haired girl with hazel brown eyes came running inside the room; grabbed unto Natsu and made him carry her on his shoulders.

"Nashi!" said Natsu


"How did you find us here?" asked Natsu

"I have a good nose like Papa! Eh! Why are you crying Happy?. . .Uwaaa! Mama is really pretty isn't she Papa!" she said as she stared at Lucy's portrait

"You're pretty because you look like Papa" said Natsu; smiling brightly

"Lucy is going to be really mad at you Natsu. . ." said Happy

And the sound of laughter was heard throughout the once empty room.

Everyone knew that this house is going to be lively again as they watched Nashi rummage through Lucy's old clothes saying "I will be like Mama someday!"

and made Natsu remember how he once did the same with Lucy's stuff in her rented house.

He smiled and followed Spetto-san, Happy and Nashi out of Lucy's room. But as he was about to close the door, he looked back at Lucy and whispered. . .

"Don't worry. I'll take care of our princess. . .my Queen."

So guys! I decided to continue this story!
It still won't be that long but I just really want to fill in what happens to Nashi and Natsu now that Lucy's gone :)

Hope you'll look forward to the next chapter guys!