Naruto: Konoha's King
This is another fanfic I come up with, I get this idea after reading Guilty Cloud by xbaumann. Also if anyone have any suggestions please tell me, ok? Oh, one more thing, I don't own Naruto or Guilty Crown, if I did then I will let Inori live and happily marry Shu
Phase 1: The Mysterious Girl
"Tou-san! Kaa-san! Look! I did it!" A 7 year old red haired girl yelled as she shows two people a floating orb of water just above her palm. This girl is Hitomi Namikaze, daughter of both Konoha's Yellow Flash and Red Death
"Good job, I'm so proud of you" said a woman who looked just like Hitomi except she's older. This woman is Kushina Namikaze, formerly known as Kushina Uzumaki, she is Konoha's Red Death
"Good job Hitomi, you'll be a strong Kunoichi just like your mother in no time" said a man with blonde hair. This is Minato Namikaze, Konoha's Yellow Flash and beloved Fourth Hokage
Right now both Minato and Kushina are training Hitomi so that she would be able to contain the Kyubi's chakra when the time comes. Yes, you read right, Hitomi is the Jinchuriki of the Kyubi no Kitsune. 7 years ago, the Kyubi attacked Konoha and killed many Shinobi in the process, the Third Hokage sacrificed his life to seal the Kyubi in a newborn, that newborn was Hitomi. After everything settled down, Minato told the citizens of Konoha what happened and the village treated Hitomi as their saviour in the end
All three of them didn't notice a blond haired kid watching them, this kid is Naruto Namikaze, the son of both Kushina and Minato and older twin brother of Hitomi. The reason why he's watching them instead of training with them is because Minato and Kushina just focused their effort in training Hitomi, they didn't bother trying to train Naruto, and to make things worse the village also ignored him
"They're training again…" Naruto mumbled, Naruto feels like he isn't even a member of this family, oh he wish he would have someone notice him, just one friend is also fine with him, yup Naruto don't have any friends they just ignore him in favor of Hitomi
"I wish they would do something for me…I wonder if they'll forget my birthday again…" Naruto just sighed, tomorrow was his and Hitomi's birthday but it wouldn't be surprising if no one remembered…again
And with that depressing thought he went to the forest, he usually find himself at peace there, maybe because it has so much life there and most of the animals played with him, it is usually depressing when you have to rely on animals to keep you company but that is the life of Naruto Namikaze
Suddenly he heard bushes rustling, he turned to see a pink haired girl who seems to be the same age as him came out of the bushes and collapse to the ground, without any second thought he rush to the girls side checking what is wrong with her, when he saw her bleeding arm he quickly rip his clothes and use it to cover the girls bleeding arm
Once he finishes he wonders what he should do, it's almost nighttime, he have no problem sleeping with nature but the girl needs a warm bed to sleep in with her condition, so he decided to sneak her into his room which proves to be not so difficult with everyone's focus was on Hitomi. Once he reaches his room, he put her down on his bed and using the first-aid kit to patch up her other wounds
"Who are you?" Naruto wondered, he never saw her in the village before, of course he may be wrong and they just haven't met each other. Fatigue quickly reaches him, so his best option right now was to sleep on the floor and wait until she woke up
When he opened his eyes he was quite surprised to see red eyes staring at him, it seems the girl has finally woken up, and she looks fine, maybe a good night rest can quickly help anybody?
"Where am I?" the girl asked, she was looking around the room
"You're in my room, I brought you here when I saw you collapse in the forest yesterday" Naruto told her
"Forest?" The girl looked at Naruto
"Yeah, I found you in the forest" Naruto answered her, now that he got a good look at her he couldn't help but stare at her
"Can you take me there?" the girl asked
"Sure I can" Naruto got up and walked towards the door, "but that will have to wait, I'm sure your hungry right?"
And to answer his question the girl's stomach growled, she blushed at suddenly found the floor interesting
"Well, I'll be back with breakfast" Naruto opened the door and walked out, "Oh, my name is Naruto by the way and no it doesn't mean fishcake and don't start laughing at me"
When Naruto was gone, the girl couldn't help but giggle at him, "Naruto…"
It was now night time, and everyone is partying either for the defeat of the Kyubi or for Hitomi's birthday except two people that is, both of them are currently at Konoha's forest. Naruto expected the girl to be scared when in a dark forest but to his surprise she is completely calm, now that's something
"This is where I found you" Naruto pointed to the spot he saw her collapse yesterday
"I see" the girl stares at the spot for a while, when they were about to leave a Kumo Nin appeared
"Well if it isn't my lucky day, I get to kill a miniature Yellow Flash" the Kumo Nin pulled out a Kunai, Naruto just grab the girl's hand and run the opposite direction
"You can't escape me!" the Kumo Nin throws multiple shuriken at them, Naruto know they can't fight back but that doesn't mean he can't protect the girl from being killed and with that thought he covers the girl and got ready for his impending doom…
Naruto opened his eyes to see he and the girl was in an empty white space with silver ribbons floating around
"Where are we?" Naruto thought out loud, suddenly one of those silver ribbons float to his right arm and tie themselves to his arm, Naruto only felt pain for a mere second before seeing that the silver ribbon is gone
"What's this?" Naruto looked at his hand, his right hand seems to have gained a tattoo of some sort
"Naruto, please use me" the girl said as she float back a bit and Naruto saw there was a hole or something on her chest
Naruto then saw images of the same pink haired girl holding out strings and another pink haired girl doing the same thing
"Take it, Naruto" a voice rang through his head
"Who are you?" Naruto ask
"I am power" the voice answered, "The Guilty Crown formed from the links between people's hearts"
Naruto saw more images of a person, which half of her body was covered in crystals and Konoha burning down, he also saw many dead bodies and blood
In real life, Naruto don't know why but he just followed his instincts, he and the girl was surrounded with silver ribbons, the Kumo Nin stopped and stared not knowing what to do. Naruto brought his arm forward, he then move his hand to the girl's chest where there is a hole, the girl gave a soft moan, Naruto then pulled his hand back out. His hand seemed to be covered in rocks or something before he continues to pull something out of the girl's body, once he finishes he raises it to the sky where it became a big sword and shot light towards the skies
To everyone else in Konoha they thought that it was a part of the party and no one ever thought of going out there and checking it out
Naruto got his thought's back and looked at the sword he was holding, "What is this…?"
The Kumo Nin had enough and throws kunais with paper bomb attached to them, Naruto just pointed his sword at the ninja as reflects and to his surprise there was some sort of shield that protected him and the girl
The Kumo Nin then charged forward kunai ready, Naruto also charged forward with strength that he never knew he had and cut the Kumo Nin in half, effectively killing him
Naruto just stared at the sword before letting it go, it turned to silver ribbons and returned to the girl, Naruto look at his hand and his newfound power and couldn't help but think
'This the best birthday ever'
Naruto waited for a while so that the girl would wake up, and finally after 30 minutes of waiting she woke up
"Hey there, how are you?" Naruto asked
"Fine" the girl answered while putting herself in a sitting position
"So, what are you going to do now? After thinking for a while I'm certain you're not part of this village" Naruto ask again
"I don't know" the girl shook her head
"Hey, why don't you stay in Konoha and be my friend?" Naruto suggested, it sounded good, this way she'll have a place to live and he will finally have a friend, it's a win-win
"Are you sure?" the girl ask Naruto with hopes in her eyes, it seems she also wanted to stay
"Sure, I'll help you get a place to stay and have the papers ready if needed" Naruto said, he will finally have a friend after all these years, he couldn't help but feel happy, "by the way, I kept forgetting to ask be fore but, what's your name?"
And there we go people, my first chapter of Naruto: Konoha's King, I think it went well. All right people please review and give me your thoughts on this fanfic