Being in tune with one's Aura comes with… drawbacks. I'd heard somewhere- probably in class- that your brain is always working, even while you're asleep. Guess that explains why I'm always hot when I wake up, and I don't just mean in the attractive kind of way.
I felt around in the dark for my Scroll for a few seconds before flipping it open to check the time. The way too bright screen told me it was already three in the morning. Honestly, I really didn't want to get up, but I needed a cold shower, now. Groaning under my breath I rolled out of bed and stuck the landing, making sure to keep my fall as quiet as possible. I was just barely awake but I instinctively checked on Ruby, just to make sure she was okay- it's a big sister thing. She was sound asleep, muttering something about 'french toast' under her breath. I smirked and headed towards the bathroom. As my grogginess started to wear off, I became more and more aware of my surroundings.
"Is that the shower running?"
Quiet as a mouse, I pushed open the door to the bathroom and looked over to my left. Blake was barely visible through the frosted glass shower door. I could just make out the shadows of her hands as they raised to cover the pair of feline ears on top of her head. The reflex probably came from habit, and she lowered them again after a few seconds, most likely realizing that we put this whole 'I've secretly been a Faunus' thing behind us like three episodes ago.
I was a little too tired to talk though, and I was sure she was too tired to listen. We'd both had long days in class and it was obvious she really didn't want to be awake this late either. I undressed, slipping out of my tank-top and shorts and exhaustedly climbed into the empty shower on the right. Steam poured off my skin in waves as the cold water rushed over me. I leaned against the cold tiles of the shower wall for support and lazily watched Blake's silhouette through the frosted glass.. Now that I actually thought about it, this was probably the first time I'd ever been in the bathroom at the same time as her. Rubbles and I had probably showered at the same time more often than not, and I've caught the ice queen finishing up about twice in the couple of months we've been roommates. But Blake? I guess the answer was obvious now.
"Hey, Blake?" I wiped some of the fog off the glass of my shower to try and see her better. It took me almost a second before I realized that might be just a little awkward and invasive, and I moved away from the fogless part of the glass.
"… Yang," she answered confusedly, the blob behind the glass turned to look at me, head cocked curiously to the side.
"You know, you don't have to shower so late to avoid us anymore. We're all okay with you being a Faunus. Even Weiss..." The realization that Blake had built her entire schedule around avoiding us, even in her own room made me realize how terrible we must've been as roommates- we'd never allowed her to be comfortable enough to be herself. I'd do my best to try and bring down those walls she'd made and get her out of her shell. We were partners after all!
"… thanks," she answered awkwardly before returning to her shower. I hoped she smiled. I hummed to myself as I moved back to stand directly under the shower. The water rushed down my back and shoulders and turned to steam even faster as it soaked my burning scalp. I looked up at the ceiling, watching the clouds of hot air collect to form an even larger cloud at the ceiling. I'd been so distracted and exhausted by the late hour I'd entirely forgotten-
"The fire alarm!"
I almost sprinted to turn it off before remembering I'd punched a hole in it last week after it went off for about the 83rd time since the first day of school. I could hear Blake hide a laugh under her breath as I walked back to my shower. She finished her shower a few minutes before I did and left the bathroom with a quick 'goodnight' before shutting the door behind her.
A fast rinse and new pair of pajamas later, I was glad to get back to sleep. I assumed Blake had already passed out in the few minutes it took for me to leave the bathroom, and was kinda surprised when I saw her bright, amber eyes open just as I was getting ready to jump into my bunk. She looked up at me for a moment and I just kinda smiled, unsure of how to react.
"Yang?" Her voice was soft and wavered slightly, but I couldn't tell why.
"Yeah," I asked curiously. I had to whisper as quietly as I could- waking up Weiss was a mistake I'd never make again- but I knew Blake would be able to hear me. Faunus are pretty cool like that.
"Thank you." I could just barely see her face in the dim light coming from our window. It was hard to read her emotions, but she looked really, really thankful. Her eyes were wide and she blinked slowly as she watched me.
"Go to bed, Blake." I smiled and jumped up onto my bunk, hoping she understood this was something she didn't have to thank me for. I fell asleep fast, I was still exhausted and the shower only made me want to sleep more.