Hello everyone! Just a little chapter of a work-in-progress I made on my breaks between chapters of As Good As Green.

The characters are from the game "Catherine"- a sort of 'choose your destiny' dramatic-puzzle game. This ship (Astaroth/Vincent) is one I want to see a LOT more, so I 'm contributing and spreading the word!

Read, enjoy, and maybe ship it with me?


Vincent let out a grateful sigh. Another stage had come and gone, leading this stray sheep to the final resting point before that night's boss. He sat down on a vacant pew next to the group of strategizing sheep on the floor. The sheep with the glasses was busy talking to the police-sheep, and the long-haired sheep was listening intently to the sheep with the 'regent' haircut and supervisor-like attitude.

'I really need to learn their real names.' Vincent thought wearily. 'I can't call them by their looks forever!'

"Oh, hello!" Glasses-sheep greeted Vincent, "We were waiting for you. Come join us."

The boxer-clad man complied, resting on the floor and engaging in a conversation of strategy. It's disappointing that all their talks have to be about survival, but that's a necessary key in these dreams. Vincent knew that from the start. He also knew these dreams were a pain in the ass. You can't get a proper night of rest with dreams like these-especially if they occur every time you try to sleep. Sighing, Vincent thanked the sheep for their advice. Giving thanks in return, they waved as Vincent turned and left the group. He went over to the log book-a journal that everyone needed to sign each time they reached another tier- and signed his name for at least the eighth time since he began the road of nightmares. Vincent looked around the tier one last time, deciding there was nothing else to see, and approached a confessional box at the far end of the area. Cupping his eyes, Vincent pressed his face into the stained glass window, straining to look at the slim shadow residing within. But that was all he saw- a shadow.

"What's with this guy?" Vincent mumbled, "Never seen, only heard. Must be a complex of some sort." Clutching his pillow tighter, the practically bare man took a deep breath and anxiously walked inside the confessional. Sitting down on the bench, he looked at a vent installed into the wall next to him. "Hey, you awake?" he asked. The being on the other side of the wall chuckled emptily.

"Of course I am. I couldn't say the same about you, though!"

Vincent groaned and rolled his eyes, not caring if the other could see it or not. "Ha ha. Yeah, really funny. Don't quit your day job…or whatever the hell kind of job you consider this… Mind if we just get this over with?"

"My, my. Anxious to wake up, little lamb? I don't blame you."

A separate, nameless voice echoed in the small space Vincent was in.


Two braided ropes hung from above, their golden tassels swaying to the rhythm of a nonexistent breeze. Vincent looked between the two options. Answering honestly might benefit him most in the end so, hesitantly, he reached for the rope on his left and tugged it. The ropes faded into nothing as Astaroth hummed with laughter.

"I should have expected that, coming from you! Pray tell, what was it that invoked such a 'reaction' from you?"

Vincent blushed slightly, irritation building up inside him. "Shut up, I'm not telling you anything."

"…fine. Good luck with your nightmare. I wonder what it'll be for you today." Astaroth sighed, "Ah, the subconscious! Such a strange thing. Something that manifests itself as the dark and terrible dreams people hide in the recesses of their minds…only brought out to torment and tempt the unfortunate. I can only imagine what yours might come up with~"

"Pull the lever and just get me out of here." Vincent was feeling uncomfortable, and that wouldn't help him to survive the next level.

"As you wish, my little lost lamb."

The confessional Vincent sat in began to tremor, and finally shot into the sky, streaming smoke as a rocket would. Holding his pillow like a lifeline, Vincent waited for the journey to be over, anxiously wondering what might be in store for him tonight.

Ugh this pairing makes me so happy. If any of you decide to write Astaroth/Vincent fanfiction please, please, PLEASE tell me! I want to read every and all of the works for this~

I mean, what if there was one where Vincent was invited into the other side of the confessional, where Astaroth was?

Ooh, or if every time Vincent looks into the stained glass window from the outside, Astaroth sees him, and he starts preparing himself for a moment with Vince!


I'll probably continue this story once I finish As Good As Green :p