Okay, here we go. A new series to try out.

I went and watched Captain America: Winter Soldier when it came out, and immediately after I had this OC pop in my head. I figured that it would be a nice change from my first two stories (Teen Wolf and Vampire Diaries), and that there was a ton that I could work with to bring this OC to life. I hope that you all enjoy this, and I'd love to hear what you think about it. The next few chapters should be up shortly, so look out for that. Enjoy~

"Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to exit the donut!"

Noah stood beside Director Fury as he yelled up at the man who, surprisingly, sat inside a giant donut. Her assignment was to shadow Fury in place of her Supervising Officer, Maria Hill, as a form of training for her. Noah would eventually be handling any further Avenger initiates, along with Agent Coulson. This was her first high-clearance-level mission and she was eager to not make any mistakes. As Noah stood beside Fury, waiting for the current initiate to remove himself from the plastic rooftop donut, she realized how nervous she actually was. If she screwed up anything today, she could kiss good-bye her one big opportunity good-bye. There would be more than enough willing people to fill her spot, since many of her fellow agents still covet this position.

Stepping into the dim donut shot, Noah pushed her dark sunglasses to the top of her head, and followed Fury to the booth he picked out. A donut shop usually was not the type of setting that one held top-secret S.H.I.E.L.D meetings in, yet here they were, in a donut shop. Then Tony Stark walked in, still in his iron suit, and he motioned for Noah to scoot over when he reached the table. Stark slid onto the bench beside her, and she ended up squished against the window. Thankfully Noah was tiny in size and it wasn't horribly uncomfortable.

Tony took a sip of his coffee and let out a sigh, "I already told you I don't want to join your super secret boy band."

Fury let out an amused laugh while nodding, "No, No. See I remember you. You like to do everything yourself. How's that working out for you?"

"Clearly his current state screams 'perfectly fine'," Noah chirped out, only to receive a serious look from Fury. She turned away and rubbed the back of her neck and pursed her lips. "Shit, first fuck up," she thought to herself.

"Its, It-It's. It's." Tony placed his cup down on the table, looked over his sunglasses, and pointed at Fury. "Okay, I'm sorry. I don't want to get off on the wrong foot, Do I look at the eye or the patch?" Noah stifled a laugh because she knew that she shouldn't laugh at Tony's jokes at a time like this, especially when it's at the Directors expense.

"To be honest, I'm a bit hung over, so I'm not sure if you're real or not."

Fury leaned forward, face vacant of humor, "I. Am. Very. Real. I'm the realest person you'll ever meet."

"Just my luck... Where did the staff go?"

Tony looked around the empty donut shop, and Noah caught sight of something under his iron suit. "Sir, look here," she said, pulling at the flexible material around his neck.

Fury pulled the material further and nodded, "That's not looking to good."

"Would you like me to go grab him some of the injection?" She asked.

Fury shook his head, "Natasha will be along in a moment, she should have it with her."

"I secured the perimeter, but I don't think we should hold it for much longer."

Tony's head shot to the side when he noticed the black cat-suit clad Natasha Romanoff saunter up to the table. Natasha was the type of S.H.E.I.L.D agent that Noah aspired to be like; bad ass and sent out on almost all the top-secret missions, she even received missions inside missions. Natasha was her idol and seeing her here made today even better. Recently, S.H.E.I.L.D sent Agent Romanoff to follow Tony Stark, to make sure that he didn't get into any trouble, and the only way she could do that was by having a job at Tony's, former, company.

"You're f-fired," started Tony, pulling down his dark tinted sunglasses.

"You don't make those calls anymore," Natasha corrected. Recently Tony had signed over his entire company to his assistant, Pepper Potts.

Tony then redirected his attention towards Noah, "You don't work at my company also, do you?"

She shook her head, "Negative. Only Agent Romanoff currently ."

"Hmm, interesting," Tony mumbled, tapping his chin. He then leaned in closer, examining her "Have we met before?"

She shook my head again, "Nope, this would be the first time."

Tony's narrowed his eyes, "And you're sure of that? Because you seem oddly familiar..."

"Can we get back to the business at hand?" demanded Fury, catching Tony's attention.

"Now that he mentioned it," Noah thought to herself, "he does look familiar..." Noah pushed the thought from her mind, chalking it up to Tony's celebrity status. Before today, Noah had never met Tony Stark in person, and she was sure of that.

Fury wrapped his arm around Natasha's waist, "Tony, I want you to meet Agent Romanoff."

Tony leaned against his hand, his fingers rubbing at his temples. "Hi," he mumbled.

"I'm a S.H.I.E.L.D shadow, and once we knew that you were ill, I was tasked to you by Director Fury."

"Uh, I suggest you apologize. And what's her job, to spy on me from a distance?" Tony asked, point at Noah.

"Agent Logan has a very different task than Agent Romanoff," Fury explained.


"Which will be disclosed in a moment," Fury stated, cutting off Tony. "Now, you've been very busy. You made your girl CEO, you're giving away all your stuff, you let your friend fly away with your suits! Now if I didn't know any better-"

"You don't know any better. I didn't give it to him, he took it," Tony said, seeming a bit defensive.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. What? Naw. He took it? You're Iron Man and he just took it? He walked in there, kicked your ass, and took your suit," teased Fury, and turned to Natasha. "Is that possible?"

Natasha smirked, "Well, according to Mr. Stark's database security guidelines, there are redundancies to prevent unauthorized usage."

Noah shook her head while listening to Fury and Natasha whittle Tony down. While watching Tony's reactions and to what Fury was saying, a small piece of her felt bad for him; He clearly was not doing so well. The three S.H.I.E.L.D agents knew that there was more to Tony's recent actions, that there was some bigger issue than just self-destruction. Director Fury and Natasha were right, Tony wouldn't just let someone steal his things; That was highly out of character for him.

Tony let out a half-sigh, half-laugh, "What do you want from me?"

"What do we want from you?," quoted Fury, and he started shaking his head, "Nu-uh, What do you want from me. You have become a problem. A problem that I have to deal with." Natasha nodded to Noah while the Director continued, and she slipped out from the booth. Noah prepped herself for when Natasha's return.

"Contrary to your belief, you are not the center of my universe," Fury continued, and Tony made dismissive sounds. "I have bigger problems than you in the South West region to deal with."

"Hit him," Fury ordered once Natasha returned. In a quick movement, Noah grabbed Tony's head firmly and pulled it gently to the side, giving Natasha access to his neck. She inserted a needle and injected him with the contents of the syringe. Tony jumped in response, smushing her further into the window, and Noah let go of his head.

"Aw, God. What are you guys going to do, steal my kidney and sell it?" Tony asked. Natasha grasped his chin and moved his head around so that she could look closer at his neck. "Would you please not do anything awful for five seconds."

Noah grasped the side the suit and pushed Tony's head forward, gaining an irritated 'hey' from him. "It worked, It's going away," she confirmed. She pulled the suit farther away from Tony and peered down his neck, "It's all clear."

Tony, brows furrowed, looked between Natasha and Noah, "What did these two do to me?"

"What did we just do for you. That's lithium dioxide, and it's going to take the edge off. We're trying to get you back to work," Fury explained as Tony narrowed his eyes at Natasha.

"Give me a couple of boxes of that and I'll be right as rain," quipped Tony.

"It's not a cure, just the basic symptoms."

Fury leaned further over the table, "it doesn't look like it's going to be an easy fix."

Tony sighed. "Trust me, I'm good with this stuff. I've been looking for a suitable replacement for palladium. I've tried every combination, every permutation of every known element."

"Well I'm here to tell you, you haven't tried them all, and Agent Logan here is going to help you."

Tony turned to Noah with a questioning look, "How is a fourteen year old pipsqueak suppose to help me? And isn't she a little young to be one of your super spy's?"

Fury glanced at Noah, a smirk on his face, "Looks can be deceiving, Mr. Stark."

Noah leaned closer to tony and whispered, "for the record, I'm actually twenty-one."

If anyone is interested, the face character for Noah is Danielle Campbell.