Hello people! This is just an idea I had a few weeks ago and decided to type up. Just a fun little story with pain and family stuff. Warning: sappy family moments ahead. This story takes place just about a month after Bro Down. The chapters will be short, but I'll probably upload 1 or 2 a day. Let me know what you think of it!

By the way, A Chip in the Shoulder is a play on words of the expression, a chip on the shoulder. Yes, I know how the expression goes. I specifically replaced "on" with "in" for a reason that you'll discover as the story goes along.

Disclaimer: I do not own Lab Rats

* * * Chase's POV * * *

I was sitting at the desk in the lab, frantically typing things into the computer. Specifically I was uploading some virus protection software for Mr. Davenport. It was my favorite way to cool off after a long day of school and training. Not that I didn't love those two things.

"Hey Chase!" Adam called as he entered the lab. "What are you doing?"

"Hey Adam," I replied. "I was just uploading some virus protection software into the computer's mai-" I stopped when I remembered who I was talking to. "Never mind," I said quickly. "What are you doing down here?"

"Oh, I just wanted to give you this!" Adam grabbed my arm and threw me to the ground

"Ow!" I cried. Adam laughed and ran to the elevator. At the same time, Bree walked in from the other side of the lab.

"Chase, what are you doing on the floor?" she asked. I got up and brushed myself off.

"Adam pushed me!" I replied indignantly. "I am so sick of him always using his strength against me! You know what, I'm done! I am going to march up there right now and demand that he stop!"

I stormed over to the elevator and got inside. Bree super-sped across the room and joined me, saying, "Oh, this I gotta see!"

Once the elevator opened on the first floor, Bree and I walked into the kitchen. Adam and Leo were standing near the counter. "Adam," I announced, "I'm tired of you tossing me around like a rag doll. Would you please cut it out?"

"Aw!" Adam groaned. "But throwing you around is so fun!"

"No, it's really not!" I protested.

"Sure it is. Watch!"

The first thing I thought as my brother grabbed the back of my shirt and tossed me into the air was, Come on, Adam. Really? Again? Then suddenly a random and very frightening thought entered my head: You're not invincible. Before I could wonder why I would think such a thing, I crashed through the window and began to roll down the hill outside. It wasn't a very steep hill and I quickly came to a stop, lying on my back.

At first everything was numb. There was a strange ringing sound in my ears, but I chalked it up to a small glitch in my bionic hearing. I decided that I would get up and go yell at Adam, possibly using my force-field to protect myself this time. I tried to push myself up, but soon discovered that was a huge mistake.

I cried out as pain shot through my left arm. The numbness was beginning to fade and I started to experience a new level of pain that I had never felt before. My right leg was bent into an unnatural position, my left shoulder was killing me, and I felt like someone had thrown a rock at my head. Everything around me seemed almost surreal. And did I smell blood?

I could hear footsteps approaching, but it sounded like I was listening to them underwater. Four figures were approaching me. I couldn't make them out; my vision was blurry. I attempted to make my body get up, but it wouldn't obey me. I knew the figures above me were beginning to speak, but their voices sounded very, very far away.

"Adam, how could you do this?"

"He'll be fine, he always is!"

"Uh, Mr. Davenport, what's wrong with his shoulder?"

"Everyone watch out for the broken glass!"

"I'm okay," I tried to whisper, but my lips wouldn't obey me. Someone touched my shoulder – the one that wasn't in pain – and said something. It was so muffled I couldn't make it out. I groaned in response. I felt myself being lifted, but as I got to my feet everything around me went black.

I have way too much fun describing pain. I really don't know why. What did you guys think? I know, it's pretty short. But I'll update often to make up for it. If you have a keyboard and know how to type, then you can review! Even if you hated it, tell me what you thought. See you guys tomorrow!