Dreams are for Nights
Chapter 2 – Name
By ManaGoddess
Disclaimer: I do not own Kamen Rider OOO, because if I did Ankh and Eiji would have been an official couple on the show instead of just teasing us with great Yaoi moments. All characters from Kamen Rider are owned by the Toei Company. The name 'KoAnkh' is mine though.
Author's Note: I really wanted to add more for Lost Ankh and start to set the stage for the later part of the story, so I've decided to add a new chapter or two. In my original story Chapter 2 was essentially just me retelling episode 46. It is still advised to have seen up to Episode 46 because these will be more of the 'other side' of what was going on during that episode time frame.
This chapter takes place during episode 42. There is a tiny bit of Den-O spoiler though (episode 33).
Lost Ankh was quite pissed off as he sat in the Maki manor watching Gamel fawn over Mezool, offering her candies and sweets or whatever the hell he was eating. Of course Mezool played along with the silly antics; it meant she was getting attention. Frowning, Lost Ankh flexed his right hand, watching it move. He had won the fight against Ankh, so why did he still feel weak?
"Man, it's not like he can really tell the difference," Kazari said as he leaned against the railing next to Lost Ankh, watching the other two Greeed on the foyer below. It was known that Greeed couldn't taste, but Lost Ankh had some idea of what it meant to taste something. Ankh had enjoyed food, enjoyed the sense of taste. When Lost Ankh absorbed him, he understood what it meant for something to be 'delicious' but he couldn't actually experience it, which made him even more upset. "You going to get your Medals?" Kazari asked, pulling Lost Ankh out of his memories.
"Maki is using the Yummy to lure out OOO," Lost Ankh said, biding his time. Maki had promised to help Lost Ankh get his core back since he was better at making Yummy than Lost Ankh. A thought crossed his mind, causing the child to smirk. "Maybe I'll take the purple Medals next." He thought of how amazing it would be to have those powers, to be so much stronger than the other Greeed. Then he wouldn't be the 'Lost' form any longer, he would become something greater than Ankh.
"Better be careful about that one, Maki always has a reason for doing stuff." Kazari chuckled as he looked at the naïve child. He should know by now that they were Greeed and never did anything for free.
"I know that! He underestimates me though. Now that I have Ankh's cores I am much more powerful than he thinks," Lost Ankh smirked as he made a fist with his right hand. A few days had passed since he absorbed his other half and already Ankh was pretty much gone. Sure, a small sliver of him remained in his core medal, but that was slowly being taken over by Lost Ankh. In a few more days Ankh would be nothing but a memory.
"Mezool, this is delicious, try it," Gamel laughed as he held up part of an onion to her. She looked at it and sighed, pushing the Greeed's outstretched hand away.
"I'm not hungry," she said, looking down at the pile of discarded snacks next to her. The attention was wonderful but sometimes he could get on her nerves. "Why don't you go see if Lost Ankh wants it?" Mezool pointed up to the second floor where Kazari and Lost Ankh were sitting. Lost Ankh scrunched his face at the onion. In his mind, he knew that it would taste bad like that and that the smell would bother him. He then remembered that his senses were dull and it would make no difference one way or the other.
"I'm not Lost Ankh! I'm…just Ankh!" Lost Ankh cried out, kicking the railing and almost hitting Kazari. The feline Greeed snickered as he crouched next to the sitting child.
"You will never be Ankh even though his personality is gone. You will always be Other Ankh," Kazari laughed as he watched the little boy get angry. Oh how he loved pissing off the other Greeed.
"Little Ankh! Try, it is delicious!" Gamel called out as he stomped up the stairs, slipping once or twice in his excitement. "Try it!" He held out the onion with a bite already taken out.
"That's not my name!" Lost Ankh cried out, kicking the railing once more before pushing pass the two Greeed and heading towards the door.
"Oh? Throwing a temper tantrum are we," Kazari teased as he leaned against the railing, taking a bite of the onion Gamel was happy to offer him. "Going to go cry?" Tears swelled in Lost Ankh's eyes, but he blinked them away, determined not to look weak in front of his peers.
"Don't cry, everything will be fine Little Ankh, you will have your Core Medals back in no time," Mezool stood near Lost Ankh, putting her hand on his shoulder to stop the boy. He turned to look up at the woman, tears threatening to spill.
"I don't want to be like you all, I want to be like Ankh and be able to truly taste the world," Lost Ankh turned and walked out the door, slamming it behind him.
Confused by his thoughts, Lost Ankh began to walk in a random direction, his mind trying to pick apart the knowledge Ankh had gained while possessing the human. Most of it he didn't really understand, such as why the sun setting was calming or why ice candies were considered 'delicious'. He especially didn't understand the strange affection Ankh had had towards OOO. Lost Ankh had watched how Mezool and Gamel interacted, but he understood it was just out of desire they were that way. Between Ankh and OOO it was something different. Even now he could feel Ankh's faint anger towards him as he looked over the memories.
Completely wrapped up with his own thoughts Lost Ankh wasn't paying attention to where he was walking and bumped into a woman who was setting up a sign. Surprised, he fell backwards, landing on his backside. Pain shot up his arm as he hit his elbow on the ground, scraping it.
"I'm so sorry! Are you alright," the woman with long brown hair and kind eyes asked as she helped Lost Ankh to his feet. Concern was written all over her face as she checked for wounds.
"I'm fine," Lost Ankh said, rubbing his elbow which he had skinned. He stared at it for a moment, curious as to why he wanted to cry. Tears solved nothing.
"Let's get that cleaned up, wouldn't want it to get infected," the woman inspected Lost Ankh's elbow, frowning slightly. "My little brother is very clumsy so I can have that fixed up in no time." She guided Lost Ankh into the tiny restaurant that they had been outside of. He quickly stole a glance at the sign.
"The Milk Dipper, what's that?" Lost Ankh asked as they entered the small café. His question was forgotten once he saw the inside. Books lined the walls as did diagrams of stars. In the middle of one table was a golden telescope. He had never seen something like this and curiosity instantly got the better of him.
"It is my café library. My name is Airi, what's yours?" the woman asked as she patted one of the barstools near the counter. She disappeared behind the counter grabbing a first aid kid. Lost Ankh ran his fingers over the spines of the books as he slowly walked towards the bar, taking a seat that Airi had gestured to.
"Um…I don't like my name." Lost Ankh confessed as he watched her clean the dirt off of his scrape. Just then the bell above the door chimed as a young girl around Lost Ankh's apparent age walked in. Lost Ankh didn't even notice the slight sting of the antiseptic spray as he watched the girl walk towards them.
"Hello Kohana, looking for Ryotaro?" Airi asked the young girl as she wrapped a bandage around the elbow, protecting it from getting dirty again. Lost Ankh couldn't help but stare at the girl who looked a bit like Airi.
"Is that your sister?" Lost Ankh blurted out, pointing at Kohana. The young girl blushed a bit but shook her head.
"No she is friends with my little brother. This is Kohana." Airi introduced the two children.
"Nice to meet you," Kohana said, smiling awkwardly. She held her hand out to him but Lost Ankh just stared at it. Somewhere in his mind he knew what he was supposed to do, but for some reason he couldn't make his body move. He was frozen with some weird emotion that made him feel very silly in front of this girl. Ankh's memories tried to give the feeling a name, but it made Lost Ankh even more confused.
"I'm afraid you still haven't told us your name yet." Airi said as she put away the first aid supplies, Kohana slid into the seat next to Lost Ankh.
"I…I don't like my name," Lost Ankh confessed, unsure of why he felt so shy right now. Airi smiled at him while she prepared some sort of beverage behind the counter. Kohana watched Airi for a moment to make sure she wasn't watching then leaned over to whisper to Lost Ankh.
"It's okay; I don't like my name either. It used to be Hana but since my…big sister…is also named Hana I became Kohana," the little girl confessed, giggling at her own misfortune. Lost Ankh watched Kohana straighten up and hold her finger over her mouth in a shhing motion. Airi placed a mug in front of Kohana and another one in front of Lost Ankh. He stared at it for a moment, trying to figure out what it was.
"You might want to add some sugar to the coffee like Kohana is, it would taste a bit sweeter." Airi said, gesturing towards Kohana who was carefully measuring sugar into her drink. She stirred it until the sugar dissolved then took a sip, sighing in satisfaction. In the back of Lost Ankh's mind, he understood what sweet meant. Ankh had liked sweet things. Mimicking Kohana he added sugar to the drink, stirred and took a stip. It was very subtle, but he could just barely make out the taste of the drink thanks to Ankh's memories.
"D-delicious," Lost Ankh cheered as he quickly drank from the cup, his body overwhelmed by the slight sense of taste. He couldn't believe what it actually meant and knew that Gamel was missing out. If it wasn't for Ankh, Lost Ankh probably wouldn't have known what to look for while drinking the liquid.
"I'm glad you like it! Don't drink it too fast though, you might get an upset stomach," Airi warned as she leaned against the counter. The young Greeed nodded and began to sip the drink instead.
"What is this drink called," Lost Ankh asked as he finished the beverage, setting the mug back in its saucer. He blushed a bit as he realized Kohana was still drinking hers. He didn't know why his cheeks felt hot or why he was embarrassed by this. Surely this was Ankh's fault. Soon enough the other Greeed would be gone and Lost Ankh wouldn't have to worry about these silly emotions ever again.
"It's called coffee and Airi makes the best around," Kohana cheered as she finished her cup, savoring the wonderful taste. Airi blushed a bit as she waved off the girl's comment.
"If you let the coffee beans work in peace then your coffee will taste better," Airi said as she gathered their cups and set them aside. "I am working on a special drink, but I don't know if it will ever be perfect." Airi sighed as she glanced at a notebook behind the counter. She knew she had to make the perfect drink, even if she didn't know why.
"If anyone can do it, you can Airi!" Lost Ankh cheered her on, surprising the two girls and himself. Where had this sudden burst of excitement come from? Lost Ankh was never like this, he was always so gloomy and upset. He really needed to get his last Medal so he could squash Ankh for good.
"Oh, thank you. I'm sure with both your encouragement I can do it. Since you don't like your name, what should I call you? I want you to be one of the first people to try it when I finish the drink," Airi smiled at the boy as her desire to complete the drink began to blossom once more. Lost Ankh thought for a moment on what his name should be. He looked over at Kohana who tried her best to cheer him on silently.
"Call me…KoAnkh," Lost Ankh answered finally, thinking that the name would fit him best. He really was the little version of Ankh. At least this way it would seem like he was Ankh's little brother instead of other half. Maybe someday Lost Ankh would understand why it would matter so much to him.
"KoAnkh, that's a lovely name! It's just like yours Kohana." Airi giggled as she looked at the two, smiling proudly. Kohana rolled her eyes at Airi but smiled at KoAnkh, a strange sense of understanding washing over the two children.
Lost Ankh, it is time. Maki's voice echoed in KoAnkh's head. The young boy's spirit dropped as he realized the time for fun was over. Sliding off the stool he bowed slightly to the two girls.
"Thank you for helping me and the coffee. It was nice to meet you," KoAnkh said politely as he straightened to leave. For some reason, he enjoyed their company, and their smiles. Usually KoAnkh was with his family, the Greeed, but here, he felt like he could be someone different, his own person. This was a lot to think about but he needed to get his Core Medals back first.
"You are welcome here any time KoAnkh. I hope to see you again." Airi waved to the boy as he headed out. Kohana smiled and waved as well, forcing KoAnkh to blush a bit again.
Once outside, KoAnkh walked down the sideway a ways, making sure Airi and Kohana wouldn't see him. Touching the bandage on his elbow, he smiled fondly at it. No one had ever been truly nice to him, it was a scary thing. The Greeed only wanted to use him for some plan or another and most humans were just there to feed off their desires. KoAnkh decided that when this was all over and he had his Core Medals back, he would find this place again and enjoy another coffee. Maybe, when he was complete he would be able to truly taste it.
I'm on my way. KoAnkh thought as his form shimmered giving way to his Greeed form. He stared at his completed right hand, energy and pride surging within him. He would beat OOO this time, he just knew it. Flaring his wings to the side, he took off, ready to take on one last challenge.
KoAnkh sat above the pavilion, laughing to himself as he watched the frozen humans cry out for their hero OOO. The Ankylosaurus Yummy laughed as he tormented the humans, the ice slowly crawling up their bodies. It was amazing to see how fragile these beings were as the Yummy used his hammer like hand to shatter one of the frozen humans. Fear gripped the rest of the humans and they called out more for OOO.
The engine of a motorcycle caught KoAnkh's attention as he looked around for the rider. Even Ankh inside him stirred slightly at the sound. Growling, KoAnkh beat the scrap of the other Greeed down, forcing it deeper within his own subconscious. Leaning forward KoAnkh caught sight of the source of the sound, unfortunately it was the wrong Rider. Kamen Rider Birth revved the engine hard as he slammed into the Ankylosaurus Yummy, sending the Yummy sprawling away from the people. The Rider dismounted the motorcycle, ignoring it as it changed back into an innocent vending machine. The two exchanged blows as they fought, Birth slowly pushing the Yummy away from the pavilion and out of KoAnkh's view. Disappointed, the Greeed turned back to the center of the pavilion, listening to the people cry out for help.
Sunlight flared from above one of the buildings, blinding KoAnkh for a moment causing him to shield his eyes. His body burned from the light as he listened to the cries of excitement from the humans. When KoAnkh could see again he growled as he watched OOO in his LaToRa form jump from the top of the building, slashing his claws. Energy from the attack shattered the ice that trapped the humans.
"Run! Hurry and run!" OOO shouted as he ushered people away from the area. The humans scattered like roaches, crying out as they hurried away from the area, gathering silly possessions. It angered KoAnkh more to watch OOO try to save the useless humans. "That way!" OOO grabbed the hand of a child, pointing towards what KoAnkh could guess was her mother. It was strange to think of needing someone to take care of you, even at that young of an age. KoAnkh was better than that, he didn't need the other Greeed, and he was simply using them. KoAnkh had had enough of watching this heroism.
As the pavilion cleared KoAnkh jumped from the rooftop, landing gracefully on the ground. The sight of OOO sickened the Greeed, especially in a combo form. Kazari was pathetic for having so many of his Core Medals taken. This time, KoAnkh would get his back and steal a few more, just to show the other Greeed his strength.
"You're late," KoAnkh informed him, angry that he had to leave Airi and Kohana's company to sit around and listen to people cry out. If OOO had really cared about these humans, he would have been here sooner. Shocked to see the Greeed, OOO slowly got to his feet, his mind whirling at the sight of Ankh.
"Ankh's presence…" OOO said, a hint of fear in his voice as he couldn't really sense the original Ankh. KoAnkh beamed with pride.
"Yes, he put up quite a fight, but…" KoAnkh smirked as he looked at his completed right hand. Oh how wonderful it felt to have his body back. "He's gone." KoAnkh dismissed the thought of Ankh actually being a challenge to him. Didn't they know he was the more powerful form, so why were they always surprised? A stray thought caught his attention as he remembered the taste of coffee. "But there is one thing that bothers me…" KoAnkh figured he might as well ask the person who knew Ankh best. "Hey, is ice candy good?" KoAnkh had tried coffee, but he wondered about Ankh's favorite food. OOO could only shrug.
"Who knows, but I can say this: he's not the type to easily nor docilely disappear like that," OOO told KoAnkh, smiling inside at the mention of ice candy. There was no reason for a Greeed to wonder about such things unless Ankh was still alive in there somewhere. There was hope. KoAnkh shook his head, laughing.
"Why don't you check that by defeating me? But first, give me back my medal!" KoAnkh demanded, holding his hand out for the medal. OOO shook his head at the Greeed.
"No, it's not your Medal," OOO said matter-of-factly, pissing off KoAnkh even more. "It belongs to him!" Rage flared in OOO as three purple Core Medals appeared from within him. He caught the floating medals, sliding them into his belt.
Ptera Tricera Tyranno. Putotyrannosaurus
The belt chimed as OOO changed into his purple form. Roaring, OOO smashed his hand through the ground, grabbing his Medagabryu axe from the Earth. KoAnkh summoned a stream of fire and shot it OOO, only to have the rider counter with a blast of icy air from his mouth. The elements canceled each other and the two squared off against each other, trading punches and kicks as they fought. KoAnkh was different this time; he knew how to fight thanks to Ankh's knowledge. He would win, he was certain of it! KoAnkh was barely even aware of the two humans who showed up to watch the fight. He didn't care about them; he couldn't wait to see their faces when he crushed their hero.
Both rider and Greeed landed a particularly strong blow against one another, separating them as they struggled to catch their breath. Fatigue washed over them as they both dropped to their knees, struggling to stand back up.
"You…" KoAnkh hesitated as he watched OOO have a strange spasm, the Purple Core Medals flared to life within him, pulsating with energy. OOO staggered to his feet, the emblem on his chest flashing as he threw his head back and roared. Wings from his head flared to the side, his tail thrashing behind him in a rage. KoAnkh heard people call out to OOO from the balcony surrounding the pavilion, but he couldn't make out the words; his attention was focused on OOO. Excitement sparked in KoAnkh as he realized this would be the fight to truly test his limits. He flared his own feathered wings and took to the sky, OOO flying right next to him.
They exchanged blows in the aerial battle battle, KoAnkh confident of his skills charged the Rider, slashing him with his talons. OOO roared as he slashed KoAnkh with his axe. Creating some space between them KoAnkh shot another jet of fire at OOO, but was surprised when the Rider dodged it and charged KoAnkh from the side. The Greeed was caught off guard by the enraged Rider's strength, the attack sending KoAnkh spiraling into a building, crashing along its panes of glass before rolling off of it. Shaking off the attack, the two flew even higher in the sky, diving at one another and slashing with talons and claws. Again and again they dove until finally OOO managed to slice KoAnkh's wing.
Pain shot through the Greeed's body as he faulted in air, his body writing in pain of having his wing severed. He struggled to right himself but by the time he was able to collect his thoughts OOO made another pass at him, severing the other wing. KoAnkh's eyes widened in fear as he spiraled out of control smashed into the ground. He rolled a few times, struggling to get back to his feet.
Panic coursed through KoAnkh's body as he watched OOO land near him, roaring with rage the rider charged KoAnkh. The Greeed had never truly understood fear until he looked up at the helmet and felt the pure rage of Eiji. Somehow he knew this would be the end of him. He thought of tasting coffee again with Kohana as OOO swung his axe down, slashing KoAnkh. There was a sickening snap as KoAnkh felt three of his Core Medals break, most notably, the one with his consciousness in it.
KoAnkh rolled onto his back, his body breaking down piece by piece, his breath labored as he stared up at the sky. "It can't be…" he managed to gasp out as he felt himself disappearing. "My Cores…" tears swelled in the Greeed's eyes. He reached up towards OOO, unsure of why he thought it would help. He felt completely alone at that moment as he watched OOO roar once more. KoAnkh's screams echoed in the empty pavilion as he felt himself shatter into a pile of Cell Medals and a few Core Medals. The last thing he felt was Ankh's laughter.
"Told you I would win," Ankh's voice whispered in KoAnkh's mind as the lesser Greeed faded away to darkness.
Author's Note: Well that didn't happen as I originally planned. For some reason I just really wanted to give KoAnkh his name. Of course I didn't plan for it to be this long or to kill him, but hey, it works out. I'm really enjoying how my story is coming along and I hope you are too. Let me know what you think with a Review!