"Well Mrs. Borden, what do you think?" Ty asked, taking a sip of his morning coffee as he stood on the porch of his…their trailer overlooking the breathtaking Alberta vista that was their backyard.

"About what?" Amy asked in return when she came out to join her husband of almost one year with her own mug of tea.

"Well, you've been married to me for a year and haven't filed for divorce yet. I'd say that's a pretty good sign we're ready for the next step." Ty turned his eyes away from the beautiful view in front of him to the more stunning one that appeared beside him.

When their chance to put a down payment on their dream farm slipped through their fingers, twice, he and Amy decided it best not to push too hard for their own place right away. While it was often burdensome on Amy to have to travel back and forth from her new home with Ty to Heartland to continue her work with problem horses, decided it was a better arrangement than them trying to fit into the ranch house with the rest of the Bartlet-Fleming-Morris-Borden family. Now that they were married, living in separate quarters just seemed silly and, truth be told, Amy was ready to be able to live on her own with Ty, even if that meant traveling an extra couple miles to work every day.

"And what's the next step?" Amy asked with a curious raise of her brow. She and Ty had talked in brief about where they saw their life together going - their own ranch, Amy continuing her work with frightened and abused horses by combining both traditional medicine and alternative methods, Ty opening his own practice or at least partnering with Scott for a few years. Then of course came the mention of children. They both wanted them - two at least - but never really figured out where they could come into this timeline of theirs.

"'Morning everyone," Caleb yawned, stretching then sitting up on the couch, squinting at the early morning sun as he scratched the back of his head. "Oh, is that coffee? Got anymore?" Getting up then, he helped himself inside the trailer to forage for breakfast.

"Getting Caleb to move out once and for all," Ty mumbled under his breath, making Amy grin and throw a "Good morning, Caleb" over her shoulder.

-So, you'll notice that in the scheme of things this chapter is pretty… irrelevant. But you have to know that originally this was just a pic-fic, meaning someone submitted a photo to my tumblr and I just wrote a little snippit of story to go with it. People started asking for more, so I decided to run with it. That's how TNS came to be.-