*Adding one more prompt fics compilation, b/c I love these two and I've actually started writing for them. This will be just like the other two; marked as complete, but with fics added as they're written.

Prompt 1: Playing The Melody


He'll always think it's kind of weird, but he's secretly glad the helicarrier has a music room; complete with a baby grand, three different harps, and a set of African drums.

It's a well-kept secret that Clint Barton plays the piano, and not to toot his own horn, but he's pretty damn good. He'd first started learning when he was seven, and it's the one talent, along with sharpshooting, that he hasn't let slide over the years.

Lately, he's discovered that it's a great way to clear his mind when he's got too many questions floating around up there. And he's been retreating to the music room more and more these days, thanks in part (more like thanks entirely) to his new partner.

When he'd brought Romanoff back to SHIELD in lieu of killing her, he hadn't expected Fury to partner them together. And he's really not sure why they're still partners now. Because one thing he knows about partnerships of any kind is that there needs to be trust if it's going to work. And even after a year of successful missions, Clint's still not sure that Natasha Romanoff trusts him.

Speak of the Devil. She pads into the room, quiet as a mouse. Even wearing heels, she doesn't make a sound when she walks unless she wants to…he'll be forever jealous of that. Her hair's tied back, and she's wearing spandex shorts and a sports bra. She's looking to spar then, so she had to hunt him down. There's no one else aboard the helicarrier that will willingly spar with the Black Widow.

The only show of surprise she makes at discovering he plays the piano is a raised eyebrow. He shrugs and keeps playing, but starts to wrap up his wandering melody. It doesn't take long for her to get impatient.

She surprises him by turning a couple pirouettes and launching into a full-fledged ballet routine. It's all improvisation on both their parts; as he changes the music, she changes her dance.

As much fun as it is, he knows that she prefers to get in a few rounds before dinner, and they don't have the time to do this all evening. So he plays to a natural end, smiles when they stop on the same beat.

He gets up from the piano bench, rolls his shoulders to dispel any tension. "Didn't know you danced, Romanoff," he comments, holding the door for her.

She gives him a cryptic smile, starts leading the way to the gym. "Didn't know you played."

He nudges her with his elbow. "Consider yourself lucky," he says. "I don't play for just anyone."

She stays silent until they reach the gym, then stops him before he can open the door. "I don't dance for just anyone either."

She disappears into the gym, and he's so shocked, it takes him a moment to follow her. A thought pops into his head and he grins. Maybe she does trust him after all.