AU - Note

Hey guys, I'm back again…yup. I got bored at 11:00 pm at night and decided…hmm, I'll get back to the fanfiction I was re-writing… So, enjoy. (Spelling and grammar have improved I am 18 (nearly 19) now. I wrote the old story when I was 11-12? Yeah so, all the bad reviews on the other one about spelling and grammar – I was 11…or 12 I can't remember.

Oh, and before you ask why everything on the other story (The original) was in bold or italics, pfft I have no idea. [Also taking out a bunch of swearing and using proper grammar if I remember still terrible at grammar though] ps. Format won't be 100% correct I'll just do it in a way that looks nicer?

Lucy turned around, "What do you mean?" He smiled "Come with me a second"

She took his hand cautiously he led her through a range of sharp thorns and bushes, a maze of endless suffering - as she'd called it. But she finally stopped complaining when a house appeared in the distance, it was grand, but even that is an understatement, the bricks glowed as if every square inch had been polished. There were rose bushes and extravagant looking plants growing up the sides of the building, however, it didn't look untidy it looked. Perfect.

"This, is The Spirit Kings house – away from the rest of anything and everything, come with me" he chuckled

-About 10 minutes later-

They walked around the entirety of the house although it looked huge, it simply wasn't. They came to a grand looking door it opened as soon as they came near it. The Spirit King was floating in mid-air in the middle of the room, he smiled to greet them.

"Lucy, welcome to my house you're our first visitor in century's – Please step onto the silver plate"

Lucy stepped up to the plate, as soon as both feet were placed on it she zoomed through the air and was moved closer to the King – Cautiously she smiled up at him, being several feet below him still even while on the platform. He looked at Loki, and then back at Lucy and began to speak.

"Lucy, I wanted to speak to you about something important – A secret nonetheless, no one else knows of this as of yet. I needed to ask you before things are put into place" his expression didn't falter as Lucy looked as confused as ever.

"What do you mean? Put into place?" she spluttered

"I have made a final write of will, it is the tradition among us up here I have included you in the plans if you're willing to take them. Lucy of Fairytail, a friend of the spirits, a family member more each and every day. Will you take over the spirit realm as a guardian alongside Loki?" he says seriously

Lucy stared at him, she couldn't say a word. Time passed and she finally got the courage to speak up.

"Why me? Are you dying? Or are you just abandoning us?" She says sharply letting the sadness speak her words.

"I chose you simply because you are like your mother, kind, brave, willing to sacrifice herself for her spirits that's why. But it is my time to fade away for everything that lives must die in time. I will give you time to think about this, however, we do not have time I hope you understand" Lucy looked at the floor clenched her fist and then looked up at the king.

"I understand but, give me time to think it though, I can't cast away everything I've known for so long, my friends, my fathe- she stopped

"-Say no more, you have a week to decide no more no less" he smiled weakly clear to see how he was growing weaker by the day.

"It's okay, I'll see you in a week human time I presume?"

He nodded briefly as the platform moved downwards and back onto the floor of the hall. She got off the platform to a sad looking Loki, he then realised his mistake and smiled warmly.

"Sorry, its hard for us to comprehend what's going on, come on I better get you back" Loki outstretched his hand to her as she took it delicately as if it would break if she applied any more pressure.

Lucy and Loki walked back to the pond, the water glittering in the moonlight and the sound of the water was calming to them both as the stars shined brighter up here they always did. Lucy found herself staring at the water thinking about the choice she had to make. Could she really do this? Loki interrupted her thoughts

"I see you were lost in thought, but I just want to say we should get going its been about three months since we left the human world, time flows differently here," he said slowly

"Oh god, I forgot about that! I can't believe I-

He took her hand and said "I wonder if they missed you? I know I would" he leaned over and with his free hand hung it loosely on her waist bringing her closer to him, he kissed her lightly on the lips and in the blink of an eye they were back in Fairytail's main hall.

"Would you like me to stay and help you explain?" he said slowly

She sighed, "If you wouldn't mind" she smiled

Lucy only just noticed the fact they weren't alone, she heard whispers some talking about where she went, some about how she was kissing a spirit which was against rules…

"Luce!" hiccupped a drunk looking Natsu

"Is that youuuu? He stumbled slightly as he walked over to his best friend with slight enthusiasm but still drunken.

"I'm surprised you knew I was gone Natsu!" she turned on her heel gruffly and before she could get another word in edgewise he hugged her knocking them over to the floor.

"YOU, HAVE BEEN GONE MONTHS, HOW COULD I NOT MISS YOU?" he yelled out while crushing her she managed to untangle herself as the rest of the guild looked on at the scene in silence.

Lucy brushed herself off and looked down at her shoes and clothes she had been given to go to the spirit realm with and said nothing everyone just stared, none dared to move. She then sighed deeply and started to walk over to the bar, Loki following alongside her. She ordered a cup of tea from a happy looking Mirajane and then turned to look at Loki, his hair was a messy mane, yet he still looked impeccable.

"Do you want anything to drink? Or eat?" she raised an eyebrow as everyone went back to their jobs, Natsu and Grey started arguing over greeting people in the guild like that.

"No thank you – Hime," he said hesitantly expecting a reaction or a kick to the face either one.

After Lucy picked up her tea and started to drink it, slightly scalding herself in the process, they started to question her. She expected this.

"Where did you go?" someone piped up

"Why were you kissing Loki, do you liiiiike him?"

"Isn't that against the rules?"

Everyone questioned her until they were blue in the face, the guild master Makarov came into view on a high beam above them and shouted.

"IF YOU LOT ALL WANT TO KNOW WHERE SHES BEEN BE QUIET YOU IDIOTS" The master held out a letter and started to read, coughing to clear his throat. In bright bold and gold lettering, decorated with swirls read,

Dear Fairy Tail Guild,

I'm deeply sorry For Hime Lucy's Absence, I Needed her to talk about my write of will. I'm offering for her to take over the spirit world with Loki alongside her, I'm fading away as things do in due time. She's is old enough for the job, and experienced with fighting however she will need training. My spirits will help her if she decides to go through with this. I have given her a week to decide BUT, it's HER decision.

if she chooses to leave the guild don't be, you ignored her at the end of the day. If she takes the job, her new title will be "PRINCESS LUCY KEEPER OF THE KEYS AND SPIRITS AND THE SPIRITUAL REALM" she will have a new Insignia and have a key of her own it would be Platinum key. Her key that she can leave to anyone to summon her if need be. Good luck in whatever you decide to do Lucy see you at the end of the week.

Spirit King

A lot of them clapped and cheered a few in shock and just standing there like a fish. But team Natsu stood there, a dark cloud over them as they watched Lucy step into Makarov's office. Their heads hung low as they thought about the letter, and what it means.

-In the office-

"Lucy My Child It's been a great honour having you here, you've been a great family member but I think you should go, it's your life if you do go promise me this keep it safe, never Let Go, for the Fairytail mark will always be with you.

Soo hey, its all done took an hour to polish this up. Its probably not 100% free of mistakes I did run it through Grammarly and a few other spell/grammar checkers. But what else can I do? Hope you enjoy this re-write as much as I enjoy writing it. I'm used to typing 6,000+ so this is easy for me.

I'll update soon!

Ps. When I was re-writing this the part which made me actually laugh was this

"Spirit King: you are the one I want to stay here and run the Spirit Realm with Loki,

Lucy: W-why are you sick?I can take you to a Hospital"

I laughed so much at that from my old story, I mean why would he go to the hospital? My god. Anyway, I'll update soon.
