After mission after mission, the lab rats can't take it anymore. They are desperate for sleep, but Donald is reluctant to give it to them. Once they get some rest, will two of them actually rest or will Chase keep them up all night with his snoring!

A/N: Guys, this is my first fanfic on here and I hope it goes well. If I get a lot of people to read and like it, I might...well, I don't know. But, I'll do something. Anyways, I really excited for you guys to read it and now I give you...One Restless Night!


*Disclaimer: I do not own Lab Rats or its characters*

"Guys, you were absolutely great out there." Davenport congratulated his three teenagers as they began to sit down. "Look, I know that it is late but I need another favor out of you guys."

A series of groans erupted throughout the room. Bree, Chase, and Adam were very tired.

"But, I'm tiiiirrreeeedd!" Chase whined as he closed his eyes for the time for self-deserved sleep.

"Guys!" Davenport yelled as he clapped his hands three times. The three teens jumped awake. "I'm serious."

Bree rolled her eyes and Chase whined again. Adam looked over to his blue tube. It was so close, yet it was too far.

"I promise you that you will get some sleep after this mission is completed." Davenport reasoned with them.

They all sighed before agreeing to do whatever he wanted them to do. Besides, they wanted sleep. The only way that they could get sleep was to do whatever mission that he wanted them to do.

"Donald, let them get some rest." Tasha unexpectedly commanded. Donald reluctantly let them go.

They cheered and hugged Tasha before walking into their tubes.

Not even thirty minutes of sleep, Bree and Adam were awoken. They were very well aware that there was a sound, but the sound was so ear-reckoning that no one would want to be six feet near it.

"Adam." Bree whispered.

She clearly knew that Adam was awake.

"Yeah." Adam responded back with the same tone that Bree used.

"Do you hear that?" She asked him.

"Yeah...I think it's Chase." He responded back.

The two of them exited their tubes before turning on the blue-night light. The Blue Night Light was a light that was shown above the tubes. Just in case something happened, they would be able to see clearly.

Bree and Adam just stood their in shock. Chase, of all people, is snoring.

Davenport must've altered his abilities. Bree thought.

"I think Davenport put a pig-ability in his body." Adam bluntly stated.

This got a laugh out of Bree.

She nodded her head. "Yeah..he picked up a pig, brought it into the house, and put it inside of Chase." She stated sarcastically.

Adam nodded his head. "That was very mean of Mr. Davenport to do." He said and Bree just shook her head.

"No-never mind." Bree decided not to finish her sentence, because she knew that it would get no where.

"Well, I'm off to bed." Adam suddenly said and got back into his tube. The thing that was weird was that their tubes were noise-proof. So, how did Chase's snoring blast through their tubes?

Bree shrugged and got into her tube.

The morning was all peaches and cream for Chase. He had a goodnight of rest and he couldn't be more happier.

Then there was Adam, who got an exactly eight hours of sleep.

On the other hand, Bree couldn't get any but the twenty minutes that she had before Chase had started snoring that night.

"Woah, look who woke up on the terrible side...literally!" Chase stated and laughed. Adam joined in.

Bree rolled her eyes as she walked into the elevator. She walked on the main floor and trudged to the kitchen. Tasha gave her a smile, which ended up changing to a frown.

"Looks like you had a rough night." Tasha stated.

Bree rolled her eyes again before saying, "You have no idea."

A/N: That's the end of this. I have another one coming up and I hope that you guys like it. If it sucked, please comment it. Because it'll just help me get better.

Anyways, please review!