GWAH. I'm really really sorry for the slow updates! Well, I'd like to take this moment to say thank you for all the support! To those who followed, favorited and reviewed, THANK YOU VERY MUCH. Even to those who just read it! It really means a lot to me!
You can read this part later...
Me and a friend from deviantart talked about the decrease of KiMa fans. I don't know if they switched to another pairing or just got bored with it or what but please. If you're really in to KiMa please oh please support everything that is related to it. May it be small or big. We need to spread the KiMa love! lol. But, in all seriousness, let's make KiMa alive again.
I, for one, ain't good at english at all. Like, really bad! No joke. So bad that I cried at a quiz in english, not once but more than twice. But look at me now. Daring myself to write you guys some fanfics. All I'm trying to say, is that, why not write as well, I'm not forcing you or anything, let's just spread the love! Contribute any way possible. If you have noticed, the KiMa tag here is really slow compared to other ones, only few would update( I know I'm like that, and I'm sorry). Let's change that. Maybe there's a whole new batch of amazing writers out there who's just shy or just doesn't know where to put there amazing fanfics. I tell you, once you contribute, you'll feel really really REALLY happy. You feel so light that your heart would just pop from joy. If you're having difficulty in spelling, just use auto correct (that's what I do). if you're bad in grammar, ask for some help. If you don't have the time, write the main idea on a piece of paper and when you're free why not continue it. It's okay if it's a one-shot.
I'm not forcing you guys to write or draw, I'm encouraging you to support the ship. KiMa is my one and ONLY ONE true pairing... I don't want to lose this. And I know that you don't want either. Here are some sites that has KiMa fans on it, I hope that this would fuel your KiMa passion lol.:
-Deviantart (Really great artists there. If you have an account, try to search for Death the Kid x Maka fc...? I forgot the group name... But the icon is where Kid is kissing Maka's forehead.) Go comment on the artists' works, encourage them to do more.
-Tumblr (Search for the KiMa tag there. Also use: #kidxmaka #makaxkid #kid x maka JUST ANYTHING WITH MAKA AND KID. I repeat, there's a LOT of Kima drawings there! There are also fanfics that aren't posted here) Like, reblog, follow people there to make them feel that KiMa's still alive!
Well that's all I have, if you now where to get more KiMa sites, just comment so the others would know as well.
My whole 'pm me for suggestions about the next one shot'(see chapter 1) is still open. If you're too busy to write one, you can just tell me the gist of it, make it detailed, so I'll write it down for you. I'll show you before publishing it in public, and I won't forget to credit you! Requests are open.
LET'S MAKE KIMA ALIVE AGAIN! And if we're lucky maybe through our hard work, Okubo may add more Kid/Maka interactions on Soul Eater Not. Seeing that it's already fan service.
I don't own Soul Eater, I own my college but.
My first kiss went a little like this?
"NO WAY!" Tsubaki gasped at what she just heard. Maka quickly clamped her hands on Tsubaki's mouth to shut her.
"Ssssshhh! We're in public, someone might hear you!" Maka half whispered and yelled to her best friend. She looks flustered and paranoid on her surroundings. Not wanting someone hearing they're conversation.
"I just can't believe that my little Maka, already had her first kiss." Tsubaki wiped an imaginary tear from her face.
"DID I HEAR THAT CORRECTLY?! Maka? Did you really-" Liz and Patty appeared behind the black haired girl, making her jump a little in surprise. Maka quickly 'shushed' them by clamping each of her hands on the two siblings.
"Glob guys, we're in public. I don't want everybody to know that!" Maka's face was red as a tomato, embarrassed that someone else might hear them.
"Well then, let's go somewhere private!" Liz took their hands and dragged them to the school's open field*. Lunch break has just started and everybody was busy eating or training.
The open field is just a vast green field that can be used by students to train, practice, hang out or even just have a picnic. In the corner of the field lies a functioning water fountain, shooting a string of water up high and bending it's way back down. The girls went there to continue the conversation.
"Well, we're in private, now spill it." Liz ordered, leaning closer to Maka as with the other two girls.
"You guys don't have to fret about it." Maka pushed them back, wanting her personal space.
"I just can't believe that all this time we've been teasing you, saying you haven't had your first kiss then you already have? Like what the hell Maka." Liz asked in disbelief, the other two girls nodd in agreement to the tall blonde.
"I just told you now to get it off my case. It's getting irritating." Maka defended herself. "But sure, I'll tell the story." She sighed at the end.
"YAY! STORY TIME" Patty cheered, leaning in closer again to hear better.
"For starters, I want my personal space back." The three girls scooted away from her, but not too far for they want to hear the full details.
"Ok, I was 10 when it happened." Maka started, earning an 'aww' from the girls, "We were classmates back then. One day when I was being teased by this one big kid, he came to save me. After that we became friends and everything became puppy love. Mama and Papa fought, I came to the park crying, he came, we kissed, the end. Oh and after we kissed he said that he'll be leaving to another country. So end of story." She finished with a hmph.
"HE LEFT?! How does that make you feel Maka?!" Tsubaki gasped.
"At first, I didn't take it nicely, but then it soon became just a part of my memory then poof. It's nothing more but just the past."
"AWWW. Do you ever think that he'll come back? What's he's name?!" Liz inquired.
"I won't tell you his name. You might search for him or stalk him. And no, I don't think that he'll come back. I tell you, I'm all over him. And it was just puppy love." She shrugged them off.
"Do you still love him, Maka- chaaaan?~" Patty asked her.
"No, I don't. But if I do see him... I'll be really happy." She smiled, making the girls 'awww' even more.
Liz was squealing with Tsubaki, saying that they can't believe that 'that' actually happened to Maka.
"Ne ne, Liz! I'm hungry! Let's eat!" Patty jumped from her seat. Letting her sister hear the growl from her stomach.
"Yeah, all this news makes my stomach growl as well. Let's go inside and eat, maybe the guys are looking for us as well." said Liz, standing up and stretching.
"Speaking about the boys, if you tell them, I swear to death that you'll be crying for a lifetime." Maka warned them.
Patty saluted while Liz shiver in fright. "Ok Patty, let's goooo." She pushed her on, leaving Tsubaki and Maka alone.
"Thanks for telling us the story, you should've told us earlier about it." Tsuabaki patted her back earning a giggle from Maka.
"I never thought that you'll be interested with a story like that."
"Not interested?! You gotta be kidding me." They laughed together. "Hey, let's got eat now."
"Nah, I'll stay here for a while."
"Ok, I'll reserve you a seat. See you later." Tsubaki waved good bye.
She breathed out, finally alone, she thought. She stayed there for a while, just enjoying the calm breeze. She got alarmed when she heard the sound of someone stepping on a twig. She twirled her head on the trespasser, green sat on gold.
"Kid!" She squeaked. Surprised by his sudden appearance and hoping to god that he didn't hear the earlier conversation.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to eavesdrop or anything." His hands were up and shaking profusely, trying to convey that he's being honest.
"So, you heard it all?" Maka placed her hands on her face to soothe the heat radiating from her cheeks.
"Well.. some of it.." He scratched the back of his head, feeling guilty for hearing such personal things. "I'm really sorry."
"No, it's not your fault. It's actually those three's fault." Her burning embarrassment quickly changed into burning 'pissed' off. Planning on scolding them later for being loud. "By the way... Why are you even here?" She asked the reaper.
"Professor Stein wanted to see our group, saying that he's going to make us do something. When me and the boys went to the girls locker, they said that you guys already left. We split up to look for you guys. We were already separated when I realized I can use my Soul Perception to find you. Then I stumbled here." He sat beside her on the fountain, feeling the breeze of fresh air brush his hair.
"So you have no ill intentions?" She looked at him through the corner of her eye.
"Only a fool would do that. And I'm no fool. Lips sealed." He motioned to his mouth, seemingly zipping it using an imaginary zipper.
Maka giggled, "Well good thing 'cause it's all a lie."
"A what?" He quickly turned his head to her.
"A lie. All I said to the girls were a lie. Their excessive need for gossip is getting irritating. The truth is, I still don't have my first kiss. Pathetic huh?"
"Sorry to burst your bubble, but it's not pathetic. Well, 'cause I haven't had one my self." This was Maka's turn to turn her head to him.
"No way. You- Death The Kid. Still don't have his first kiss?" She asked in disbelief, an eyebrow raised, questioning him. "I can understand why I don't have one but you? You're Death The Kid."
"Is it too much of a shocker that I haven't had my first kiss yet?" He chuckled making Maka blush a bit in embarrassment.
"Well yeah. As what I said. You're Death The Kid. THE Death The Kid." She gestured to him. Exaggerating the 'the' part.
"Well, THE Death The Kid haven't kissed anyone yet." He chuckled once more. She turned to the fountain, her back facing him.
"Do you ever wonder how a kiss feels like?" Her gaze transfixed on the water of the fountain. Dipping her lite fingers to the clear water.
"That's out of the blue." He said, turning his head to look at her back. He saw that she slightly tense up.
Her mind raked for a reply, hand stuck on the clear water. Good thing her back was facing him, he would see her bright red face if not. She was embarrassed to ask that question.
"Oh, I was talking more to myself-" She tried to defend herself, but was cut by a hand looping itself on her neck. Another hand grasped her shoulder, making her turn to face the owner of the hands.
She was surprised when her lips touched someone else's. A total shock when the lips and hands belong to Death The Kid. Everything stopped, she could only feel Kid's breath on her's, the sound of the fountain and that's all. The kiss was brief, an awkward peck of some sort. When Kid broke the kiss, a feeling of disappointment washed through her. Without thinking, she reached out for his lips again, once again, connecting them.
She closed her eyes as soon as Kid opened his. He didn't expect a single peck could turn into a long sweet kiss. And he was taking it really good. He closed his eyes to ravish the moment. Hands that are still on her, carressed her soft cheek. The hand on her shoulder traveled to the small of her back, pushing her closer, making her squeek involuntarily. Her hands moved as well, slowly, hesitantly, snaking them up at his chest, eventually looping her arms on his neck.
Kid turned his head to kiss her more fully, she got the idea and turned her's as well. The short peck became a long, sweet kiss. It took them a minute or two to part. Both panting for air.
It took them another minute to compose themselves, but still not moving from each other's arms. Kid was the first one to speak, "Um... I-I'm sorry. I-" He stuttered, not really know what to say next.
"No, it-it's all right..." An evident blush painted on their faces. "Umm. Stein's looking for us, right?" She stood up, brushing her skirt as if nothing happened, but the look on her face and the speed of her heart beat said otherwise.
"Yes! Shall we go to the others?" He went along with her, standing up and awkwardly looking around.
She looped an arm to his shoulder and said, "Let's go..." Head cast down as to not let Kid see the mad blush she's having. Kid became more red at the contact, he stiffened but soon relaxed. He stepped forward only to halt once again. "Wait, Maka." He took her face onto his, making them kiss once again.