A/N: I'm so sorry for the long delay! I've been swept up in a RedBeauty fic and i just couldn't get my head into the SwanQueen space! Enjoy and review! Let me know if you any idea's or suggestions :)
Chapter 33.
"Wow," Emma held onto Regina's hands as the two couples stood at the entrance of the university, "It's…huge."
"Huge," Belle repeated, "How do people not get lost going to class?"
"I dunno," Emma continued staring for a moment before snapping her attention back to her friends, "Um, you got the map Belle? Where do we go?"
Ruby laughed, "She can read, yes, but direct, no," she snatched the paper out of Belle's hands and looked at it, "Hmm, this way to sign up!"
Ruby led the way with Emma and Regina trailing behind.
"It's pretty," Emma noted, "How do they keep the grass so green?"
Regina chuckled, "It is. It's a magnificent school, you two are really going to thrive here, especially…"
Emma frowned, "Especially what?"
"Well, I do agree that on-line is a good choice for now, but I also think the whole college experience, being on campus and in classes is important too."
Emma nodded, "Yeah, I guess."
Regina squeezed her hand, "But hey, one step at a time, dear."
Emma smiled, "Yep."
They followed Ruby and Belle into an old building looking at room numbers until Ruby stopped.
"Here!" she exclaimed, "Room 23!"
Belle breathed deeply, "Okay, ready Swan? Look we're early, there's barely a line!"
Emma nodded before turning to Regina, "We'll call you when we're done?"
Regina nodded, "Of course, good luck darling," she kissed Emma's lips quickly, "Don't be nervous," she whispered, "You deserve to be here as much as anyone."
Emma calmed a little at her girlfriends words and nodded, following Belle into the room.
Regina and Ruby walked the grounds as they waited for their girlfriends to finish their enrolment sessions.
"Beautiful campus," Ruby noted, "Pretty gardens."
"Very," Regina smiled in agreement, "So, you never considered the ivy league?"
Ruby laughed, "No, never. I don't like academia so much," she shrugged, "I mean, I'll continue to help Granny out whilst I go to community college part time. To be honest, I wish I didn't even have to do that but I want to open my own coffee shop some day so I kinda need some business skills. I mean, Granny can teach me a lot of it, but she says I should get further education," she sighed, "Plus, I think Granny's ways are pretty old fashioned."
Regina nodded, "Sure, it will be a different perspective. You won't take over Granny's? I mean, as your grandmother gets older?"
Ruby frowned, "I'm not sure, I probably will for a while, to get the hang of it, but then I'd like to employ someone else to take care of it so I can open my coffee shop. Granny's is great, but it's got that old diner kinda feel, which I love and I know the customers do too, but I want to open a more…modern kind of place. A young person's place, a little more hip and fun with cool music and colourful furniture," she shrugged, "I don't know, that's the plan anyway."
"It sounds pretty well thought out," Regina smiled, "Always nice to have a plan."
Ruby grinned, "Sure, but it's flexible. It depends what happens. But Belle says she's wants to have a mini library," she laughed, "Maybe out the back or maybe just shelves around the place, depends on the space, but I think it would work."
"So do I," Regina said honestly, "Sounds fresh! I hope to have a coffee there some day."
Ruby laughed, "Sure, on the house," she winked, "Speaking of library's, I can guarantee you that's where Belle will head once they're done."
Regina chuckled, "Of course, a college library is definitely worth seeing."
Belle bounded out of the room to Emma, who was already finished.
"How'd you go?" she asked enthusiastically.
"Great," Emma grinned.
The two girls stood in the hallway looking over one another's subject lists before Belle grabbed Emma's arm.
"Please, one thing I want to do before we meet the others?" she asked.
Emma looked at her friend's bright blue, shining eyes and laughed, "Library?"
Belle bit her lip, "Yes!"
"Of course," Emma had barely answered before Belle was dragging her across campus.
The library was well worth seeing too.
"I could fit my whole house in here…twice," Belle said, spinning around as she took in the spacious room.
They wandered between the shelves, staring at the raised and patterned ceiling and the thousands upon thousands of books stowed upon the shelves. After twenty minutes, Belle finally made her way to Emma in the centre of the library who was flicking through a book absently.
"Sorry, I took a while, huh?" Belle grinned sheepishly.
Emma laughed lightly, "It's cool," she held up the book; catcher in the rye, "Never complaining about a little time with Holden."
Belle cheered, "Yes! Never forget I got you onto that, Swan."
Emma smiled and placed the book back upon the shelf, "Never, shall we go meet Ruby and Regina?"
As they stepped out into the daylight, they saw their girlfriend's waiting patiently.
"Hey, how'd you know we'd be here?" Belle asked happily.
Ruby laughed, "Um, because I know you. Belle and books is like bread and butter."
Belle blushed, "Oh, right. Well, here, look at my subject lists."
Regina pulled Emma in close, "So proud of you, honey. Now you're a real college girl."
Emma grinned, "Yeah, I suppose so. Pretty cool, huh?"
Regina nuzzled into Emma's ear, "You have no idea," she whispered, "I'm no longer dating a high school girl."
Emma giggled, "Oh yeah, true that. I guess you're not my teacher anymore, huh?"
Regina shook her head, "Nope, but you still find me attractive, right? Cause you know," she put her hands on Emma's waist, "I can always play sexy teacher if need be."
Emma bit the corner of her lip, "Maybe sometimes," she giggled, "But either way, I love you."