A/N: Hi there, this is a short little prologue as such to my first FitzSimmons fic. the events would have taken place after Yes Men and before the End of the Beginning. I'm hoping it won't be too angsty, but i wouldn't expect too much fluff from this either.

Disclaimer: I don't own a thing

TW: mentions of abortion (only mentions)

This has to be a mistake Simmons thought at the little stick of plastic she clutched in her shaking hands. Its wrong, these things can be wrong, it's definitely a mistake.

Mistake or not, there was no doubt in the two faint pink lines which had formed a cross and a tight knot in the pit of her stomach.

But really she had suspected as much. She had been more squeamish than usual; the look of Skye's blood began to make her physically ill. She was much more emotional, but she had put that down to the trauma of her best female friend getting shot in the stomach. But then she had been late.

She dropped the pregnancy test in the sink and sat heavily onto the closed lid of the toilet as her vision was blurred with her hot tears. Burying her head in her hands, she had let them fall when she heard a soft knock on the bathroom door.

"Simmons?" came a soft muffled voice, "C'mon, Simmons, you're not the only one on this plane y'know, people are gonna start to get suspicious,"

Simmons choked back a sob, praying that her friend might just leave her to collect herself for a moment, but Skye persisted. "Simmons, you're scaring me now, please just open up-"

Skye was cut off as Simmons unlocked the door and pulled her into the BUS' cramped bathroom stared at her friend expectantly, her large brown eyes growing concerned as she took in the young scientist's disheveled state. "I'm guessing its not good news, then" she muttered grimly, prompting Simmons to break down in tears again.

The hacker suddenly felt a rush of guilt, distress washed over her and she fell to her knees to offer her comfort. "Honestly, Simmons, it could very well be a false alarm, God knows I've had experience there,"

Simmons grimaced and shook her head bitterly, "No, no the signs are all there, God, I'm such an idiot,"

"What are you going to do?"

"I don't know… I-I'm going to have to talk to Fitz first and then..." the breath caught in her throat and she looked over to her sympathetic companion,"And then, I suppose I'm going to have to leave,"

For someone so clever, she couldn't believe she could have been so stupid. Of course, she could never blame Fitz; this whole thing was her idea. Becoming partners. Joining the team. Getting stupid stupidly drunk when visiting the Academy and sneaking off to break into his abandoned old dorm.

"This is where it all began Fitz, d'you remember?" she had slurred, they had leaned against each other as they stumbled towards the dust covered couch.

"Of course I do, Jems, how could ever I forget?"

She reminisced to their first moments, the two youngest, brightest and loneliest students had managed to find each other on the first day at the Academy. But after one awkward night, they agreed, they would work best as just friends.

"You were my first," she giggled, "I am glad it was with you, though, even though it was terribly awkward,"

"I've loved you since that very day, I have, you were my first real friend," he murmured into her hair, his accent thicker and heavier from intoxication.

"I know," she whispered, "I love you too,"

Then she had kissed him. It was sloppy and wet with the bitter taste of alcohol, but at the same time it was perfect. She didn't regret what happened, nor would she ever. The only thing she had regretted was the look on his face when he opened his eyes in the morning, and seen her gazing sleepily up at him from his naked arms.

The look of shock, betrayal and discomfort he had when he had jumped up, refusing to meet her eyes as he fumbled over his words and the buttons of his shirt. For that, though, Simmons was grateful, because that way he couldn't see the hurt on her face as she reassured him that nothing had happened. And they pretended like it didn't.

Except now she couldn't.

Her mind began to race. She would have to tell him the truth about that night. That would undoubtly ruin their friendship, and about the result which would ruin his career. No. No, Coulson wouldn't need to know about all this. She could have easily gotten knocked up by some senior on that visit. Then Fitz wouldn't have to suffer her consequences.

But how would she manage? Her parents would disown her, no doubt about that. She would definitely get fired- she had probably broken just about every regulation ever set, not to mention Coulson's trust. And how was she meant to support a child with no income? Her child didn't deserve that. Fitz's child didn't deserve that.

"Or," she whispered, "I could just..." She couldn't say it. It broke her heart to say it.

Skye's eyes widened, she shook her head, "No, Jemma, think about it, could you really do that to Fitz?"

Jemma's eyes welled with fresh tears. "I've already done enough, he doesn't need to know,"

"Yes he does, Simmons, please, at least promise me you will talk to him before you do anything,"

Jemma shook her head desperately, "he'll h-hate me,"

"No he won't," Skye assured her, clutching her friends hand as her small body wracked with sobs, "He can't, besides, he deserves to know. Please, just promise me"

Simmons composed herself, taking in a shaky breath, before meeting her eyes. "Okay," she sniffed, "I promise," she let her hand graze over her currently flat abdomen.

He deserved to know.