So I'm taking a break from my other fic and I just got this crazy idea of a fic and I'm trying to see where this could lead me.

Disclaimer : All characters belong to Mizuno-sensei…

It was a surprise to us all when our supreme mother declared that she will be marrying our soon-to-be father in three month time. What surprise us even more is that the fact, we will be having a sister. Of course all of my brother except Hi-niichan and Natsu-niichan, were extremely hapy at the prospect of having a sister.

"Finnaly!" Tsuba-nii yelled, eyes brimming with happiness, "My last long dream shall be fulfilled!" He twirls and I swear I could see a headlight shinning on him.

Azu-nii sighed at Tsuba-nii reaction, already knowing the reason why. He looks calm and cool but I know that he is happy at the news as well.

Everyone express themselves quite differently, Masa-nii smiling and chatting a bit with mother, asking her about our sister. Ukyo-nii was holding a pan and warning Kana-nii not to do weird things with our sister. Loui-nii is on heaven, dreaming what kind of things he could do with her hair. Subaru-nii is sitting calmly beside me and seems to be thinking. Io-nii also seems to be thinking, but unlike Subaru-nii whose face is very serious, Io-nii has a soft smile. Yu-niisan is being teased by Futo-nii as his face was red when mother said sister. Wataru, my younger brother, seem to be brimming with happiness at the thought of having a sister.

My quietness was not unnoticed by mother.

"Riku-chan." She looks at me worryingly, "Are you alright? You are very quiet." She puts her hand on my forehead.

Masa-nii being a doctor, immediately crouches in front of me, beside mother. "Are you feeling sick, Riku?"

That was the last straw, every single one of my brothers stops their musing and come close to the couch where I sits and starts to bombard me with question, asking whether I was okay, should I need to go to the doctor, do I need something to drink, until mother shush them all.

I smiled at my brothers, happy at their concerns, "I'm fine nii-san tachi. I'm just enjoying your reactions."

Everyone immediately sighs in relief. It can't be help.

I was born with a fragile body, whenever I got sick; it usually resulted into going to the hospital. So my brothers are on the constant alert on my behaviour. The fact that out of a ll my siblings, I look the most girlish, having a quite long hair. I'm glad on their concerns but at times it is annoying. Even Wataru, are careful when playing with me or dragging me.

My mother speaks up once again, "Alright, since I will be going with your father for our honeymoon trip. It has been decided that your sister will come here and stay with you all."

"Doesn't honeymoon come after the wedding?" Futo-nii pipe in, "Just don't come home bringing another kid with you." As he put his arm behind his head.

Mother was o him and smack him on the head, "Shut it." Mother glare at my older brother, "Don't forget who bought you into this world, Futo."

Futo-niisan just clutch at his head and glare at Yu-nii who is trying to hold his laugh.

"Now, where was I." Mother continues, putting a finger on her chin, "Oh right, your sister will be coming here in three days' time. So don't forget to prepare the room." Getting a chorus of "Hai".

"Now then, I will be going now. So watch over yourself and each other okay." She walks back to me and drop a kiss on my forehead and Wataru. She looks at my older brothers, "Watch your brothers." She sternly said. After making sure, she got her message across, she starts kissing each of my brothers on the forehead before leaving the apartment.

Everyone is silent for a while, before Wataru excitedly ask whose room our new sister is going to occupy.

"Well since currently Natsume room is unoccupied; we can use that room for our new sister." Masa-nii said. Looking at my twins brother, "That's should be okay don't you think. Tsubaki, Azusa."

Azu-nii nodded while Tsuba-nii happily said, "Definitely Masa-nii, yay our room is going to be on the same floor with imouto-chan." He glomp on Azu-nii shoulder.

"So tomorrow lets clean that room and prepare it for our sister." Ukyou-nii the ever "mom" said.

No one objects and one by one start to leave the living to do their own activities. The only ones left in the living room is me, Wataru, Masa-nii, Ukyou-nii, Louis-nii, and Kana-nii.

"Riku, Wataru, it's getting late so why don't you go to sleep." Masa-nii gently encourage us to go.

Wataru pouts, "No way, I'm not sleepy yet."

Me on the other hand, agree on my brother decision, I hate to admit but I'm feeling rather tired. I just hoped that a good night rest would energise me tomorrow, "Well then nii-san, good night." I stood up from the couch and start walking up the stairs.

"Riku." Ukyou-nii calls me once I'm on top of the stairs, "Will you need a lunchbox tomorrow?"

I think for a while before nodding, "Yes please, Ukyou-nii." Ukyou-nii smiled and nod.

"Alright then, good night Riku."

Entering the lift, I heard Kana-nii teasing Wataru, "Hora, Wata-chan. You should be more obedient like Riku-chan and go to sleep." I didn't hear Wataru reply as the door of the lift closes.

Reaching the third floor, I walk up to my room and went to bed immediately seeing as I'm starting to develop a headache. It wasn't long before sleep claimed me.

Phew that's the first chapter. R&R Next chapter will be longer. Let me know what you think.