*Hey People of Fanfiction i am fairly new here and decided to add my own Elsa Fanfiction. Feedback of my story thus far would be really nice and helpful. Thank you :)*

The darkness of the ship hid the figure but the shadow proceeded towards the Lord.

"Now then my pet. Do you understand our agreement?" the shadow nodded. The ship rocked with intensity as wave after wave crashed down upon its wooden surfaces. "You will make sure the Queen does not live out the month. I do not care what you have to do, just make sure this happens." The shadow nodded again then sullenly turned and walked away, it's coat dragging across the ground towards the dungeon of the ship.

*Two years after the frozen summer*

"Elsa c'mon, it will be fun! Maybe you will find someone to dance with." Anna said with a wink. I rolled my eyes at her.

"You know I don't dance Anna…"

"Well why not, have you ever even danced? How do you know you don't like it if you havent tried, I could teach you! We could start…" My sisters voice trailed off as I looked out the window over my kingdom she sure could talk that was for sure. But she was my sister and I loved her just the same. I crossed my arms and leaned on the wall next to me. My braid tickled my forearm and I began to fondle my white locks. I do not need a suitor. Whose idea was it anyway that a queen needed a king… I have never even had a thought about someone in that sense. I have never found someone physically appealing, or even emotionally appealing. Unlike Anna I did not feel the need to get married right away. It only took a year before her and Kristoff made the leap of faith.

"…Elsa are you listening to me?" Anna asked sternly, bringing me back to focus.

"Hmm? Oh yes Anna, I am. But my answer is still no. I am sorry but I have duties to attend to as a queen and having fun is not one of them." Anna looked at me with disappointment, the look she always gave me when she wanted something but I said no.

"Don't give me that face Anna…" She sighed.

"Fine… I'll just…you know, go alone…" I rolled my eyes again.

"Kristoff will be there, you will hardly be alone." Anna grunted in irritation.

"Fine! Be a stinker!" She got up and stalked out of my room. Just as well, I had letters to write. Letters regarding trade and other boring business. I walked out and down the hall to the throne room where all business was done. I sat down and started at the list of kingdoms I had to address, I sighed, I could already feel my hand cramping in anticipation.

Two hours later and a major hand cramp I had 50 letters personally written to each kingdom. I could hear footsteps down the hall, running footsteps. Oh no…

Anna burst into the throne room with a smile.

"Else there is a ship coming, friendly flag colors, but I've never seen them before. Someone new!" She always loved meeting new people. I, on the other hand, did not. Maybe I should just let Anna be queen.

I stood, smoothing my dress and walking to Anna.

"Well let's go take a look then and greet them." Anna clapped and then ran ahead of me. I followed down the stairs and outside, it was beautiful today. The sun shined bright and the heat warmed my always cold body. I looked up into the sky momentarily and took a deep breath of summer. Each ray of sun penetrated my skin and I more than welcomed it.

"Your majesty," a guard called out "The ship has docked." I waved him off to assure him that I knew. I walked to the dock and waited. Five guards stood on either side of me in case these ship held a threat, though I was more than capable of taking care of myself. We waited as the ship anchored and the bridge dropped. A man wearing all white in his mid 30's came out. He looked to me and smiled.

"Ah your majesty! What a pleasure it finally is to meet you!" He called walking towards me. I smile back, my hands linking together, an old habit.

"Hello." I greeted.

"Allow me to introduce myself," he said standing in front of me. "I am Lord Dugonee of the North Kien Island." He bowed and I curtsied in return.

"Lovely to meet you. What brings you to Arendale Lord Dugonee?"

"We wish to become a trading partner with your lovely kingdom! But that can be dealt with later. Right now I would love to take a tour of your kingdom." Other men started to descende from his ship, all dressed the same, Blue and white suits. Another man, dressed very different, came from the ship. As the man walked closer I could see that he was not a man at all, but a woman. The lord's voice dissapeared from my thoughts and I looked over the girl. She looked the same age as I. Her face was pixie like, the same as her hair. A sandy brown short cut was what made her look like a boy. She wore pants instead of a dress, the rather nicely fit her form. Even her baggy shirt seemed to fit her form. The last I noticed was a bow firmly attached around her torso. Something in my stomach fluttered and my hands began to fidget, wanting to stroke the womans face. What is going on? The girl walked over to me. Her gray eyes danced with mine, a small smile playing on her full lips.

"Ah there you are Alex!" the lord said to her. She nodded towards him without taking her eyes off of mine. "Your majesty this here is the best woman arrow shooter I have ever encountered. She could hit a fly at 100 feet away!"

"That's very… very good." I stammered out. I looked down trying not to blush. The girl chuckled a little and took my hand, kissing the top of it and than looking to me.

"It is the best of pleasures to meet you." She said in a sultry voice. This time I did blush, and Anna saw. Knew this because I saw her staring at me and smile. What is this feeling? Why when she took my hand did it feel like my body held fire rather than ice?

"I'm sure the pleasure is all mine." I said cooly, smiling at her.