Linkette walked out to the front of the boat, the cool night air blowing against her face, pushing her hair back. It was relaxing, and it helped clear her mind. So much stuff has been happening lately, it's been difficult to deal with. She leaned against the railing, the metal cold against her bare skin, but she stayed where she was.

She hadn't a doubt Linebeck was watching her right now, possibly wondering what she was up to. He brought their way to the next destination, hoping to get there before it got way too dark they wouldn't be able to cross the sea from the dangers. She wondered if he too was just as concerned about her friend, Tetra. It broke her heart, finding her finally, and seeing her turned to stone... She was going to try everything she could to return her back to normal, even if the means of doing it was risking her own life.

She looked up to the sky with a sigh. It was a dark blue, turning black almost, stars twinkling up high. Their bright light was giving her hope. "Soon, Tetra..." She whispered to herself. "I'll get you back to normal... I promise..."

She stayed silent for a while after that, just listening to the lapping of the ocean against the boat, the sound calming, along with the odd sound from the seagulls. After a few more moments of that, she straightened again, heading back towards the cabin of the boat, giving Linebeck a wave as she passed by.

Linebeck was a great guy, in her opinion. After getting past his weird antics, and the way he acts, he really was a nice and kind person. A great traveling companion too. Already, a few times he's been there for her, when she had nightmares during the night, or when she just got too worried and scared over Tetra. She gave a small smile thinking about it. She passed by Tetra too, stopping in front of her.

She placed a hand on Tetra's stone shoulder, giving a sad look. The look on Tetra's face just looked scared. She wondered what she saw as she was being turned to stone... She wondered if Tetra was actually still there, if her mind was conscious still, and possibly seeing her right now. She had no idea... She leaned towards the stone girl, and pressed her lips against her forehead, giving a kiss.

"I'll save you."