It was 7:47 PM on a masturbating Monday and Pearl was rubbing her salty whale asshole. She was depressed about her father "punishing" her after asking who her mother was. Suddenly Pearl heard the door creak open and saw her father's employee. Squidward Tennisballs.

"Hey, Pearl, where's Mr. Krabs?"

"Oh, he's probably out raping Spongebob again." Pearl replied.

"No Spongebob is having oral sex with jellyfish. Well I guess I'll leave then."

"NO! I mean it's late and you should stay for a while, Mr. Tennisballs."

Squidward made a disapproving expression in reaction to the mispronunciation of his name.

"It's Tentacles, Pearl..." he corrected.


She then continued to rub her tight virgin asshole and spread out her legs ever so seductively and let out a bone chilling whale song. This turned Squidward on. He swiftly jumped on top of the whore and whispered into her ear,


And shoved his slimy love stick into her blow hole. To get a blowjob. It makes sense. Pearl was drowning for Squidward's dick juice pushed out all of her air. She wasn't moving so Squidward just kept going; he's a necrophiliac. The door opened with a loud bang and out came a red greedy crustacean shock of seeing his daughter laying dead with his slave fucking her body.


Squidward yelled out the cry of his people and shot his semen onto Mr. Krab's face then gracefully ran up the stairs carrying Pearl. Mr. Krabs wailed and shrieked a piercing sound for the cum was melting through has calcium rich shell and got to his flesh. All the tendons were now visible and being slowly eaten by the acidic semen. Squidward had to think fast, eh was blinded by the joys of intercourse only to now realize he would get the death sentence and a brutal Bikini Bottom style anus raping. He opened the window adn tossed Pearl out first then himself, he landed softly on her silicon breast and dashed away with Pearl's sensual throbbing corpse.