Hello guys! This is a response to my own challenge, as I thought writing this would inspire others to perhaps try their hand at it as well. With this story going, I think I'm going to be putting my other fics on hiatus until this one gets further along. It just sort of pulled me in. Oh, and don't forget to review! Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or Harry Potter, blah blah. On with the story!

"I still believe that protecting the village is the best way to protect people, shinobi, children! Anyone who tries to harm it, whether they are my friends, siblings, or my own children; I won't forgive them!"

Madara jerked awake, aware of a sharp pain in the center of his chest. The Uchiha leaned up, wincing in pain as he did so. Looking down, he saw his torso was wrapped in linen bandages, along with many other parts of his body. Cursing, he slammed a fist into the dirt beside him in anger, not caring about the pain of the sudden movement. 'Kuso!' He had lost to Hashirama, again.

His mind went back to the battle, remembering the wound that should have killed him, before remembering his bandages. Someone had saved him. He looked around in curiosity, brushing his somewhat untidy waist-length black hair out of his dark Uchiha eyes. He was in a white tent, sparsely furnished apart from the bedroll he currently occupied and what looked like a wash basin, along with a desk that contained many different herbs and other such medical supplies.

'But, who saved me?'

Madara immediately tensed as he sensed a prescence approaching. If they had healed him, they probably held him no ill will. Still, one didn't become head of the Uchiha Clan by trusting everyone who seemed to hold anything but ill will towards them. After a moment's wait, a woman entered the tent. She was of average height, had waist-length red hair braided down her back, sharp, intelligent emerald eyes, a slightly angular face, and a surprised look upon her face.

"When did you wake up?" She asked, hastily moving to his side and checking him over with medical ninjutsu, green chakra forming around her hands.

"Just now," Madara replied evenly.

"With all of your wounds, it's amazing you survived at all. But being awake already?" the woman was obviously shocked, and Madara couldn't blame her; the wounds he and Hashirama had dealt each other were quite serious indeed. "Just who are you, mister?"

Madara took a moment to respond, silently weighing his options in his head. Even though this woman had saved him, he didn't know how she would react to him being Madara Uchiha. Sure, he bore the Uchiha crest, but that didn't nessesarily make him Madara. He could pose as another member of his clan, and she probably would never find out. But, after a moment's contemplation, Madara decided on the truth.

"My name is Uchiha Madara," he said, his low voice filled with a power few could claim to possess.

The woman stared at him, frozen in shock, and Madara had to admit, she looked... intriguing when she made that face.

"M-Madara?" she stuttered.

"Yes, I take it you've heard of me?"

"Of course, you're one of the strongest ninja to live. It's amazing that anyone was able to do this much damage to you, whoever they were, they must be really powerful,"

Madara scowled at the mention of someone who could best him. "There is only one who could ever hope to defeat me," he returned, somewhat arrogant.

"The First, right? They say he's the strongest ninja in history," The woman had calmed herself by now, steeling her emotions behind a blank mask as she rose and began preparing salves for him on the other side of the tent.

Madara's scowl deepened at the mention of his rival. "Yes, well, be that as it may, we fought, and I ended up like this. Next time, however, will be different,"

The woman walked back to him, applying fresh bandages as she replied. "Don't get too ahead of yourself, you won't be able to be out and about again at full strength for several months, so just take it easy, alright?"

Madara's jaw almost dropped at that. Almost. He schooled his features into a cool, confident mask before asking the woman. "Several months?

"You're chakra stores were completely depleted, chakra exhaustion alone would've killed you if I didn't find you in that valley last night. Taking into account that you should be long dead from your wounds, and it's a miracle you're still alive. You seem to have pleased the gods in some way," she said, smirking playfully.

Madara found he liked it when she did that.

"Oh, and call me Nami,"

Madara supposed recouperating with Nami wouldn't be so bad after all.

Five Years Later

Madara sat in the floor of his home, an uncharacteristically happy smile on his face as a small child with messy black hair slowly walked towards him.

"That's it, Daisuke. Just a bit more," he encouraged as the child hurried his pace and ran into the Uchiha's awaiting arms.

Madara's smile broadened as his son's emerald green eyes found his own black orbs. Daisuke was such an intelligent boy for his age.

"Teaching him to walk?" a kind voice asked from behind him.

Standing up, Holding Daisuke in his arms, Madara turned, bringing the newcomer into a group hug.

"Nami, you wouldn't believe how gifted Daisuke is. He's sevon months old, and can already walk without any aid,"

A lot had changed in five years. Nami had managed to talk Madara out of his violent plans for peace, persuading him into finding peace through peaceful means. It was slow going, but Madara thought that maybe, given a few more years, he could actually achieve something in this manner. The two had fallen in love shortly after meeting, and married one year after Nami had found him after his battle with the First Hokage.

"You sure are proud of him," Nami replied, smiling.

"Of course, he's an Uchiha, and you can see it in how easily he learns new things. The child's a prodigy,"

Madara had never been one to love, but something about Nami drew him to her. He loved her with all his heart, even more so than he loved his brother Izuna. And if Madara loved anyone more than his beautiful wife, it was the amazing baby they had together. Nami and Daisuke were his world, and he would do anything for them.

The next morning found Madara going into town for various errands that Nami wanted him to go on while she watched Daisuke at home. He didn't mind, in fact walking alone helped him clear his mind and prepare for the upcoming day. After his errands in town were finished, he began walking home. Shortly before arriving, however, Madara noticed smoke rising above the trees where his home was located, along with several chakra signatures.


The ninja quickly dashed off, nothing more than a blur to the world as he raced home as fast as he could. It was times like these he was thankful for continuing his ninja training, even if he didn't partake in violence anymore. He reached his house within a minute, which was pretty fast considering his home was more than two miles away from town. Bursting through the trees, he beheld three men with shinobi attire plundering his house. Two were dragging his belongings into the open as a fire grew along the roof of the house. The other lunged with a kunai at Nami, who was holding little Daisuke, trying to protect him from harm.

Time seemed to slow as Madara sped to his wife's side, but it was too late; the enemy shinobi had started the lunge before Madara had shown up, and he couldn't reach Nami before the kunai plunged into her ribcage, narrowly missing Daisuke.

The ninja barely registered the fact that his kill was successful before his neck snapped so violently that his head was almost disconnected from his body. Madara let go of the dead ninja's corpse as Nami fell, dropping Daisuke as the life left her. Madara quickly caught both, holding them to him as he tried to keep Nami awake.

"Nami, Nami please don't die. Nami, don't die on me, Nami please," but it was all in vain. Madara's wife had died before Madara caught her.

Time seemed to slow down as Madara held his dead wife close to him, careful to avoid harming Daisuke, who cried openly, as if aware of the current situation.

A loud clanging was heard as multiple kunai knives hit a blue ribcage made of pure chakra that surrounded Madara. He lay Nami's still form on the ground and slowly turned around, cradeling Daisuke in his arms. The two enemy shinobi froze as a pair of Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan locked them with a gaze that promised a swift death. They were unable to move as Madara's Susanoo flared to life, striking them with one of its swords, effectively ending their lives.

"After all I've done for this world, even foregoing violence for a more peaceful path, and this is how I'm repaid?" he thundered to himself. "It seems I was wrong to think I could achieve peace through peaceful means. There can be no peace in this accursed shinobi world. Unless... Someone were to guide the ninja of this world, make them forget all of their pain and suffering. All of their hatred. Yes, it seems project Tsuki No Me is going to be enacted after all,"
A distant crying drew him from his thoughts as he looked to his crying child. He internally cursed as he debated what to do about Daisuke. With the kind of life he was planning on living, he was sure that Daisuke would be targeted to get to him, and his son wasn't strong enough to defend himself from those who would try to harm him for his relation to the former Uchiha Clan Head. Even if Daisuke was strong enough to protect himself, he was sure Nami wouldn't want her son growing up around violence and conflict. Madara, having grown in the era of the Clan Wars, agreed with this. He needed to find a safe place for Daisuke to stay, but he couldn't think of anywhere in the Elemental Nations where his son would be safe for a long period of time.

After a few more moment's thought, he found his answer. 'I could use that jutsu.' He raised Daisuke towards him, trying to commit his child's face to memory as he spoke to him.

"Alright Daisuke, don't cry, everything is going to be alright from here on out. Dad is going to fix this world, and I need you to stay somewhere safe until I can come get you again, alright?" A lone tear made its way down his face as he readied himself to let go of his son, possibly forever. "I'm sending you to a different dimension, somewhere that my enemies can't find you and use you against me. Don't worry too much though, I'm putting a jutsu on you that will transport you to me once you've fully awakened your Sharingan," Madara said as he placed Daisuke gently on the ground and began making several handsigns.

After several minutes of weaving signs, Madara placed his palms on Daisuke, a blue light surrounding his son for a moment, before a brief flash blinded the Uchiha. Upon opening his eyes again, he found his son was gone.

"We'll meet again, Daisuke. Of that fact I'm certain," he said grimly as he entered the burning house, gathering his weapons before leaving the vicinity.

"Good luck, my son."

England, 1981

"So Lily, should we keep him?" a tall man with untidy hair and glasses asked a beautiful woman with red hair and green eyes, the latter clutching a baby in her arms.

"Yes," she replied with no hesitation. "James, you know I'm sterile. This child just appeared before us, I'm telling you it's a sign. We should keep him,"

"Alright, fine," James sighed. He knew he would never be able to convince his wife otherwise, and whatever made her happy, made him happy. "But, Lily, what should we name him?"

The woman was silent for a few minutes, internally debating what would be the best name for the dark-haired child before her.

"Harry," she responded. "Harry James Potter."

And that's a wrap! Wow, I'm not sure, but that felt like one of my longer chapters. Man, I'm so excited to get back into writing! Alright, one quick question: Should Harry/Daisuke's Mangekyo power be Kamui, Amaterasu/Tsukoyomi/Susanoo, or both? Leave a review with your answer. Until next time!