To Infinity And Beyond
.o0o. One Small Step For Beca .o0o.

"Erm, dude ... no! No!" Beca exclaimed while throwing her hands up in the air, voicing the view of the majority of the group she was currently sitting with in one of the drama theatres at Barden University. "Just no."

"What do you mean - no?" Aubrey stiffened under Beca's glare, determined not to let the maddeningly difficult alt-girl upset her carefully thought out, colour coded, correctly labelled and already organised plans. "This is not up for discussion. I was placed in charge of organising the Spring Break Week since we all decided not to go home this year and do something all together instead. I seem to recall you saying that you would be up for anything as long as it did not involve spending the week with your step mother, Sheila. I have decided that this is what we are all doing for Spring Break so ... just deal with it, please Beca."

"Dude, I'm 19 years old." Beca began, desperately looking around to her group of friends for support. "I'm too old for this kind of shit and -"

"- Beca, let Aubrey explain." Chloe said patiently as she rose from her seat and moved to stand next to her blonde best friend, looking kindly back towards the brunette. "This might be kinda cool. Bit of fun before our exams. You know?"

Beca huffed, crossed her arms across her chest, sank back into her chair and fought off the sulky mope that threatened to post itself on her face. She didn't want to listen to another one of Aubrey's insane campaigns to get the Barden Bella's to spend what Aubrey infuriatingly called 'quality time' together.

"But the last time she organised an activity, it saw you lot dragging me down to that spa place just off campus and I had to endure a makeover!" Beca said, berating herself for sounding like such a whinge bag. "A makeover dude! And I was fussed and faffed over and called 'Princess' on more than one occasion and I'm so not a Prin-"

"- Ah bonzer times!" Fat Amy laughed, remembering the look of horror on Beca's face at the time. "You looked so ripper in the tiara mate!"

"Yeah, well, I am still trying to get the damn glitter out of my hair." Beca continued, recalling her pillow the next morning.

"It sits so well with the dark eyeliner and the scowl though!" Stacie volunteered, not looking to catch Beca's eye in case she burst out laughing.

"And don't get me started on that bizarre time Posen had us attempting to bond under the pain of death at that perfume making session just before Christmas. I mean ... seriously, could it have been any more girly." Beca said, shuddering slightly at the memory.

"That was fun though Beca. Your ... erm ... your creation was interesting." Chloe said, her bright eyes twinkling as she teased her friend. "Very unique."

"Dude, you can say it ... it smelt like dog turd." Beca admitted.

"Yes, but it saved you buying a gift for Sheila if you remember!" Chloe said, helpfully reminding Beca. "So that was a plus."

"Yeah, OK, I'll give you that one." Beca conceded. "But this latest whacked out scheme is by far the most creative."

"Thank you Beca." Aubrey careful tone sounded sincere enough.

"It wasn't meant as a compliment Bree." Beca huffed, as she crossed her arms again and sank down into the chair.

Beca was truly happy, almost elated when Aubrey and Chloe had decided to return to Graduate School at Barden University for a further three years. The Bella's had formed a strong bond after winning the ICCA finals the year before and between the three of them; the self appointed Captains of the Bella's - their combined leadership skills being so phenomenal that no one argued, wanting the position themselves - and they were trumping all other groups at any of the a cappella competitions they entered.

Beca knew the easy friendship she had built with the Bella's, especially Chloe who she did really consider her best friend, was for the long haul and there was simply nothing that could be done to break the bond they had. She would even go so far as to admit that she actually liked having Aubrey in her life, despite their ominous start the year before, and Aubrey's need to have the final say in anything that happened. Beca did appreciate that Aubrey stuck to her guns. This is why she was so afraid for her own safety, and sanity with the latest plan.

Beca was aware of Aubrey speaking again and she was explaining the plan to the group. She was actually horrified to see people beginning to slowly nod along, turning to smile at each other as the idea seed began to plant itself in peoples' brains.

"... so, my Uncle Zack is one of the lead counsellors over there and has pulled some strings so yes, we can actually have a dorm room together too. They sleep up to 14 people so there will be plenty of room for us all. Amy, you will need to wear pyjamas though please." Aubrey smiled around the group, pleased to see she was winning them over. "My Auntie Andie will be there and she has said she will spend the week with us and we can all be together and learn and grow as a group."

"Grow as a grou -" Beca scoffed before Aubrey raised a long, graceful finger and cut her off.

"- He actually said that there was a spare dorm for the Trebles to come along as well as they had a corporation cancel on them last week so I thought it might be nice to invite them too." Aubrey paused to gauge the reaction of the rest of the group. It looked promising.

Aubrey noticed Beca was about to start speaking again, her lips were moving and her eyes blinking madly. She fixed her favourite pout and directed it towards Beca whose resolve, as expected, began to wane. Beca's shoulders slumped and she took to looking at a spot on the floor, her lip curled comically at the corners.

"And seeing as we are trying the olive branch, hand of friendship approach this year thanks to a certain someone – yes, I mean you Beca Mitchell - breaking the Bella's time honoured, well preserved Oath and dating a ... *sigh* ... dating a Treble, I think that it might be nice to try to spend some time together when we are not in competition with each other. And while it still irks me a little to say, it possibly would be conducive to get to know them better." Aubrey finished off proudly, looking around at the now expectant faces of the Bella's, her eyes lingering on the one 'stick in the mud' of the group, who was currently hiding behind her chocolate brown hair.

"Who do yoos fancy then Aubrey? I mean, if yoos want the Trebles ta come too, you must want one of them in yoos pants!" Fat Amy asked, from the back row. To her credit, she didn't shrink under Aubrey's game face.

"I have got some pamphlets and some literature if you would like to have a quick look through it all. I have made a little card for everyone giving the run down of costs and other important information. Jessica, will you please hand these out." Aubrey handed a small packet to Jessica. "One to each person."

"Well, it all sounds aca-awesome to me!" Chloe said with her trademark wide, toothy grin plastered happily on her face and her eyes shining brightly. She clapped her hands together. "A week with my best buddies! No studying. No competitions to get ready for. Count me in Bree!"

Aubrey smiled at the bubbly redhead as she lifted the clipboard that she was clutching by her side and placed an overly exaggerated tick by Chloe's name.

Beca looked up in disbelief. There was a register? An actual tick list to be crossed off? Aubrey had printed a register?! She was about to stage protest number two when the rest of the Bella's began murmuring their thoughts.

"Yeah, OK, I was heading out to Vegas for the weekend for a poker tournament if the idea for Spring Break was lame, but I can cancel. I'll be there too! I always wanted to go as a kid." Cynthia Rose ventured her opinion into the mix, flicking a nod towards Aubrey and receiving a tick by her name for her remark. Beca's shoulders drooped even more.

"Will there be boys there?" Stacie asked, looking around the Bella's and smiling. "Cute boys in jump suits? I'm so there!"

"Oi right! I'm in! Was only goin' ta bloody go hit up Bumpers folks ta see if I could stay there but this sounds like a riot! They do this for teenagers and adults? I thought it was just for kids! Too cool! Too cool!" Fat Amy enthusiastically spieled. Beca shot both of them a look of ... well, she wasn't sure what it was but it wasn't nice.

"I think I've been to outer space before." Lilly whispered to no one in particular, raising her hand slowly. But Beca heard and cast an anxious eye in her direction as Aubrey ticked off the three names.

"Guys! Seriously?! What is going on? Are you actually considering this?" Beca asked incredulously, unable to control her disbelief as Denise, Ashley and Jessica all volunteered their approval to go.

"Calm your pits Beca." Aubrey glared, ticking their names off as well. "It is not as if I have asked you to remove your ear monstrosities. I am just asking for a week of your time. One week. That's all."

"But ... Aubrey want us to go to ..." Beca faltered before continuing, her hands flapping nervously by her side. "... Huntsville, Alabama ... for a week ... and you want us to dress up ... play along ... make friends with other people and join in with the weird activities?"

Aubrey clutched the clipboard to her chest, tucked the pen behind her ear and looked down at the seated Beca as the brunette bounced around in her seat. She nodded to confirm her plan.

"Aubrey?" Beca continued. "Dude, you want us to go to ... Space Camp?"
