You piss me off, you know that? You always have and that'll never change. You're an idiot and you never listen to anything I say unless it some how interests you. You're childish and reckless, always ready to start an argument. You continuously talk, never seeming to pause for a breath. If you weren't immortal, I'd have killed you by now, but there you are. Our first mission together was when we first met.

I was actually already in the middle of the mission when Pain showed up with you in tow and told us we had to now work together. I thought of you as nothing more than dead weight and an annoyance, so I ignored you for the most part. I managed to ignore you until you started asking questions. Questions I didn't want to answer. When I didn't speak, you grabbed my arm in an attempt to catch my attention. Big mistake. I'd pinned you to a tree, hand in your chest. I had expected you to die, but you spoke. I wasn't surprised, I mean I was but, it interested me more than shocked me.

Over the course of the mission, I tried everything to kill you. Cut off your head, drown you, make you bleed internally, hell, poison you. But nothing worked. I learned along the way that you actually liked being hurt... And I liked that.

There was finally someone I could hit and they wouldn't die and they'd like it. Over the first months, it may not have seemed like it, but I watched you to get to know you. You're adventurous, curious, and... In your own way, sweet. You love roses, mainly white ones, you hate sake and caviar. I also learned about your religion, Jashinism. I may have seemed bored and uninterested when you spoke about it, but in all actuality, I was highly intrigued.

There was this one time, I recall, the first I was actually nice to you. It was a day when I myself wasn't feeling the greatest, but something really bad had happened to you and you were just... Emotionless. I decided that after what had happened to be nice for once. I rented a room in an actual hotel, a nice one. I left you there for a time alone while I went out. I had remembered that it was Valentines Day that day, bad day for that thing to happen, and... I wanted to cheer you up. I didn't know why, but I did.

I bought a few things and went back to the hotel room and found you fast asleep. I had sighed and smiled a bit. You look so innocent when you're sleeping. I set the little teddy bear a bought you next to your head along with a stupid box of chocolate and some other candies. You awoke a few hours later and gasped at the things next to you. I peered out from the kitchen at you. You were hugging the little bear and eyeing the candy.

You sniffed the air and blinked. I ducked back into the kitchen as you got up and walked towards it. You gasped again. I had made dinner that night, and you were the happiest I'd ever seen you. That was the same night I opened up. I finally told you my age, where I cam from and why I didn't trust people. Well, not the whole story about that, but you get the point. I also finally showed you my scars... And you'd cried for me.

You pity me, you laugh at me, you yell at me, you tease me, and piss me off. But, I trust you. Now, I can laugh with you. I can smile and relax around you, even if it is only a little. For once in my 92 years of life, Hidan, you are the one thing that has made me feel truly at peace.