Writer's Block, the bane of an author's existence. :P

Well it's up now that's what counts right? Right?!

I do not own Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity

Chapter 4


Ludwig was so startled by that sudden yell, that he fell off of his bed. He sat up rubbing the lump that now protruded from the back of his head.

"Ow, ow, ow, owwwww." he whimpered. The room was almost completely dark except for the strands of moonlight seeping through the windows. Ludwig turned to the direction of the noise and saw Jade sitting up and panting heavily with tears streaming down his face.

"Jade! Are you okay?!" cried Ludwig rushing over to his friend. He took Jade's hand into his paw. He felt Jade squeeze it tightly.

"I...I saw it." he said breathlessly. "I...was there. The fire...my sister. I heard her screams. I couldn't do anything. It...it was horrible!"

Ludwig pulled the trembling Snivy into his arms for a hug.

"Shhhh, it's okay, Jade. You just had a nightmare. You're okay now."

"She was calling for me." whimpered Jade, increasing his grip on Ludwig. "She called for me, but I couldn't help her."

Ludwig rubbed his friend's back in an attempt to comfort him.

"Hey, wanna get some fresh air?" he asked.

Jade seemed to be considering it then nodded.

"Yeah, sure."

With that, the duo went downstairs. Ludwig left a note, explaining their absence and some Poke on Swanna's counter. He doubted they will make it back tonight anyway. As they headed outside Jade suddenly turned to Ludwig.

"You go ahead to the hill, I just need to...find something."

Ludwig looked at Jade with concern.

"Let me go with you, I don't think you should be on your own right now."

"No, it's fine. I'll be right back, I promise."

Ludwig sighed.

"Alright, but if you're not back in ten minutes I'm coming to find you."

Jade nodded.

"Okay, deal."

Jade then headed out of Post Town. Ludwig headed up the hill. It was hard to believe that he sat in this very spot a little over 24 hours ago. He glanced at the stars. It was another perfectly clear night. However not even this lovely scene kept his mind from going back to what happened today. Ludwig still couldn't believe that Jade kept something like this from him. Weren't friends suppose to be able to talk to one another about anything? Why didn't Jade trust him with his problem. Sure it really wasn't any of his business, but still...

Ludwig sighed, he knew things weren't gonna be quite the same now that this was out in the open. You don't just get over losing your entire family. Especially in such an awful way as that. One thing's for sure though, he will always be there if Jade needed him, and he hoped that Jade knew that now too. Heck, in a way Ludwig now had someone he could sort of relate to, he had no family either. Sure it wasn't really the same thing, Ludwig didn't even know his family. Jade had years to get to know his. So the blow was definitely harder on him. Jade and his sister sounded like they were really close. Ludwig began to wonder what it would be like if he had a sister, or even a brother...wait...does he already know that feeling? Ludwig gasped shook his head rapidly.

Woah, where did that come from? He though to himself.

Ludwig then heard footsteps behind him. He turned around and saw Jade heading up the steps. He appeared to be holding something.

"Hey, what do you have there, Jade?" he asked.

Jade walked up to Ludwig then took his paw and placed something into it. It felt cold, almost like ice.

"Here, I've...been meaning to give this back to you."

Ludwig had lost count of how many times he was shocked today. Right there, in his paws was a frism. The very same frism that he gave to Hydreigon to give to Jade, after it was revealed that he had to return to the human world. Ludwig stared at the frism, then at Jade, then back at the frism.

"I mean..." Jade continued. "It is your most precious treasure after all, right? Thanks for the messages Ludwig. They really meant a lot to me."

Ludwig managed a small smile.

"Thanks, but..."

Jade began to look concerned.

"Wha...what's wrong? I didn't break it did I?"

"N...no it's not that it's just..."

Ludwig couldn't find the words, he stared at his frism for a moment, then made a decision. He stood up, walked closer to the edge of the hill, then threw the frism with all his might. The frism went flying and landed in the mass of green below, it won't be so easily retrieved now. Ludwig turned back to Jade who seemed understandably astounded.

"Woah! Ludwig, what in the world did you do that for?!"

Ludwig ran up to Jade and wrapped him into a tight hug, probably shocking him even more.

"There is no way that stupid hunk of ice is my precious treasure!" he cried. "My most precious treasure is in my arms right now!"

Ludwig heard Jade gasp then felt a pair of arms wrap around him.


Ludwig broke the hug and smiled at his partner.

"Jade, I'll always be there for you, okay? So please, don't hide anything else from me. I'm sorry if I'm being insensitive, but I wanna be able to help you. How can I do that if you don't talk to me."

Jade nodded sadly.

"I'm really sorry, Ludwig. I...I guess I was scared. I thought maybe it wasn't something you would care about.

"Don't be daft!" laughed Ludwig "I've lost my family too, remember? I know what it's like to feel alone. But we're not alone. We have each other. We each have someone to lean on. Just remember that okay?"

Jade, who had began tearing up again, nodded.

"You bet I will."

Ludwig took a deep breath, he wasn't sure if this was a good time to bring this up, but ever since the thought came to him earlier he just couldn't get it out of his mind.

"Jade...have you ever wished you had...a brother?"

Jade glanced at Ludwig, obviously taken aback by that sudden question.

"Errm, yeah sure a brother aswell as a sister would've been nice, I guess, but...that's certainly not gonna happen now."

Ludwig just smirked.

"Oh yeah, says who?"

Jade gave Ludwig a quizzical look, apparently not understanding.

"I mean...you don't have to be blood related to be brothers right." asked Ludwig, starting to feel nervous.

"Errm, no I guess not." said Jade then his eyes widened and he turned to Ludwig.

Ludwig shuddered slightly, the coin had dropped. He looked into Jade's eyes, looking as serious as he could.

"Jade, I'll understand if you say no, especially considering what happened, but if I don't ask now, I probably never will. Jade, will you be my big broth-"

Ludwig couldn't finish as he found himself in Jade's crushing embrace so fast, it made him dizzy. He didn't think movement that fast was possible even for a Snivy.

"Of...of course I will!" cried Jade in between sobs. "You don't know how happy I am to hear you say that! I've always thought of you as a little brother Ludwig, but...I guess I hadn't realised it until now."

Ludwig gave a pained smile.

"Thanks...Jade...but...I'm...having difficulty...breathing here."

Jade immediately let go and Ludwig stumbled onto his backside panting like he had just ran a mile.

"Woah sorry, you okay?" asked Jade looking slightly worried.

Ludwig let out a laugh.

"I'll live."

The partners then sat next to each other and watched the sky. Ludwig felt a lot better now. Not only did he get to the root of his best friend's problems, he now had a brother. Maybe this was the feeling he had for Jade that he couldn't figure out. Maybe it was kinship.

"It's funny," said Jade "I never thought I'd have a pokemon for a brother."

Ludwig smiled,

"Right, I remember you telling me that pokemon only exist as this thing called a vid...eo game and a...ca...cartoon." he said attempting to correctly pronounce the foreign words. "Must feel weird huh?"

"Well, actually no, not really." said Jade. "That's the funny thing. It should feel weird but it doesn't"

Ludwig laughed some more.

"Hmmmm, I wonder if they'll ever remake Hoenn." said Jade looking at the sky.

"Sorry?" asked Ludwig, wondering what his new found brother was on about.

"Oh nothing just talking to myself." said Jade waving him arm.

The two lied down and snuggled next to each other to keep warm. Ludwig then thought of something.

"Hey, Jade?"

"Yeah?" asked Jade, his eyes now closed.

"Maybe...tomorrow you should have a look at the Rainbows of Hope. I just think they'll help, at least a little bit."

Though Jade's eyes remained shut he smiled. His first genuine smile since Ludwig didn't know how long.

"Yeah...maybe I'll do that. Thanks Ludwig."

Finally feeling assured he snuggled closer to his partner.

"Love you, Big bro.

Ludwig smiled as he felt a leafy arm wrap around him.

"Love you too, Little bro."

The End.