I think this is a much better ending. As always, just let me know your thoughts, and I'll tell you guys that I'm thinking of a continuation to this story one day in the future. It's not definite, but if I ever do get around to it, I'm always up to hearing suggestions from you all.

To Tsuna's surprise, it seemed that all Belphegor had needed in order to break through his distrust of other people was a hug; a sincere hug that had showed him that someone loved and cared about him, everything he had ever wanted. He seemed to have calmed down quite a bit, no longer going out on random, unprovoked killing sprees, and though he still continuously tried to stab Tsuna, there was no longer an air of anger and self-loathing behind it - instead, he smiled a genuine smile that wasn't tinged with insanity, saying just how fond of the younger he was becoming.

The brunet wondered if Bel's killing sprees had been a cry for help, or a way for him to vent his emotions instead of taking it out on himself, but it didn't matter anymore; the blond was getting what he needed, and that was all that mattered.

Tsuna, likewise, was starting to love the blond more each day, adoring the Varia member's random affections and starting to feel safe with the other; he was very much like his older counterpart when he was calm and relaxed. Mammon himself seemed happy that his friend was being accepted so well and cared for, and hadn't had much to say; it wasn't something he felt he needed to stick his nose in when the Varia Storm was doing better than he ever had.

"So what's the tuna-fish doing?" Bel was lying on Tsuna's bed, his legs up against the wall as his head hung off the edge of the mattress. His arms were folded against his chest, a soft smile on his face. The brunet in question was sitting by the bed, a few sheets of paper scattered around him.

Tsuna sighed in frustration before he turned to look at Bel, a tired look on his face. "Reborn insists on me learning Italian, so he's given me all these phrases to learn, but it looks so difficult!"

"Shishi~ Does the tuna-fish want to learn off the prince?" Rolling himself off the bed in what looked to be a very awkward manner, Bel landed on his hands and knees. "The prince isn't Italian or anything, but he's still very fluent in it~ He knows many languages~"

Tsuna smiled shyly as he nodded, sliding the papers towards his boyfriend; their relationship had truly become that of partners now, no longer awkward interactions labelled as such.

Bel laughed to himself as he pointed out one of the phrases, his voice silky as he read it out loud. "Ti amo. …Ti amo, Tuna-Fish."

"Ti amo?" Tsuna tilted his head to the side, not understanding what was being said to him.

"Shishi~" Belphegor laughed as he moved his face forward, claiming soft lips with his own. "Your baby did that on purpose."

"Did what on purpose?"

"He listed that first so we'd say 'I love you'. My greedy Mammy would never be so sneaky; he'd just say what was on his mind."

Tsuna blushed, realising what Bel was saying; Reborn had tricked them into admitting their feelings.

"Does the tuna-fish really love the prince?" The boy cocked his head to the side. "He has never been loved before; he really wants to know what it feels like."

Tsuna reached out, brushing blond bangs away from the older male's eyes. Deep purple orbs stared back at him, blinking repeatedly from the sudden brightness. There was wariness in them, showing that the Varia member was afraid to hear the answer to his question, and if Tsuna had ever wondered why the other hid his eyes, he understood in that moment; those indigo orbs gave away every little emotion Belphegor felt, allowing him to be read as easily as a book.

The smaller male nodded, letting the bangs fall back into place as he moved forward, pressing his hand against the other's side, resting over the scarred flesh adult Bel had shown him. He understood when the other hissed and recoiled, a flash of fear crossing his face, and he instead explained his actions, "I was shown what had happened, so I think I understand a bit more about you; you're afraid of me leaving you because of things you can't help, just like how your older self immediately assumed that was what I was doing in the future. I won't leave you, Belphegor, because I do love you - but you need to trust me a bit more before we can really click. Can you do that for me?"

Bel frowned, biting at his lip. "...Trust is hard for me..."

"I know it is. But you know I won't hurt you, Belphegor."

Bel nodded, swallowing thickly. "I know..."

Tsuna smiled, knowing that this conversation was finished. "What are you going to do about Italy?"

"Squa said I can stay in Japan with my tuna-fish as long as I still do my missions." Bel tilted his head to the side, smiling happily. "Squa doesn't like anyone to know this, but he's really a big softy; he just doesn't want people to take advantage of him so he's really loud."

The Vongola Guardian chuckled, his eyes as soft as ever. "Then I guess you want to move in with me, then."

A hopeful expression crossed the boy's face as he nodded all-too-eagerly, a big smile stretching across his face as he fumbled his hands together. "Please? I don't ask for much; just feed me and I will be good."

Tsuna laughed, resting his forehead against the older male's. "You can stay; just don't throw knives at my friends or family anymore; that's all that I ask for."

"Aww, but knife-throwing is what the prince loves the most!" The brunet wasn't sure he had ever seen a cuter pout than the one Belphegor was currently donning. "...But I guess if that's all the tuna-fish wants... Can I still throw them at strangers?"

The Vongola Decimo knew he would never truly break Bel of his knife habits, and it wasn't fair to deprive the other of the skills he needed to keep himself alive; as much as he wanted to be able to, he couldn't stop the other from doing what he had done for so many years. "Try not to kill them, please."

"Shishi~" Bel nodded, resting his chin on the younger's shoulder. "The prince has a request, too~"

"What's that, Belphegor?"

"Can we have sex? The prince is used to having it all the time; he's had to go a long time without it because he's waiting for Tuna-Fish."

Tsuna blushed scarlet as he nodded, knowing that ever since he had gotten with the future Belphegor, he had been eager to finally have his first time; he had gotten to know the younger Bel well enough to know that what he could have expected with the older blond would most likely be the same with the teenager standing before him.

Bel grinned widely as he tugged his boyfriend over to the bed, incredibly eager to finally sleep with the younger. Tsuna couldn't help but think that Reborn had planned this all out, and he couldn't help but be thankful; the Arcobaleno had finally helped them break through each other, and now there really wasn't anything standing in their way.


Opening the door to his bedroom, twenty-four-year-old Tsuna smiled as he found Belphegor curled up in the sheets, still naked from their earlier activities as he slept peacefully, a small smile on his face. He was glad that Squalo had allowed the older male to stay in Japan, because it meant the two could spend as much as time as they wanted together - and Belphegor was a very clingy boyfriend, never wanting to be too far away from the brunet and always showering the other with love and affection.

Tsuna didn't mind not getting much time to himself anymore; Belphegor was certainly deserving of staying by someone's side as faithfully as he had been for all these months.

"Belphegor..." The brunet reached out, shaking the slightly-taller male awake. "Belphegor, wake up; it's dinnertime."

Bel moaned softly as he came to, his blond hair even more tousled than usual. As tired as he was, he still managed to smile happily at his boyfriend's presence. "Tuna-Fish..."

Tsuna smiled back as he reached out, caressing the other's soft cheek. "Are you hungry?"

The Varia Guardian nodded, yawning before he pushed himself into a sitting position. He winced slightly at the discomfort in his rear and lower back, but he didn't complain; it was all worth it in the end.

"Are you sore?" Putting his hands on the older male's shoulders, Tsuna became a tad more serious; he wouldn't force the Varia Storm if it would only hurt him. "Do you want to lie back down? I'll bring you up your dinner."

"Shishi~" Bel shook his head, leaning forward to kiss his lover passionately. "Tuna-Fish should know princes are much more versatile than they appear; this is nothing. Let's go eat dinner."

Tsuna smiled in relief, knowing he should never have underestimated the weaker male; he had seen Belphegor in many positions, but he doubted he would ever see the other's true strength; the blond was simply too skilled in his profession to truly be in danger of needing to use every bit of potential he had inside of him.

"Go jump in the shower, then." Pulling the scrawny man from the mattress, Tsuna stared at Bel with affection. "I'll get you some clothing while you clean up."

Kissing the Japanese male's cheek, Bel grinned as he headed towards the conjoined bathroom, intending on bathing himself; while he had already had his usual morning shower, he very much liked being clean and well-groomed - if he were lucky, Tsuna would comb his hair for him; Bel loved having his blond strands played with.

While Belphegor disappeared into the bathroom, Tsuna busied himself with tidying up the bedroom before he pulled clothing from the wardrobe, laying it out on the bed for the blond's reappearance. He very much loved taking care of the older male, knowing that all Belphegor needed was someone to love and look after him, and in return, he gained every bit of love, affection and devotion the Varia Storm was capable of - and despite what was said about Bel, and what he had done, he was the most loving boyfriend anyone could wish for.

While Tsuna himself felt blessed to have someone so special to him, Belphegor now had motivation to get out of bed in the mornings and put a bit of effort into his life, because there was nothing he loved more than waking up beside the brunet and being held in the other's tender embraces.

Belphegor had long-since lost all interest in life, living a monotonous, meaningless life - but that had all changed with just one gentle touch of the younger's hand on his, and the other didn't think he had ever been as happy as he was with Tsuna.