Title: Ron being Ron.
Rating: PG
Author: Kali Kato (SeekerGurl)
Characters mentioned: Ron, Hermione, Harry, Krum, McGonagall
Year: 6th year
Other: This fic is from Ron's POV.
Ships: Ron and Hermione.
Summary: What happens when Ron and Hermione start passing notes in class? Read on and see!
There she is, again. Sitting at her desk, acting as if nothing has happened all bloody summer.
Please, she knows what happened.
Her and Krum, thats what happened.
She can deny it all she wants, but its obvious who the black colored owl is that comes with post once a week. A owl that ugly can only belong to its just as ugly master. Victor Krum. Every time she gets a stupid letter from the stupid owl, I question Hermione, and all she says is, "Its none of your buisness, Ron," and then blushes madly. Which in turn makes me blush as well. I've learned to stop asking, because I know the answer. See, Ronald Weasley does have brains! Ha!
Although, as I sit here in Transfiguration, listening to Professor McGonagall blab on and on about the dangers of certain spells that can get you into trouble, all I can do is look at the brown haired girl across the room, writing every word McGonagall says down on parchment. It really bugs me, that she has to write every single thing down. She gets good grades as it is, its not like if she misses something, like the rest of us, she'll fail. I mean, she's Hermione, and she is good at everything. EVERYTHING! I used to tease her about it, call her mental and such, but deep down, I respect her knowledge. God knows her skills have gotten us out of enough jams.
For some reason I have trouble getting my eyes to leave the slender girl that sits across the room. I realize, or maybe I've always known, that she is very beautiful when she's concentrating on something. She tends to bite her lower lip, twist a strand of hair, and then smile brillantly when she's just figured out the answer. As I'm sitting here gawking at Hermione, I feel a jab in my right side, I look beside me to see Harry giving me a foul look. Whats his problem?
"Mr. Weasley? I'd appreciate it if you would please give us your undivided attention."
Oh. Whoops. I blush as I hear giggles from various students. McGonagall returns to her lecture, and the students pipe down. I look at Harry, and he's once again listening to the lesson. He seems to be taking his studies very seriously this year, aware that Voldemort, yes, I have learned to say his name without cowering, will attack again. He's probably right. I also steal a quick glance at Hermione, and to my surprise, she's looking at me, she gives me a quick encouraging smile, and I quickly turn away, knowing that my ears have turned a girly shade of pink. I suddenly wonder if by not smiling back I hurt her feelings? Serves her right, she's hurt my feelings more than once by not sharing her little romance (puke!) with Krum. Not that I really wanna hear all the gory details, but a little insight and truth would be nice. I mean, we three are supposed to be best friends. I mean, I guess I would tell her If I was snogging some girl. And not that I wanted to hurt Hermione by not smiling back, I would never hurt Hermoine. Oh great, now she won't talk to me for the rest of the day, all because I didn't smile. I hated that, when she got mad at me, and refused to talk with me until I, Ron, apologized. Heh, I'm usually right, anyhow, she just doesn't know it. Why is it that she can always get the best of me. Wait a minute, how come I always LET her get the best of me?
I now came to the conclusion that I have to make up with Hermione, or let her walk all over me, which is of course gonna happen if I don't solve this. I pick up a piece of parchment, and start writing, praying McGonagall doesn't have a third eye on the back of her head. This is what I wrote:
Its almost lunch. Thank goodness, I'm starving. The lesson is boring, eh?
To make the note perfect, I drew a big, happy, smiling face on the paper. That'll show her. I very discretely took out my wand, and wispered a spell Flitwick had taught us that allowed the object (in this case a letter) to disappear from my hands, and reappear in her hands. Hopefully it would work, and not end up in McGonagall's hair. I looked around, to make sure no one was looking, then wispered the spell (Disaporro!) I grinned broadly as the
note suddenly evaporated from my fingers. I stole another glance at Hermione, and grinned ever widder as she was staring at a folded piece of parchment in her hands. My parchment! It worked. She stared at the paper, and then looked around the room, trying to find the suspect, I guess. When her eyes fell across me, I waved childishly back at
her, and she smiled and unfolded the piece of paper, reading it carefully. I returned to the lesson, but was completely lost due to the fact I hadn't been listening for the last thirty minutes. I jumped slighlty as I felt something fall into my hands, I looked down to see a neatly folded piece of paper resting in my fingers. I looked over at Hermione, who winked, which made me blush again. I quickly unfolded the paper, and read her note, which said this:
You really should pay more attention to your lessons, I would hate for you to fail your O.W.L.S. Yes, Its almost noon. I am rather hunger. Would you like to go to Hogsmeade with me for lunch? I'm sure it would be more fun with two than just one.
Your friend,
I read the note twice to make sure I wasn't dreaming. Had she just asked me to go to lunch with her? Alone?
Without Harry? That was odd. I quickly wrote back.
'Dear Mione
Don't you want to invite Harry along?
I sent the note to her again, and this time she didn't seem shocked at all to have a piece of paper appear in her hands. She seemed to stare at it for a minute, as if deciding what to write. A moment later, a paper appeared in my hands. I eagerly read it.
I really think Harry wants to eat lunch with Cho today, if you know what I mean. They seem to be getting closer,
besides, I've barely had time to talk with you since the term started. I thought it would be nice, catching up on things. I also thought we could visit Zonko's, you know, look at all the tricks. We could get a Butterbeer. If you don't want to go, I understand.
Of course I wanted to go. Was she insane! I wrote back quickly with my answer.
I'll go. I love Zonko's.
Heh, I bet Krum could never have a conversation like this with her! Hell, he couldn't even say her name.
After I wrote that note, and she wrote back, things started to change. We started passing notes every couple of
seconds, talking about everything from my Pigwidgeon to her Crookshanks, to Quidditch (I told her how badly I
wanted to be captain) and to even, yes, homework. I began to realize that she was no longer concentrating on
McGonagall's lecture, which was a first for her. After twenty-five minutes of passing notes, I suddenly brought up the courage to ask her the question that had been sewn into my mind since the moment I'd seen her this term.
I was wondering why you didn't come to the burrow this summer. Harry was there, as usual. But it wasn't the same
without you. Ginny missed you. Harry missed you. My mum and dad missed you. And... I missed you too. Did you
go visit Krum, is that why you didn't come?
I looked at the note carefully before I sent it off to Hermione, I knew very well that asking her this was embarking on
dangerous territory. She could get mad, and then that would mean the end of going to Hogsmeade with her today. I
sighed, knowing that I wanted this answer more than anything. I quietly sent it off, knowing I just marked my fate.
When she recieved the letter, she opened it just as eagerly as the last ones. But when she finished reading it, I
saw her eyes widen, and then slowly close, as if she'd just had some revelation. She glanced over at me. She
didn't wear any expression. I knew I was gonna hear it at the end of class. "Oh, Ronald, why must you pry?" or "Why can't you just leave well enough alone?" or my favorite one---
A paper appeared in my hands.
I gawked at it. I had no idea she would actually answer me! As I unfolded the paper, I could feel her eyes upon me
with an intense gaze. I didn't dare look at her, knowing it would just cause more blushing on my part. As soon as I opened the letter, I knew something was different. Her writing was uneven, hastily done, and she didn't even sign her name. What surprised me more, was her answer.
'Are you jealous?'
JEALOUS? JEALOUS!! What, was I jealous that Krum, with his stupid big hands and stupid strong arms, was kissing her,
and God knows what else. Was I jealous that she got a letter from him once a week? Was I jealous that she might have spent the summer with HIM instead of ME? Was I jealous? Ha! I know I had tried to be a nice guy to Krum (not that he deserved it) after 4th year, but this was just too much.
I shot her a look, and we just stared at each other for a moment, our eyes connecting on a such a deeper level than we ever had before. Looking at her, I noticed how pretty she was. With her long brown, curly hair and her deep borwn eyes and her soft lips....And then she looked away. And then I looked away, and the connection was broken. Instead, I stared back down at the piece of paper. I knew exactly what I had to write, even if it got me in trouble with her. I simply wrote:
I knew that one little word could change everything.
I was just folding the note up when I felt a cold icy hand tap my shoulder . I looked up to see McGonagall's blank stare. Oh great, she'd caught me.
"Mr. Weasley? What do you think you were going to do with this?"
Now I was going to get detention, or fifty million points would be taken away from Gryffindor or something. I heard laughs all
around the room as she took the note from me. I glanced over the room to see Hermione staring blankly at her desk, her face a slight tinge of pink. What did she have to worry about? I was the one who was caught! I'd get detention, not her. Her perfect, good girl record would not be ruined, if thats what she was worried about.
McGonagall unfolded the note, and read the one word written on the note to herself. She then peered over the brim of her glasses at me... and then... smiled? I couldn't believe it. The strictest teacher of Hogwarts thought this was funny. I mean,
I always knew McGonagall had a soft spot for "The Dream Team," on account of us always saving Hogwarts and such. I
never dreamed she actually liked me though. I suddenly had a thought that maybe she knew what was going on with me and Hermione, maybe she thought it was cute or something. Either way she tossed my paper into her trash can that old Filch would be dumping out later. She then placed both hands onto my desk, and stared down at me.
"There will be no passing of notes in this class, Mr. Weasley. Now, that might be acceptable behaviour in Snape's class,
but not in mine."
Students laughed at that comment of Snape, everyone knew he toloreted nothing but us sitting quietly and doing our homework. If you were ever caught passing notes in his class, he'd defiantely read them out loud to the class. At least
McGonagall had enough class to not embrass a freckled face, 6'1", sixteen year old boy. I knew there was a reason
Transfiguration was my favorite class. I looked over at Hermione, she was listening to the lecture, and writing everythig down furiously again.
Maybe it was a good thing, that she didn't get my answer, and now she never would. Knowing her she would never bring
up the subject again. I'd be stuck watching her read her stupid letters from Krum every tuesday at Breakfast, watching her blush as she finished the letter every single time. What the hell did he write in there, anyway?
For the last five minutes of class, I sat contently, listening to a lesson I didn't understand. Trying to keep the fact that
I was bored under wraps. Thankfully, McGonagall dismissed us on time. I scooped my books into my bag, and stretched my arms a bit. I looked over at Harry, who already had his things packed. He looked at me, and waved towards the door.
"See you in the great hall, Ron."
I blinked, wondering if I was still going to Hogsmeade with Hermione.
"Sorry, mate, I promised 'Mione I'd go get lunch with her... in Hogsmeade." I guessed.
Then a funny thing happened. Harry looked up at me (him being 5'8") and gave a childish grin I had never seen before. He suddenly looked ten times younger than he had forty minutes ago, he looked like the young, skinny, sixteen year old boy I was best friends with. Not the man he had grown up to be.
"Okay, sure, you two have fun. I've got a date with Cho, anyway."
Then he bounded out of the room faster than you could say "Jelly Beans."
Sometimes I wondered if the boy who lived knew exactly what was going on.
I threw my bag over my shoulder, and made my way towards the door.
I turned around to see Hermione standing behind me, a small smile on her face. She walked over and stood in front of me, right in the doorway.
"Ron? Are we still on for lunch?"
I looked at her and half smiled.
"Of course we are." I said, looking down at her.
"Great!" She exclaimed.
And then something really weird happened for the tenth time that day. Something that I still don't understand. Something that made my palms sweat and my mouth go dry.
She lightly brushed her hand against mine. On purpose.
"I've been looking forward to this, Ron. Thanks for going. I'll be right back. I just want to drop off my books at the dorm."
She then walked past me. I'm pretty sure my mouth was hanging open. Although I knew I shouldn't read so much into this.
She was just being her usual friendly self, I decided. Maybe. Or maybe it was something more...
"Mr. Weasley?"
I completely forgot about McGonagall! She had probably been watching the whole thing! I looked over at her. She was sitting at her desk, a smile across her face. She then stood, her smile still intact.
"Have fun, dear."
And then she apparated. I suddenly realized I was holding something in my hand.
The note!
McGonagall had returned my note! I opened it, to find my one little word still intact, just the way I had left it. That old witch must know everything that went on in this old school. I leaned against the doorway, and shoved the note into my pocket.
I realized something, at that very moment, why I'm so angry with Krum.
Its simple really.
He gets to share an intimate part of Hermione that I never will.
Rating: PG
Author: Kali Kato (SeekerGurl)
Characters mentioned: Ron, Hermione, Harry, Krum, McGonagall
Year: 6th year
Other: This fic is from Ron's POV.
Ships: Ron and Hermione.
Summary: What happens when Ron and Hermione start passing notes in class? Read on and see!
There she is, again. Sitting at her desk, acting as if nothing has happened all bloody summer.
Please, she knows what happened.
Her and Krum, thats what happened.
She can deny it all she wants, but its obvious who the black colored owl is that comes with post once a week. A owl that ugly can only belong to its just as ugly master. Victor Krum. Every time she gets a stupid letter from the stupid owl, I question Hermione, and all she says is, "Its none of your buisness, Ron," and then blushes madly. Which in turn makes me blush as well. I've learned to stop asking, because I know the answer. See, Ronald Weasley does have brains! Ha!
Although, as I sit here in Transfiguration, listening to Professor McGonagall blab on and on about the dangers of certain spells that can get you into trouble, all I can do is look at the brown haired girl across the room, writing every word McGonagall says down on parchment. It really bugs me, that she has to write every single thing down. She gets good grades as it is, its not like if she misses something, like the rest of us, she'll fail. I mean, she's Hermione, and she is good at everything. EVERYTHING! I used to tease her about it, call her mental and such, but deep down, I respect her knowledge. God knows her skills have gotten us out of enough jams.
For some reason I have trouble getting my eyes to leave the slender girl that sits across the room. I realize, or maybe I've always known, that she is very beautiful when she's concentrating on something. She tends to bite her lower lip, twist a strand of hair, and then smile brillantly when she's just figured out the answer. As I'm sitting here gawking at Hermione, I feel a jab in my right side, I look beside me to see Harry giving me a foul look. Whats his problem?
"Mr. Weasley? I'd appreciate it if you would please give us your undivided attention."
Oh. Whoops. I blush as I hear giggles from various students. McGonagall returns to her lecture, and the students pipe down. I look at Harry, and he's once again listening to the lesson. He seems to be taking his studies very seriously this year, aware that Voldemort, yes, I have learned to say his name without cowering, will attack again. He's probably right. I also steal a quick glance at Hermione, and to my surprise, she's looking at me, she gives me a quick encouraging smile, and I quickly turn away, knowing that my ears have turned a girly shade of pink. I suddenly wonder if by not smiling back I hurt her feelings? Serves her right, she's hurt my feelings more than once by not sharing her little romance (puke!) with Krum. Not that I really wanna hear all the gory details, but a little insight and truth would be nice. I mean, we three are supposed to be best friends. I mean, I guess I would tell her If I was snogging some girl. And not that I wanted to hurt Hermione by not smiling back, I would never hurt Hermoine. Oh great, now she won't talk to me for the rest of the day, all because I didn't smile. I hated that, when she got mad at me, and refused to talk with me until I, Ron, apologized. Heh, I'm usually right, anyhow, she just doesn't know it. Why is it that she can always get the best of me. Wait a minute, how come I always LET her get the best of me?
I now came to the conclusion that I have to make up with Hermione, or let her walk all over me, which is of course gonna happen if I don't solve this. I pick up a piece of parchment, and start writing, praying McGonagall doesn't have a third eye on the back of her head. This is what I wrote:
Its almost lunch. Thank goodness, I'm starving. The lesson is boring, eh?
To make the note perfect, I drew a big, happy, smiling face on the paper. That'll show her. I very discretely took out my wand, and wispered a spell Flitwick had taught us that allowed the object (in this case a letter) to disappear from my hands, and reappear in her hands. Hopefully it would work, and not end up in McGonagall's hair. I looked around, to make sure no one was looking, then wispered the spell (Disaporro!) I grinned broadly as the
note suddenly evaporated from my fingers. I stole another glance at Hermione, and grinned ever widder as she was staring at a folded piece of parchment in her hands. My parchment! It worked. She stared at the paper, and then looked around the room, trying to find the suspect, I guess. When her eyes fell across me, I waved childishly back at
her, and she smiled and unfolded the piece of paper, reading it carefully. I returned to the lesson, but was completely lost due to the fact I hadn't been listening for the last thirty minutes. I jumped slighlty as I felt something fall into my hands, I looked down to see a neatly folded piece of paper resting in my fingers. I looked over at Hermione, who winked, which made me blush again. I quickly unfolded the paper, and read her note, which said this:
You really should pay more attention to your lessons, I would hate for you to fail your O.W.L.S. Yes, Its almost noon. I am rather hunger. Would you like to go to Hogsmeade with me for lunch? I'm sure it would be more fun with two than just one.
Your friend,
I read the note twice to make sure I wasn't dreaming. Had she just asked me to go to lunch with her? Alone?
Without Harry? That was odd. I quickly wrote back.
'Dear Mione
Don't you want to invite Harry along?
I sent the note to her again, and this time she didn't seem shocked at all to have a piece of paper appear in her hands. She seemed to stare at it for a minute, as if deciding what to write. A moment later, a paper appeared in my hands. I eagerly read it.
I really think Harry wants to eat lunch with Cho today, if you know what I mean. They seem to be getting closer,
besides, I've barely had time to talk with you since the term started. I thought it would be nice, catching up on things. I also thought we could visit Zonko's, you know, look at all the tricks. We could get a Butterbeer. If you don't want to go, I understand.
Of course I wanted to go. Was she insane! I wrote back quickly with my answer.
I'll go. I love Zonko's.
Heh, I bet Krum could never have a conversation like this with her! Hell, he couldn't even say her name.
After I wrote that note, and she wrote back, things started to change. We started passing notes every couple of
seconds, talking about everything from my Pigwidgeon to her Crookshanks, to Quidditch (I told her how badly I
wanted to be captain) and to even, yes, homework. I began to realize that she was no longer concentrating on
McGonagall's lecture, which was a first for her. After twenty-five minutes of passing notes, I suddenly brought up the courage to ask her the question that had been sewn into my mind since the moment I'd seen her this term.
I was wondering why you didn't come to the burrow this summer. Harry was there, as usual. But it wasn't the same
without you. Ginny missed you. Harry missed you. My mum and dad missed you. And... I missed you too. Did you
go visit Krum, is that why you didn't come?
I looked at the note carefully before I sent it off to Hermione, I knew very well that asking her this was embarking on
dangerous territory. She could get mad, and then that would mean the end of going to Hogsmeade with her today. I
sighed, knowing that I wanted this answer more than anything. I quietly sent it off, knowing I just marked my fate.
When she recieved the letter, she opened it just as eagerly as the last ones. But when she finished reading it, I
saw her eyes widen, and then slowly close, as if she'd just had some revelation. She glanced over at me. She
didn't wear any expression. I knew I was gonna hear it at the end of class. "Oh, Ronald, why must you pry?" or "Why can't you just leave well enough alone?" or my favorite one---
A paper appeared in my hands.
I gawked at it. I had no idea she would actually answer me! As I unfolded the paper, I could feel her eyes upon me
with an intense gaze. I didn't dare look at her, knowing it would just cause more blushing on my part. As soon as I opened the letter, I knew something was different. Her writing was uneven, hastily done, and she didn't even sign her name. What surprised me more, was her answer.
'Are you jealous?'
JEALOUS? JEALOUS!! What, was I jealous that Krum, with his stupid big hands and stupid strong arms, was kissing her,
and God knows what else. Was I jealous that she got a letter from him once a week? Was I jealous that she might have spent the summer with HIM instead of ME? Was I jealous? Ha! I know I had tried to be a nice guy to Krum (not that he deserved it) after 4th year, but this was just too much.
I shot her a look, and we just stared at each other for a moment, our eyes connecting on a such a deeper level than we ever had before. Looking at her, I noticed how pretty she was. With her long brown, curly hair and her deep borwn eyes and her soft lips....And then she looked away. And then I looked away, and the connection was broken. Instead, I stared back down at the piece of paper. I knew exactly what I had to write, even if it got me in trouble with her. I simply wrote:
I knew that one little word could change everything.
I was just folding the note up when I felt a cold icy hand tap my shoulder . I looked up to see McGonagall's blank stare. Oh great, she'd caught me.
"Mr. Weasley? What do you think you were going to do with this?"
Now I was going to get detention, or fifty million points would be taken away from Gryffindor or something. I heard laughs all
around the room as she took the note from me. I glanced over the room to see Hermione staring blankly at her desk, her face a slight tinge of pink. What did she have to worry about? I was the one who was caught! I'd get detention, not her. Her perfect, good girl record would not be ruined, if thats what she was worried about.
McGonagall unfolded the note, and read the one word written on the note to herself. She then peered over the brim of her glasses at me... and then... smiled? I couldn't believe it. The strictest teacher of Hogwarts thought this was funny. I mean,
I always knew McGonagall had a soft spot for "The Dream Team," on account of us always saving Hogwarts and such. I
never dreamed she actually liked me though. I suddenly had a thought that maybe she knew what was going on with me and Hermione, maybe she thought it was cute or something. Either way she tossed my paper into her trash can that old Filch would be dumping out later. She then placed both hands onto my desk, and stared down at me.
"There will be no passing of notes in this class, Mr. Weasley. Now, that might be acceptable behaviour in Snape's class,
but not in mine."
Students laughed at that comment of Snape, everyone knew he toloreted nothing but us sitting quietly and doing our homework. If you were ever caught passing notes in his class, he'd defiantely read them out loud to the class. At least
McGonagall had enough class to not embrass a freckled face, 6'1", sixteen year old boy. I knew there was a reason
Transfiguration was my favorite class. I looked over at Hermione, she was listening to the lecture, and writing everythig down furiously again.
Maybe it was a good thing, that she didn't get my answer, and now she never would. Knowing her she would never bring
up the subject again. I'd be stuck watching her read her stupid letters from Krum every tuesday at Breakfast, watching her blush as she finished the letter every single time. What the hell did he write in there, anyway?
For the last five minutes of class, I sat contently, listening to a lesson I didn't understand. Trying to keep the fact that
I was bored under wraps. Thankfully, McGonagall dismissed us on time. I scooped my books into my bag, and stretched my arms a bit. I looked over at Harry, who already had his things packed. He looked at me, and waved towards the door.
"See you in the great hall, Ron."
I blinked, wondering if I was still going to Hogsmeade with Hermione.
"Sorry, mate, I promised 'Mione I'd go get lunch with her... in Hogsmeade." I guessed.
Then a funny thing happened. Harry looked up at me (him being 5'8") and gave a childish grin I had never seen before. He suddenly looked ten times younger than he had forty minutes ago, he looked like the young, skinny, sixteen year old boy I was best friends with. Not the man he had grown up to be.
"Okay, sure, you two have fun. I've got a date with Cho, anyway."
Then he bounded out of the room faster than you could say "Jelly Beans."
Sometimes I wondered if the boy who lived knew exactly what was going on.
I threw my bag over my shoulder, and made my way towards the door.
I turned around to see Hermione standing behind me, a small smile on her face. She walked over and stood in front of me, right in the doorway.
"Ron? Are we still on for lunch?"
I looked at her and half smiled.
"Of course we are." I said, looking down at her.
"Great!" She exclaimed.
And then something really weird happened for the tenth time that day. Something that I still don't understand. Something that made my palms sweat and my mouth go dry.
She lightly brushed her hand against mine. On purpose.
"I've been looking forward to this, Ron. Thanks for going. I'll be right back. I just want to drop off my books at the dorm."
She then walked past me. I'm pretty sure my mouth was hanging open. Although I knew I shouldn't read so much into this.
She was just being her usual friendly self, I decided. Maybe. Or maybe it was something more...
"Mr. Weasley?"
I completely forgot about McGonagall! She had probably been watching the whole thing! I looked over at her. She was sitting at her desk, a smile across her face. She then stood, her smile still intact.
"Have fun, dear."
And then she apparated. I suddenly realized I was holding something in my hand.
The note!
McGonagall had returned my note! I opened it, to find my one little word still intact, just the way I had left it. That old witch must know everything that went on in this old school. I leaned against the doorway, and shoved the note into my pocket.
I realized something, at that very moment, why I'm so angry with Krum.
Its simple really.
He gets to share an intimate part of Hermione that I never will.