~~ Author's note ~~ Hi everyone! I'm back! *random theme music playing* This story takes place after the events of the Key of the Starry Sky arc *anime only* so if you haven't seen it yet SORRY! Some of the story might not make sense to you. This is a short one *only a few chapters* it was in the back of my mind as I kept trying to write my next main one and wouldn't be quite! Anyways enough ranting and enjoy the story! Feel free to ask questions *I'll try to answer* and please leave a review of what you think! Later XD

As always Fairy Tail belongs to Hiro Mashima

Chapter 1


"Luuucy!" Natsu yelled out to the sky, causing everyone around him to flinch, even causing the octopus Kanaloa to jump a bit.

"Natsu! Calm down!" Erza yelled at him as she, too, scanned the sky, searching for Lucy among all the pieces of the destroyed Infinity Castle. "We will find her."

"Yeah Flame Brain, she shouldn't be that hard to find." Gray said, scanning the sky like everyone else.

They didn't find Lucy that night, though. They didn't find her the next day either. Fairy Tail spent over a week, along with the members of the Legion Corps, searching for Lucy without any results.

Its too quite in the Guild, I wonder why... Laxus glanced around the Guild, it had only been a day since Gildarts let him back into Fairy Tail, but not once had there been a single brawl, drinking contest, or shouting match, which was unusual for Fairy Tail.

He got up and walked over to Mira, who was standing next to Erza, looking at a giant map on th far wall, arguing about where they should search next.

"Oi! Mira!" He called out as she walked up behind her. "Why is it so quite around here?" As he got closer he saw it was a map of Fiore, divided into sections, some of the sections had been crossed out in red marker. "What's the map for?" He asked as he studied it.

"The search." Erza told him, not taking her eyes away from the map.


"For Lucy..." Mira said in a hushed whisper. "Everyone is off searching for her, it hasn't been the same here without her."

He looked at the map and saw that the entire eastern part of Fiore was crossed out, as was most of the southern area.

This big of a search for one person... Who was Lucy again... The name sounds familiar. Oh, that's right! She's the busty blond that had Phantom Lord after her. What's so special about her? Maybe I should leave before I get roped into the search...

"Oi! Freed, Bickslow, Evergreen! We're going to the mountains to train for a bit before the Grand Magic Games, pack for a few months!" Laxus heard his team quickly leave the Guild to go pack their bags, and he sighed and left to go pack his.

~~ TS ~~ one week ~~

Okay, what kind of fucked up dream is this? Laxus was floating in some kind of orange liquid, and he could see people outside the space he was in fighting. The fighting stopped and after a few minutes everything around him flew apart, and all he could see around him was the sky flying past. He then felt whatever he was in crash into the ground, all he could see around him were rocks and plants, and for some reason he was sad that he couldn't see the stars...

Laxus woke up covered in sweat, and unable to get back to sleep he decided to go for a walk. He heard Bickslow snoring from one tent, heard Ever's light breathing from another, but he couldn't hear Freed. He walked into the woods and found him sitting on a rock, talking into a lacrima, and Laxus walked away with a smirk on his face. I'll ask him later...

He kept walking through the forest, past massive trees that blocked out the sky, but stopped when he senses a lonely presence up ahead. He waked further in and stopped when he found a massive orange sphere, someone floating inside.

Are you fucking kidding me!?

Mira was cleaning the bar that night, as usual, with a smile on her face. She had just got off the lacrima with Freed, it had been a little hard keeping their relationship a secret, but so far no one had found out.

She was just drying some mugs when she looked over as she heard a pinging noise and saw the Guild's comm. lacrima going off.

"Who could it be at this hour?" Mira muttered as she answered it, and jumped back whe she saw a wide eyed Freed in the lacrima.

"Freed what's going on?" She asked and she could hear shouting in the background.

"Mira! How many people are in the Guild right now!"

"Ummm..." She looked around and saw Erza, Gajeel, Master Makarov, and to her surprise Wendy. "Erza, Gajeel, Master, and Wendy are the only ones here, why?"

"It's a bit hard to explain. Is one of the back rooms empty?"

"Yes, but Freed, what's going on?" Mira was getting annoyed with the man.

"We'll explain when we get there, but for now open the main doors and keep everyone out of the way." She heard a crack of thunder and the connection went dead.

"Gajeel, open the doors! Everyone else get out of the way!" Mira called out as she realized what was happening, if Laxus was lightning traveling with his entire team it must be an emergency.

"Mira, what's going on?" Erza asked as she came over and stood beside her.

"I'm not entirely sure, but Laxus is bringing his team back early for some reason."

"Did Freed say why?"

"No, all he said was to open the doors and get out o-" Mira and Erza both jumped as a bolt of lightning flashed through the open door, slowing down long enough to eject three pale people before flying behind the bar and into one of the store rooms.

"Freed, Bickslow, Evergreen!" Makarov called as he walked up to them. "Why are you back early, and why did Laxus go to a store room?"

"Ah... well that's because we fo-"

"Wendy!" Laxus yelled from the store room, cutting Freed off. "I need you back here. Now!" Everyone followed Wendy back to one of the store room and froze at what they saw.

"Its impossible..." Erza whispered as she looked at the person floating inside the orange sphere. "She should have been freed. Why is she still in there?"

"I found her like this." Laxus said as he looked at Lucy floating inside the sphere, her eyes half open, gazing out at the world in front of her. "We were in the northern mountains when I found her." Laxus ran a hand through his hair, he didn't know Lucy and he didn't know what to do. "I just brought her back, I'm going home now." He turned and made his way out of the room, only to turn his head as he heard someone call his name.

"Laxus." He looked over and saw a single tear run down his grandfather's cheek. "Thank you for bringing Lucy home."

"Yeah, yeah." He said as he turned, lifting his hand in farewell. "We're Fairy Tail, its what we do."

The months passed and Lucy's team still hadn't returned from training, and the only ones who were there that night visited her. They hoped that by hearing their voices she would be able to free herself from the sphere, but she was unresponsive as she floated there.

The night before everyone was supposed to leave for the Games in Crocus Laxus made his way to the back room, keeping out of sight of Mira and Erza. The lights were dim in the room, the only source of light was the soft glow from the sphere that Lucy was in. She looked the same as when he found her, and as he stepped closer and put a hand on the sphere he noticed a small frown on her face.

"Hey Blondie, its Laxus. I know you probably don't want me to talk to you, but I thought you might want some company because your friends are still away." Laxus looked around the room and sighed, it was too empty in here. After the Games I should get Mira to put something cheerful in here.

"The Grand Magic Games are starting up in a few days, and I'm positive that Fairy Tail will make a comeback. By the time you're free everything will be back to normal. Your friends will be back and Fairy Tail will be the strongest once again." Laxus turned and left, but if he would have stayed a few seconds longer he would have noticed the lights brighten a bit, he would have seen her frown disappear.

Why was Laxus just here? Lucy thought as she floated in the orange liquid. When are my friends going to return, and why am I still stuck in this thing? As Lucy waited for someone, anyone, to visit her she thought about Laxus, about his visit. Well, if he says that Fairy Tail is going to be number one again I should believe him. Hmmm... I'll have to thank him once I'm out of here for finding me.

Time passed slowly for Lucy as she was trapped in the sphere, with no one visiting her she had no idea how much time had passed. For Laxus time passed rather quickly, Fairy Tail had won their first ever Grand Magic Games, making them the strongest once again. The town had even given them back their old building, and as Laxus walked in he realized something was missing.

"Oi Mira, clear out one of the back rooms, I'll be back in a bit." Mira nodded at him and he turned into lightning and took off, re-materializing in front of the sphere that contained Lucy.

"Don't worry, Blondie. You haven't been completely forgotten. I'm going to bring you home once again." He reached out and placed his hands on the sphere and lightning traveled back to the Guild hall, into one of the back rooms Mira had cleared out. As he walked back into the main area he was spotted by Natsu.

"Laxus! There you are! Fight me!" Laxus turned and glared at Natsu. His best friend is trapped in a magical sphere, unable to get free, and all he wants to do is fight? He looked over at Mira, who had an upset look on her face, and then over at Erza, who was glaring at Natsu.

"Natsu? Didn't anyone tell you?"

"Tell me what?" Natsu asked, oblivious as always.

"Mira, Erza? Didn't you tell him anything?" The two women shook their heads, and laxus let out a slow sigh, but before he could say anything Natsu came flying at him.

"I don't want to talk, I want to fig-" He was cut short by Laxus's fist slamming into his face, knocking him out.

"Lucy was found, you oblivious pink haired idiot." Laxus growled as he dragged Natsu by his scarf into the room Lucy was in, throwing him in and locking the door.

Lucy smiled when she saw Laxus appear before her, heard him tell her that she wasn't forgotten. Everything disappeared and she was in a new room, she tried to reach out to Laxus, but she was too slow and he left too quick.

Not even a minute later Natsu was thrown into the room by Laxus. Natsu? Lucy watched as he woke up and instantly ran to the door, watched as he began pounding on it. Natsu, look over here! I'm back... Natsu? Please look over here... Lucy felt a tear escape her eye, but then Natsu finally looked over and noticed her.

"Luce? Is that you?" Natsu came closer and pressed his face to the sphere.

Yes, Natsu! Its me, I made it home! Lucy tried to reach out to him, but once again she was too slow, and he turned around.

"Sorry Luce. Lisanna is looking for me. I promised to go on a job with her. Once you get out of that sphere we should all go on a job together." Natsu lifted his hand in the Fairy Tail salute and ran out the door, leaving Lucy alone. She could feel the tears running down her cheeks as she sobbed uncontrollably, it wasn't like anyone could hear her anyways.

Laxus walked in after Natsu ran out and scanned the room, he could have sworn he heard someone sobbing, but there was no one in the room. He looked over at Lucy and let out a low sigh when he saw the tears on her cheeks, her arms seemed to be reaching out for someone.

Laxus walked over and placed a hand on the sphere and an sad smile crossed his lips. "Don't worry, Lucy. We will find a way to free you. Just wait a bit longer."