Ok. The end is in sight! This project has really dragged on, and lately its just cause I'm tired of it. The sheer number of times my stuff has been deleted or lost has killed me on a project this big. It needs a pretty big overhaul, and I need to go back through a few times and just rewrite parts, ect. At one point I did that prior to each and every update, now that's to much at this time. I'm working on many other projects that I'm very excited about and hope you guys check out! But for now, this is not, nor will it be abandoned, or up for adoption. I'm not sure if I'm ever going to be happy with this story, but I will finish it. So, with that I bring you one of three final chapters!
Small note, I don't go very into descriptions and such for the scenes that are happening straight from the Fairy Tail series. If you are reading this work, I'm assuming you have a passing knowledge about what the characters look like and some of the locations.
Posted May 1, 2018
"Look! There's a door!"
"So that's the place!"
Just seconds after the shouts the door to the large chamber was kicked down as two humans and an Exeed came rushing in ready for a fight. Upon seeing the three forms slumped up against the pillars in the middle of the room, they all rushed forward shouting names.
"They're unconscious." Grey concluded after examining Wendy's body.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry Wendy..." Carla said softly as she cried over Wendy's body.
"For now we should get them to drink the Ekspole. Come on! Open your mouth Natsu!" Grey shouted as he pried Natsu's mouth open and administered a liquid.
"What is that?" Lucy asked.
"We got it from Gageel. Didn't you get one from Mistogun?" Grey explained. "They allow us to use magic in this world."
"I remember he gave me something to drink..." Lucy realized.
They were interrupted when Natsu began to cough and rolled over.
"Natsu!" Lucy shouted rushing to his side.
"Alright! Next, Wendy!" Grey exclaimed as he moved over to her body and gently administered the dose.
"Are you ok? Natsu..." Lucy asked the still coughing Natsu.
Natsu slammed his fist into the ground before forcing himself to sit up. " I have to... Stop them..." He forced out.
"Stop them?" Lucy asked quietly.
Natsu roared and released a huge fireball above his head as he roared. He then forced himself to stand and ran out of the chamber.
"Natsu, you-" Lucy shouted as she tried to follow him.
"Wendy!" Carla shouted when Wendy began to cough violently.
"Carla... This... This is terrible... Everyone from the guild will..." Wendy struggled to speak in between coughing violently.
"What is it? What's wrong Wendy?" Grey asked worriedly.
"The King..." Wendy starts as she starts to get up. " In order to destroy the Exeed... He's going to collide the giant lacrima... He's going to use our friends as a bomb!" She shouts as she pulls herself to her feet.
"Edolas has islands that float in the air, you've seen a few right?" Lucy asked Grey, getting a nod she continued. " Apparently it floats due to the power of the Exeed. I read in a book it floats to maintain the balance of magic in this world." Lucy finished.
"And our nakama, who've been turned into larcimas, are on one of those islands? And who is he?" Grey asked and gestured to the still unconscious Harry.
"That's Harry. He's a member of the Fairy Tail guild in this world, but is from a third world, neither Edolas, nor Earthland." Carla explained. "And the island is very close. Both islands are floating above where we are now, the kingdom's capital." She finished.
"They're going to use the dragon slayer magic to accelerate the floating island, and collide it with Exteria. That creepy guy left with a key that has the dragon slayer magic in it." Wendy told them. She then made her way to Harry's body and tried to shake him awake.
"What will happen after that?" Grey asked, joining Wendy next to Harry.
"The magical powers of the Exteria and Fairy Tail will, as a result of the collision, burst and intermix. And an infinite amount of magical energy will rain down on this country. " Wendy explained not looking up.
"If that happens, everyone in our guild will..." Lucy began, unable to say the horrific truth.
"Disappear!" Grey shouted in a mix of alarm, horror and anger.
In the silence that followed this declaration, Harry began to stir and was just becoming aware of his surroundings when a loud rush of footsteps could be heard rushing towards the chamber.
"Someones coming!" Grey said getting into a defensive stance.
"An enemy!" Lucy exclaimed, also getting ready for a fight.
However, they were disappointed then all that came through the door was a freaked out Natsu babbling about there being two Erzas.
"Hey! Its Grey!" Natsu exclaimed after seeing said man.
"You're loud and obnoxious, you're truly a nuisance." Grey told the dragon slayer.
"He's our Grey." Wendy told Natsu.
"A lot happened, and I'm stuck here, along with Erza and Gajeel." Grey told Natsu. "Happy went to stop the Lacrima." He finished.
"Lucy, you're safe as well!" Natsu shouted just noticing her.
Coughing Harry sat up and looked at the others in the room. He turned to Grey and Lucy and bowed his head. "Thank you." he said hoarsely.
"Ah!" Wendy gasped before she dropped into a bow as well. "Th..Thank you very much!"
"Don't worry about it." Grey told them, and reached a hand out to Harry. "I'm Grey Fullbuster."
"Harry Potter." Harry said grasping Grey's hand as he was helped up.
"In any case, wear clothes." Natsu said to Grey, who immediately became aware of his lack of clothing.
"Oh, when did this happen?" he questioned looking at his only piece of clothing, his pants.
"You were like that from the start." Lucy told him.
Wendy giggled softly and Harry smiled. "Here you go mate." Harry said as he called a plain dress shirt out from his pocket dimension.
"Thanks, so you can do magic here then?" Grey asked putting the shirt on.
"Yeah, it's a whole story we don't really have time for." Harry told him. "I'll tell you it later."
"I'll hold you to that." Grey said with a smirk.
"Alright! We're all set, let's stop the Lacrima from colliding!" Natsu shouted leading the group out of the chamber to shouts of agreeance. He skid to a halt at the end of the hallway. "Wait!" There are two monsters this way! Let's go that way!" He shouted.
"Are we sure we can leave Erza alone?" Wendy asked, concerned for her friend.
"She's Erza, but so's her opponent." Lucy pointed out.
Harry looked back to see Wendy and Carla had stopped.
"Let's go to Exteria." Wendy said to Carla.
"What? Why?" Carla asked.
"We need to warn them of the attack and evacuate them to safety." Wendy explained.
"But aren't we going to stop the attack in the first place!" Carla shouted.
"Of course we are, we will definitely prevent it from occurring!" Wendy shouted, drawing the rest of the group's attention. "Because I trust my friends to prevent it!"
"We don't know what other weapons the kingdom has. We need to prepare for the worst, and warn them while we still can." Harry added in Wendy's defense.
"Exactly." Wendy agreed, nodding at Harry.
"No way! I don't want to go back!" Carla shouted at them. " I- I don't care what happens to the Exeed!" She declared.
Harry knelt down and looked Carla in the eye. "It's not about whether you are a human or an Exeed. We are all living beings. It doesn't matter if you want to or not. Do what's right by you. If you are fine with doing nothing when you could prevent a genocide, then that's fine. But we," Harry said gesturing to the other mages who were listening to his words intently, "won't just stand by and do nothing." Harry finished. Carla looked down in shame of her actions.
"I'll be right beside you." Wendy told Carla, kneeling down too. "There's nothing to be afraid of, okay?" Wendy asked with a gentle smile.
"Fine." Carla agreed.
So Carla and Wendy went on their way to warn the Exeed, and Grey, Lucy, Natsu, and Harry continued their search for the king.
"Where is this king fellow!" Natsu shouted getting frustrated by their lack of progress.
"Well, he's a king, so he should be at a place fit for one." Grey sarcastically said.
"And where the hell is that?!" Natsu demanded.
"How the hell should I know! This is my first time inside the castle, same as you!" Grey shouted back.
Lucy started mumbling to her self about the layout of the castle.
"What was that Lucy?" Natsu asked confused, but calmer.
"Basically," Harry started. "This place is a terribly designed structure, right?" Harry asked looking to Lucy.
"Right. By the looks of this place, I wouldn't be surprised if there was an amusement park here too." Lucy sighed.
As the group turned the next corner, it was with gobsmacked expressions as the all froze.
"WHAAAAT!" Lucy exclaimed. "An amusement park? For real?!"
They cautiously entered the strangely located park, and found the carousel just past the gates was running. As it went around a man came into view. He was dressed as a pink knight, and had a blonde pompadour of sorts. He had a cartoonish double chin, and was wearing a very long, heroic seeming cape.
"Hmmmm. How terribly fun." The man said as he rode. "Hahahaha! This truly is fun." They heard him say.
Suddenly there was a loud crashing sound behind the group. They all spun around to find one of those swinging pirate ship rides. There was a man with two toned hair standing on top of it, wearing a long flowing coat. He had strange arrow eyebrows.
"This truly amazingly fun magic is about to run dry in this world." The man on the ship said. "Can you guys imagine how we feel?" He rhetorically asked.
"We will get our hands on and infinite amount of magic, no matter the cost!" The strange man on the carousel told them.
"We're staking our lives on this. No one can stand in our way!" The one on the ship declared.
"Would you all like to go back to you're jail cells, or die here?" the man on the still rotating carousel mocked.
"Sugarboy, don't give them the option of choosing." the man on the ship told his comrade.
"Hmmm?" Sugarboy hummed.
"We've finished the extraction of magic from the dragon dudes, and if code ETD succeeds, we will no longer have any use for these dragon slayers." The man said. "I'm going to kill these land dwellers who don't even know how expensive magic is." he declared, before he started to wave the strange wand like item in his hand around.
Suddenly the large ship he was on lifted into the air, and the man jumped off of it onto a nearby platform.
"The boat!" Lucy shouted in shock.
The boat suddenly surged forward at the group. It smashed into the carousel behind them in pieces, and as the dust settled, Sugarboy slipped out of the wreckage.
"A shield made of black ice?!" The one used the ship as a projectile weapon shouted when he saw the group unharmed.
There was a large almost flower shaped ice wall in front of the group. Harry had his hands against it and from where his hands were there was a dark, barley see through film coating the ice.
"So this is the magic of Earthland..." The guy with arrow eyebrows said.
"They really don't use items, huh?" Sugarboy commented from where he was now lounging next to the rubble. "Hmmm... This is my first time seeing it."
Natsu charged out from behind the shield and blasted up towards the platform the man was on. "There's flames on his feet!" said man exclaimed.
"Hyah!" Natsu shouted as he lit his fist and struck the man easily. The man fell from the high platform and landed harshly below. Natsu looked down on the seemingly unharmed form. "Give me back my Nakama!" Natsu demanded.
The man stood and rose his wand again. "Your Nakama will merge with Exteria's magical power and become an infinite supply of magic." The man dismissed before his flicked his weapon down.
"Natsu, behind you!" Lucy shouted, taking a step towards him to help with the roller coaster now hurtling towards Natsu. She stopped when instead of advancing, her feet were beginning to sink into the ground.
"The ground!" Grey realized.
"The hell it'll hit!" Natsu shouted before he jumped the coaster cars.
The man with the wand just snickered before he twirled it as if directing the coasters path. "My weapon, the command tact, can control any of the attractions at will." he explained, catching Natsu unaware as he fell into the roller coaster seat. "The hell's coaster ride runs at ten times its normal speed due to magic! No matter who it may be, five minutes on this ride will..." He trailed off noticing the change in Natsu's demeanor. "He didn't even last ten seconds! Who is this guy? He's so weak!" the man laughed.
"That's not good." Grey mumbled while watching Natsu's situation.
Harry nodded and formed a solid surface of darkness where they could all reach to haul themselves up. "Not much better here though." he said.
"Lucy! Drag Natsu off that thing!" Grey ordered as he pulled himself up onto Harry's platform.
"H-How?" Lucy asked, pulling herself up as well.
Grey grabbed her arms and pulled her up, and then flung her over their heads, impossibly hitting the moving roller coaster. Lucy desperately clung onto the seats and began to pull herself towards the front of the crazy ride.
"What a brave girl." The man still with no name remarked.
"Ice Make! Hook Shot!" Grey shouted, launching himself into the air.
"If you have this sort of magic, why didn't you go save him?" Sugarboy asked.
"If I did, I wouldn't be here to kick your ass, would I?" Grey mocked.
"Hmmmm." Sugarboy hummed settling into a battle stance, and reaching into his cape.
"Death Scythe!" Grey shouted as he fell, creating a giant ice scythe and swinging it at Sugarboy. Just before the scythe struck, Sugarboy hit it with his own weapon, a strangely adorned sword with a rose hilt, causing the scythe to loose its shape and melt immediately.
"Cold?" Sugarboy remarked, wiping off some of the scythe that had gotten on him. "Ice magic huh? Hmmmm." he hummed. "Looks like I have the upper hand. This weapon is the Rossa Espada, it softens everything up. Too bad, too bad. HmmmMmmm." he mocked.
Grey snarled at the man, and Harry struck while he was distracted. Harry surrounded the man's face with darkness and knocked him off his feet. Blinded, and confused Sugarboy struck the ground, causing it to go so soft Harry and Grey began to sink again.
"Not again."Harry muttered before he created a spot of darkness to stand on and watched Grey do the same with his Ice Make.
"Ah, the fourth one, the third dragon slayer. Erza's precious Harry." Sugarboy said realizing who his second opponent was. "You should have joined us when you had the chance, now Erza can't save you. Hmmmm." Sugarboy grinned beneath his concealed eyes as he rose back to his feet.
"Like that would have changed anything. And I never would have stood by and allowed you people to kill countless people just so you can play with magic!" Harry shouted at the royal army captain.
Said captain then lunged out at Harry with his sword. Instead of making Harry go limp, Sugarboy sliced Harry across his chest, causing Harry's focus to slip and the blindfold to dissipate.
This gave Grey enough time to launch another attack on the man who easily parried and melted all of Grey's attacks. Having to get creative, Grey froze the floor and began a physical assault on the captain. Harry joined him in the attack once he tended to his injury. Despite it being a two on one, Sugarboy was a very skilled swordsman and both Harry and Grey had numerous cuts, and holes in their clothes. A lucky hit from Grey sent Sugarboy flying further into the theme park, and when Sugarboy struck the ground he began to slide inexplicably.
As Harry and Grey watched in confusion of the absurdity of this Sugarboy began to speed up, so the two took off after him. As Sugarboy accelerated to a speed they couldn't keep up with on foot, Harry requipped his motorbike and hauled Grey on behind him. Grey began to fire off icicles at the speeding captain as Harry followed and slowly managed to close the gap between them.
"Hahaha! You think you can catch up to me? Hmmmm?" Sugarboy called over his shoulder, he then used his sword to turn the ground soft again. Harry focused intently on following Sugarboy, feeding his magic into his bike, and on the darkness road he was now creating so the bike wouldn't get stuck in the floor.
"Hell yeah we will!" Grey shouted at Sugarboy. "Ice Make: Floor!" He shouted trying to turn the floor in front of Sugarboy to ice.
The strange chase turned down another hallway when they saw an all tied up octopus creature fall to the ground as Lucy and Natsu stood victorious. There was a little girl collapsed on the ground holding a large key, and Sugarboy aimed himself towards her.
"Hahaha! You shouldn't give away such an important thing to our enemies, Coco!" Sugarboy shouted as he snatched the key from the girls hands and sped past. "I must return it to our king."
"Sugarboy!" Coco shouted.
"The key!" Natsu exclaimed turning to face the man in pink armor speeding away with the key.
"No way!" Lucy shouted clearly concerned.
"Give it back!" Coco yelled.
"That idiot." Grey grumbled as he aimed his next ice spike for the hand holding the key up high.
"Grey! Harry!" Natsu and Lucy shouted as they zoomed by on the motorcycle.
Harry focused more on increasing their speed and dropped the darkness road they were on, as the floor had stopped being soft.
"You're so persistent, even though you can't possibly win against me." Sugarboy called out, deflecting another icicle, and striking the ground with his sword again. His strike caused a whole section of the floor to cave in, and Harry had to veer to the side to not fall down the sudden hole.
"In any case, how the hell are you sliding around?" Grey shouted at Sugarboy.
"Hmmmm?" Sugerboy hummed. "I have no idea either." He told them.
"I-I see..." Harry responded at a loss for what was going on.
"What is that key for?" Grey asked.
"It's the key that is required in order to activate the chained dragon cannon." Sugarboy told them, the gap between them small enough that they could chat easily now.
"Chained dragon cannon?" Harry asked, "Is that what the energy you drained from us is for? Is that what's going to crash the Lacrima into Exteria?" Harry demanded furiously.
"Oh! Anything beyond what I've said is a secret, hmmmm." Sugarboy hummed smugly. "I can not let you guys get your hands on this!" he shouted as he suddenly made a turn.
"Which means we too can not allow you to take it from us!" Grey shouted as Harry leaned the bike to make the tight turn. Grey skimmed his hand on the floor. "Ice Make: Floor!" He shouted as a trail of ice shot forward and Sugarboy was unable to dodge this time. So instead he turned the ice practically to a liquid with his sword.
Spinning around, Sugarboy grinned triumphantly. "You can't win against me with ice. Everything and anything turns soft. Rossa Espada!" he exclaimed. Then as he slid on the slick he suddenly lost control and began to spin out.
"Even though it may be soft, it's attributes don't change." Grey pointed out. "Attributes like floors made of ice are slippery."
Sugarboy slammed into a pillar and Harry pulled the bike to a stop in front of him. Grey got off and rushed Sugarboy. "Ice Make: missile!" he shouted as he launched the missile shaped chunk of ice.
"I told you, it wouldn't work. Hmmm." Sugarboy hummed smugly, as he rose his sword. As the softened ice flew to the sides Grey and Harry had rushed towards the man. Then, Grey and Harry reached for the key and grabbed it. Each flaring their powers and causing a dark purplish ice to form over all three arms and encasing the key.
"What the?" Sugarboy questioned the odd looking ice. "Hmmm. That feels cold, ice boy." He said calmly.
Grey had been glaring at the key and snapped his head up at the captain. "Don't make strange nicknames for me! Besides, why won't it shatter?!" He demanded.
"And I can't exquip it!" Harry added as he focused on the key and making it go to his pocket dimension.
"But of course it won't, it's not something that would break that easily. And did you really think Erza wouldn't tell us about your little abilities? Hmmmm?" Sugarboy mocked them. "And it's still cold, could you both let go now? I'm not into holding hands with other men." He revealed dramatically.
"Hey, hey, you haven't realized our situations are reversed, have you?" Grey asked smirking.
"Hmmm?" Sugarboy hummed suspiciously.
"You guys need this key, but we don't." Harry said now grinning too as he began to flare his power.
At the same time Grey flared his powers and shouted "If I can't destroy it, I'll make it so that you can never use it! BECOME FROZEN!" He shouted angrily as the dark purple ice exploded around the three and creeper up their arms.
"It's futile, my Rossa Espada will just soften up the ice." Sugarboy said, moving to do just that.
"Are you sure about that? One wrong move, and you'll turn the key to jelly too." Harry pointed out as he discreetly began to immobilize the distracted captain.
"I-I'll fine tune myself!" Sugarboy shouted.
"What the hell does that mean?!" Grey shouted, frustrated with Sugarboy's attitude.
"I see! All I have to do is kill you two!" He shouted as he began to flail his free arm at Grey, but stumbled when he couldn't move both of his legs.
"Freeze!" Grey shouted as Harry caused the darkness to immobilize more of the man.
"Take this!" Sugarboy shouted as he wildly swung and melted the ice on his arm.
As Grey and Sugarboy went back and forth a few times, Harry had encased nearly the entire captain's body in darkness. It was as the man found he couldn't move that the key finally cracked.
"What! Impossible! There's a crack in the key!" Sugarboy cried out looking in horror at the key.
"Alright! That's good, break already." Grey said as he poured more power into the frozen key.
"This is bad! Really bad! STOP! The key will break!" Sugarboy pleaded as the cracks in the key began to get bigger.
"Our allies lives are at stake here!" Harry shouted as the darkness held all but the man's face now.
"We'll break that key to oblivion!" Grey declared.
"Wa...Wait! This is really bad! The key is important to you too!" Sugarboy shouted desperately.
"What?!" Harry hissed with alarm.
"In any case, lets have a cease fire! The key will break!" Sugarboy pleaded.
"What are you talking about?" Grey demanded with a surge of the ice.
"Woah, woah! With this key your friends can also be turned back to normal!" He told them frantically.
"Pft. What an obvious lie." Grey said.
"The chained dragon canon is a canon that has condensed dragon slayer magic in it! Don't you know what dragon slayer magic can be used for!" Sugarboy shouted angrily now. "If the chained dragon canon is fired directly onto the Lacrima your friends will turn back to normal! Now do you understand?! This key is important to both of us! We can't let it get destroyed!" He continued to shout.
"We have Gajeel on our side." Grey pointed out.
"Worst come to worst Wendy, Natsu, and I can help too." Harry added.
"We've got four dragon slayers, we don't need this key!" Grey exclaimed as he started up his ice make again.
"You don't know how long it will take though, right?" Sugarboy asked. Harry and Grey stalled in their efforts for a moment. "By tomorrow, the transformation into magic for the Lacrima will commence. Our plan is to collide the Lacrima into Exteria, before that time. You're right. With four dragon slayers on your side you will be able to save many people." Sugarboy continued calmly. "But you won't save them all! If you want to save them all you cannot destroy this key!" He shouted becoming frantic now as Harry and Grey exchanged glances. "Now, let go!" he finished.
"We will not hand over the key to you!" Grey and Harry shouted together as they managed to shatter the key with a surge of magic from both of them.
"The key! Are you idiots! It wasn't a lie! Hmmm?" Sugarboy demanded devastatingly. "Your comrades will never regain their original bodies!" He shouted as he swung his sword at Harry with his now ice free arm.
Harry dodged it easily, ducking down below the sword. "We will save everyone." Harry said, immobilizing Sugarboy completely.
"I will take everyone back home, back to our guild!" Grey cried out as he lashed out, pummeling Sugarboy as he was trapped in place thanks to Harry.
Harry let the now bloody and barley conscious Sugarboy drop to the ground and he and Grey began to walk away.
"You... You're crazy... Ice Boy... Shadow Dragon... To... Actually destroy the... Key... If you had it, you could have saved your friends." Sugar Boy mumbled from the ground.
"I am" Grey began as he turned around to face Sugar Boy. "An ice sculpture mage." Grey said activating his ability and Sugar Boy just gaped in shock. "I can make anything." He finished with a perfect ice copy of the key in his hand.
"Grey! Harry!" A figure shouted as it sprinted down the long corridor towards the two mages.
"Natsu." Grey said once Natsu was closer.
Natsu zeroed in on the now unconscious body of Sugar Boy and he began to shake said body furiously. "What happened to the key?!" Natsu continued his interrogation by slapping Sugar Boy's face.
"It's alright now." Harry told Natsu, putting a hand on his shoulder and getting Sugar Boy out of his reach.
"The situation has changed. Where's Lucy?" Grey asked.
"She's stuck." Natsu said plainly.
"What does that mean...?" Harry asked confused. "Anyways, Grey can make the key."
"We can help our comrades." Grey said as he remade the key again.
"What!" Natsu shouted.
"Originally their aim was to use the dragon chain cannon as a wire to hit Exteria." Grey started.
"But, if we can hit the Lacrima with the dragon chain cannon that's filled with condensed dragon slayer magic, we can turn everybody back to normal." Harry finished.
"I don't get it, but we can turn them back right?" Natsu asked.
"The dragon chain cannon is right ahead, but we have one problem." Grey said pointing to the door just at the end of the hallway.
"We don't have a way to enter that door." Harry said as he thought about the guards and soldiers that likely guarded the machine.
"Let's just break through it!" Natsu declared.
"I don't think it'll work, it seems to be a very firm door." Grey told Natsu, both seemingly oblivious to all the other factors of why that wasn't a viable plan.
Their conversation was interrupted by heavy foot falls approaching. "You were in such a place..." Erza said between heavy breaths.
"Erza!" Natsu shouted.
"No, wait... That's Edolas'..." Grey gasped.
Harry watched the approaching Erza closely.
"Our... Erza... Did... She lose?!" Natsu demanded his shock and fear evident on his face.
The Erza's only response was to smirk.
The doors to the Dragon Chain Cannon slammed open as commander Erza Nightwalker confidently walked through, dragging three bodies behind her. Her captives unconscious.
"You're safe Commander Nightwalker," one of the guards just past the doors greeted.
"H... How is this safe! What happened with all these injuries!?" The second guard asked, concerned for his commander.
"It's not a big deal," she brushed off.
"These people are..." the same guard asked concerned.
"The key for the Dragon Chain Cannon." Erza said plainly.
"The... Key?!" one asked confused.
"Is that Agent Potter?!" the other asked seeing the bodies being dragged by Erza.
"No, this is a traitor." she said with a stony expression.
The king had finally made his way across the room and approached Erza. "Erza! Is it true that you've brought the key back?" The king loudly questioned.
"It's broken, but don't worry." Erza yanked one of the bodies she was dragging forward. "This guy can make the key." she explained.
"This guy is..!" The king began.
"A mage from Earthland. He's a friend of those dragon slayers." Erza informed her king.
"Don't tell me that he's related to the disappearance of the Lacrima at the plaza..." the king deduced.
"That's right." Erza confirmed.
"Well, never mind that now! Hurry and activate the Dragon Chain Cannon." The king demanded.
"Stand up. Ice mage." Erza demanded, cutting Grey free from his binds. She then held her sword against Natsu's throat. "Don't try doing something strange." she warned. "Activate the Dragon Chain Cannon." she continued, pressing the sword harder against Natsu's neck.
Shakily Grey turned towards the large machine that dominated the room. "This is the Dragon Chain Cannon." he said as he stepped closer.
"Do it now." Erza demanded.
Grey remorsefully made the ice key, and put it into the obvious key hole. The machine began to charge up and Grey began to look around desperately.
"Fire!" the king shouted.
"That's it." Erza said to her two remaining captives. "Natsu! Harry!"
"Alright!" Natsu shouted.
Harry merely nodded.
Both darted forward, Natsu shouting off a named attack, and Harry made straight for the king. Natsu cleared away the nearest guards, and Harry trapped the king in place.
"What on Edolas?!" The king shouted as the surprise attack happened.
"Stop the firing!" Erza shouted as she now held the king with her sword against his throat.
"Erza... You...! What's this all about Erza?!" The king demanded while the soldiers were frozen in place.
Erza then exquipped her main armor, which revealed her Fairy Tail tattoo. "I'm Erza Scarlet. The Erza of Earthland." she announced.
"My bad. It was dangerous." Grey apologized. "But thanks to your wit." he finished.
"AHAHAHAHAHAHA! This is plan T! 'T' as in Trap!" Natsu mocked the immobile army.
"Adjust the canon's aim onto the Lacrima!" Erza demanded.
"Don't listen to her! Fire-" The kings demands were cut off as Harry covered the man's mouth with some darkness.
"What a coward you lot are for taking a hostage!" a soldier shouted.
"So what?" Harry asked. "Would you rather we just kill you all?"
"We'll do anything to save our comrades." Natsu declared.
"Hurry up and do it." Grey told them.
"Just do it! His majesty is in danger!" another soldier shouted.
The king began to struggle against his bindings now with a crazy glint in his eyes.
"Adjusting the aim!" one of the technicians declared as they started adjusting the dials and other mechanisms on the control panels. "There, it's aimed at the Lacrima." they declared.
"SCARLET!" a female voice screamed in a primal rage as a figure descended from the ceiling.
"What?!" Erza Scarlet shouted as she pushed the king to Grey.
"Nightwalker." Harry said as he watched her land before the group.
Nightwalker lunged forward to strike at Scarlet. "Our fight isn't finished Scarlet!" she shouted as their blades collided.
"Fire!" Grey shouted to the technitian sas he held the king menacingly.
The technician was frozen for a moment before slamming down on the button as the king flailed and fell from Grey's hold, making muffled shouts.
The dragon headed chain shot from the canon and it was impossible to tell if it had hit the Lacrima or the island.
"The connection's complete! Hit Extalia at once!" Erza Nightwalker ordered, disengaging from her fight with Scarlet.
"Everyone!" A voice shouted as a large blue and black flying creature flew towards the room. "Get on!" Lucy shouted from atop the strange beast.
"Lucy?!" Natsu shouted his shock before running to the beast.
"This is my Region," a little girl now visible next to Lucy declared as she waved to the soldiers.
The creature landed and the group hurried to get on it.
"Can we stop the island with this thing?" Grey asked dubious.
"I don't know, but we've got to try right?" Lucy shouted as the creature rose into the air again. The force of its take off forcing the soldiers and an enraged Erza Nightwalker back.
Down below the group watched as Nightwalker cleanly chopped off her long hair with one swift cut. "The second magical force, pursue them! All the region force to sortie!" she snapped orders out as she helped the king up now that he was free from the darkness Harry had conjured.
"I'll go to." The king whispered. "Get the Dorma Anim ready." he commanded just loud enough for the closest soldiers to hear.
"B...But that's forbidden by the law! Article 23, Constitution of the Kingdom says-" a shocked soldier began to quote.
"Prepare It!" The king suddenly roared angrily.
From up on the Region, the group of four mages and a child watched in tense silence as the floating island they were racing towards began to glow as it sped up on a collision course with Exteria.
"Hurry!" Harry shouted.
"We can't let it collide!" Natsu shouted.
The group braced themselves when the creature rammed its head into the floating island and strained to push against it. "Do your best Regipyon!" the girl with them shouted.
"It's no use!" Grey shouted. "It doesn't look like it will stop!"
"We should release our magic too!" Erza Scarlet shouted.
"Please stop!" Lucy shouted as the two islands met.
Trapped between the two land masses they all began to push them apart as much as they could, using what magic they had to keep the islands apart.
Harry strained as he forced a tangible darkness to make pillars to keep the two landmasses apart. Seeing this Grey began to do the same with ice.
Shortly after a figure dropped down to where the group was and began to assist them.
"Gajeel! Why didn't everyone turn back into their normal selves like us?!" demanded Erza Scarlet.
"The black cat got in the way. He stopped the chain thing and wouldn't let me get anywhere close to the crystal!" Gajeel told her as he planted his feet and joined them in forcing the two islands apart.
"We have to stop this! No, we will stop this!" Lucy shouted more determined now, and with her face pressed up against the other island she reached for a key. "Gate of the Golden Bull, I open thee! Taurus!" she shouted out the summoning spell. In a flash of smoke the spirit was there, and joined in the strange battle.
The very stone the teens were standing on and bracing with their magics began to crumble beneath them. "Stand your ground!" Grey shouted.
"I'm getting crushed!" Lucy shouted.
"We have to stop it no matter what!" Erza shouted as she exquipped to an armor to help her.
"We can do this!" Harry shouted as he pushed with all his might and magic against the island.
A figure darted and crashed into the island near Happy. "I will not give up! I will protect both Exteria and Fairy Tail!" Charlie shouted as she pushed with all her might.
A second later another cat with wings had slammed into the wall and was shouting as he to began to push.
"We have to protect out country!" a voice shouted as countless exceed joined them along the island edge and contributed to pushing the islands apart. "For our queen, who has protected this country and its people despite the dangers!"
"Everyone!" Wendy shouted as an exceed carried her with them. "For now, let's do something about this situation!"
Even with everyone helping the island of Exteria was beginning to crumble.
Suddenly there was a large explosive force that force the two islands apart. Exceed rushed to catch the humans who couldn't fly. Then a large bright light erupted from within the Lacrima and shot a beam of light straight up into the sky.
When the light faded the Lacrima crystal was gone.
"The Lacrima disappeared." Grey said in shock.
"What... What happened?" Lucy shouted.
"It returned to Earthland," a voice from the island behind them said. I'm sorry for being late, I was searching for a large enough remnant of Anima to return everything back." A man standing on a owl told them. "And I thank you all. If it weren't for you, I would not have made it in time."
"Mystogun!" Erza shouted with relief.
"Oh! By 'return everything back', you mean?" Natsu asked ecstatic.
"That's right. The Lacrima will pass through the Anima again and turn back into its normal form, once it reaches Earthland. Everything is over." Mystogun told everyone.
"We did it." Harry sighed in relief.
There were cheers and tears, and the celebrating exceed made their way back to their homes. A large panther like exceed was speaking with Mystogun, when a blast of light went straight through his chest from behind and he began to plummet to the ground.
"Lily!" Mystogun shouted.
"Not yet." A voice shouted. "It's still not over yet!" Erza Nightwalker shouted from atop a Region, holding the still smoking weapon that had shot the exceed Lily.
"The other Erza!" Natsu gasped.
"How dare you!" Gajeel seethed.
"Someone... Please save Lily!" the exceed queen cried out distressed.
"Scarlet!" the enraged Erza cried out.
"Nightwalker." the other Erza whispered.
Mystogun raised his arm to stop Erza Scarlet from attacking. "You dare raise your weapon against the prince of Edolas?" he revealed. "Erza Nightwalker."
"Dam." Nightwalker cursed.
"I don't see you as a son." a voice declared with a mechanical echo.
"The kings voice!" The little girl Coco shouted from on top of her Region.
"Hiding away for seven years, how dare you show yourself to me again?" the kings voice rang out. "I am well aware that you were closing up the Anima in Earthland. You sold your country out."
"The voice, where is it coming from?" Wendy asked, looking around the sky oddly full of Region and flying exceed.
"Show yourself!" Natsu shouted.
"Your Anima operation has failed. There's no reason to fight anymore, is there?" Mystogun calmly pointed out.
"Reason?" The kings mechanical voice asked. "Reason to fight, you say? This is not a fight." he told them. "This is a one-way slaughter... A retaliation to those who stood against the king."
"What, what is that!?" Lucy shouted as she pointed at the ground where the voice had been coming from.
"If you choose to stand before me, I will wipe you out, even if it is you, Gerard. Nothing will be left behind." the king continued.
"Father!" Mystogun shouted horrified as he recognized the contraption.
"I am not your father!" the king shouted the disownment loudly. "I am the king of Edolas! That's right, if I kill you here, there will be no one to stop the Anima in Earthland. I can create a giant Lacrima and fuse it with the exceed as many times as I wish." He continued, as the dust finally cleared, and the form of a giant robotic dragon was visible to all. "Fuhahahahah! Nothing is impossible for a king! The power of the king is absolute!" The king gloated from his mechanical dragon.
"The armor reinforced dragon." Mystogun said as horror and dread covered his face.
"Dragon?" Natsu asked looking at the robot cautiously.
"What exactly is armor-reinforcement?" Charlie asked.
"It's a rideable suit that contains a wizard-canceller, which nullifies all external magic attacks. The king is inside there, controlling the Doroma-Anima." Coco told them, her voice trembling in fear.
"Capture the Exceed my soldiers!" The king's order rang out as the Region riding soldiers leapt into action towards the exceed.
"Get away from here!" Mystogun shouted to the fleeing exceed.
"Don't let them escape!" Nightwalker shouted, as the soldiers opened fire with strange guns that upon contact turned the exceed into Lacrima crystals.
"We have to protect the exceed!" Erza Scarlet ordered the mages of Fairy Tail.
"Right!" Lucy agreed, pulling out a key and her whip.
"What about the king?" Grey asked watching the mechanical dragon below them.
"We can't do anything, it's immune to magic." Coco reminded him as she steered her Region towards the battle.
"Not one human shall escape! You will all die here!" The king shouted before launching a magical beam straight for Mystogun.
"Now's your chance Erza, go!" Mystogun shouted. "Triple magic rune! Mirrored Water!" he cast just in time as the energy beam was reversed and returned to the mechanical dragon.
From within the smoke cloud kicked up by the blast the kings voice called out "Doroma-Anima is immune to magic!" A second beam erupted from the smoke and struck Mystogun who fell from atop his owl.
"It fits you better to scour the ground like that!" the king cackled maniacally from his dragon. "Why don't you go off and die like that while you're at it. You guys are next!" he shouted now aiming for Coco's Region.
The next blast was interrupted by a large explosion on top of the dragon, followed by a strike from below it.
"What! Who is attacking the magic immune Doroma-Anima?!" the king demanded.
"The sky dragon's HOWL!" Wendy shouted as she attacked the dragon from above. She landed on the ground in between the two other dragon slayers.
"Not bad Wendy." Natsu told her with furry in his eyes.
"No... Damage-wise, both of your attacks were more effective." she said glaring at the machine.
"Danm guy..." Gajeel grumbled. "How dare he attack my cat..."
"My turn." Harry said as he too jumped from the Region to join the fight below.
"Go protect the cats!" Natsu shouted just before Harry crushed the machine beneath a large wall of darkness.
Harry rolled to a stop from his fall next to the three others.
"Will they be ok with only four people?" Coco asked worriedly.
"They're fine." Grey told her. "The enemy's a dragon. Only these guys can defeat him. Dragon hunting mages, Dragon slayers!" Grey told her. With a nod of understanding Coco directed her Region back into the fray between the royal Region troops and the exceed.
The four dragon slayers quickly fell into a strategy with Wendy using her magic to protect and empower the three others, Natsu and Gajeel directly attacking the robot suit, and Harry defensively deflecting and protecting the others from the attacks.
"It's color is changing!" Wendy shouted out the warning as everyone backed off unsure what this change would mean.
"What now?" Natsu growled out.
"First of all, I'll drain all of your fighting spirits! Using the power of the Black Heaven Doroma-Anima!" The kind bellowed from within the now black dragon suit."Fuhahahaha! Black Heaven Doroma-Anima is a special armor that multiplies the output of the magical power to several times greater!" He boasted as he lashed out and knocked the dragon slayers to the ground. "There's no chance of winning for you guys!"
"Everyone is suffering form a magical shortage, and somehow you, the king, has such an enormous amount of it!?" Harry shouted angrily at the king.
"It's natural for a king to charge a national tax from the people." The king teased them. "Doroma-Anima is an ultimate mage weapon that keeps absorbing the magical power from the whole world! Thus, this is forbidden! It's my responsibility to win for activating it! For the sake of the world!"
"For the world?" Wendy asked, the disgust clear on her face.
"He says that when he selfishly took the magical power from others." Gajeel growled out.
"We joined a guild to live, that's why I don't care about the world." Natsu said. "But I'll defeat you for everyone that lives in this world!" He shouted at the king.
The king retaliated with another devastating blast of destructive magic at the gathered mages.
"Fwahaha! Fall to the ground, Dragons!" the king mocked them as the group struggled to get back up. "The magic weapon with absolute power! As long as I have the Doroma-Anima, my army is invincible!" The king continued to mock as the machine charged up to fire again. The blast sent the four battered dragon slayers flying.
"We've gotta hit him back!" Harry growled out as he forced himself to stand.
"Salamander! Use your breath!" Gajeel told Natsu as they both got up as well. "Kid! Shorty! You too!"
"The four of us together?" Wendy asked as she managed to stand as well.
"I don't know what will occur if we do it, so I wanted to hold off using this, but... We don't have a choice." Gajeel told them.
"I've never had the chance to try this." Harry told them before he took a deep breath. He began to gather as much of his dark magic in his mouth as he could.
"Understood!" Wendy shouted before doing the same.
"Alright!" Natsu shouted with a vicious grin before copying the others.
"The Flame Dragon's-"
"The Steel Dragon's-"
"The Sky Dragon's-"
"The Dark Dragon's-"
"ROAR!" all four dragon slayers shouted as one while releasing the torrent of incredible magics from within. The flames engulfed the air blast and burned hotter and shot forward faster now. The steel magics broke into pieces and were super heated by the flames. The magic as a whole was shrouded in a shear darkness, that sunk into the rest of the magics, turning the rushing flames a dark purple. The explosion when the desperate attack struck flattened the land for miles in every direction.
"We did it-" Gajeel began with a smile.
"Fwahahahah!" The kings voice came from above them.
"Above us!" Natsu shouted.
"To think it could jump so high..." Harry seethed.
"No way..." Wendy said weakly, visibly shaking. "Our four combined attacks won't even hit him."
"Do it again!" Natsu shouted.
"I won't let you!" the king shouted. "Multi detonation Dragon Cannon!" He shouted as the machine rained down explosives as it fell back down.
"KYAAH!" Wendy's scream was heard as she was sent flying from the impact.
The Doroma-Anima's landing shook the ground and cleared the dust cloud from it's cannon attack.
Harry struggle to see where the others had landed. Wendy was curled up into herself as she coughed violently. The burns and gashes covering her form visible even with how far away Harry was. Natsu was on his knees coughing up blood and clutching a deep wound on his stomach. Gajeel was laid out flat on his back and seemed to be barley breathing. Harry knew he couldn't look much better, he could feel his body shaking and everything felt numb.
"Not good..." Harry heard Gajeel mumbling. "My... Magic energy... is..."
"Looks like you're all out of juice." The king observed. "Even though you may have an infinite amount of magical energy, once your magic runs out, it takes time to regenerate. Come peacefully, and become our world's magical energy! Depending on your attitude, I might even allow you to be treated well." The king told them, the smug superiority clear in his tone.
Harry grit his teeth as he forced himself to roll over. He'd promised himself long ago that no one would use him, or treat him as less than he is again. He tried to push himself up, even as his arms started to buckle under him.
"Don't give up." Natsu's voice rang out across the decimated battle ground. "It's not over yet," He continued as he shakily began to stand. "Come get us, you bastard!" Natsu shouted, standing defiant.
"We're still standing!" Harry roared both furious and desperate.
"Damn it!" The king growled out. "What stubborn kids." He slammed his foot down on top of Natsu as he was the closest.
"Natsu-san!" Wendy called out.
"You idiot..." Gajeel grumbled as he struggled to push himself up. "Without magic, we can't do anything!" he shouted at Natsu.
"Wrench it out!" Natsu's voice shouted from under the foot. "Wrench out tomorrow's worth of magic!"
"RAAGH!" Harry shouted as he sprinted and took out the dragons leg, at the same time Natsu struck out against the foot holding him down. The robot fell over unbalanced now.
"Don't underestimate Dragon Slayers!" Natsu roared at the dragon mech.
"Tomorrow's..." Gajeel mumbled.
"Know your place, Dragon Slayers!" The king bellowed before firing a blast at Natsu and standing back up. "Who do you think I am?!"
Harry watched as Gajeel launched himself and speared the dragon's foot to the ground using his arm. Harry quickly impaled the other leg with an arm encased in his darkness, as Gajeel shouted "I've locked it in place! Now it can't escape into the skies anymore!"
"Now's your chance Natsu!" Harry shouted as he could feel the robot struggling to free its feet.
"You're the only one!" Gajeel shouted. "DO IT!"
"Wendy!" Natsu yelled. "Aim your Roar at me! Stand up!"
"Okay!" Wendy's shout could barley be heard.
"Impudent! Get off!" the king shouted getting frustrated, the dragon glowing as it charged another blast.
"We'll never let go!" Harry shouted.
"The Sky Dargon's" Wendy's tired voice rang out. "ROAR!" The roar of fast magical air hit Natsu dead on, and Natsu began to spin violently as he ignited his arms. The flame spread quickly to the rest of the magical air, and Natsu somehow steered it towards the now trapped dragon mech.
"What?!" The king shouted.
"The Flame Dragon's.." Natsu shouted from withing the spiraling inferno. "SWORD TIP!" The column shot forward even faster and pierced straight through the robot. Natsu dispelled the magic once he was on the other side, the king in his hand.
The two landed roughly, with the king rolling away from Natsu. Natsu went to grab the terrified king, when said king seemed to pass out from fright.
"Kyahahahahaha! We defeated the king!" Natsu cheered at the top of his lungs as he fell to his knees. "What do you call this sort of thing? Checkmate!"
"You're supposed to say that before you defeat the king." Harry told him, not even trying to fight the massive grin on his face as they all made their way to the fallen king.
"Pft, idiot." Gajeel snorted at Natsu's comments.
They all froze as the ground began to shake again.
"An earthquake?" Natsu asked confused.
"Could... Could it be enemy reinforcements? This ain't funny." Gajeel said slipping into a defensive stance. "My magic energy is... finished."
"N-No, it's not that..." Wendy gasped, shaking. "Look..." The other three Dragon Slayers looked to the sky and their jaws dropped.
"The floating islands are... Falling." Harry said in horror as the ground shook again from the intense impact of another island falling. "We need to get back to the city." Harry told them.
"We need to find everyone." Gajeel agreed.
Natsu and Wendy nodded their agreement. Natsu picked up the king as they moved as quickly as they could. They reached the city and watched as the magic was visibly being drawn from the ground and magical items up into the sky.
"How can this happen?" Natsu asked.
"Mystogun..." Wendy said, recalling the way he sent the giant Lacrima back to Earthland through the same portal.
"Isn't he the prince of this place?" Gajeel asked, lost to the reasons why a Prince would do this to his people.
"He doesn't plan to come back." Natsu said.
"But his people will hate him!" Wendy said.
"Not if we can give them a new enemy to blame for all of this." Harry said, an idea forming. "We'll need disguises, and we'll have to wreck some buildings." Judging by the eager and vicious grins he got in response, they were all for this new plan.
Once they had each found something to act as a disguise they began to topple buildings to gain the citizens attention.
"Gahahahahahaha!" Natsu's over dramatic laugh rang from atop a building. "My name is The Great Demon King Dragumil! The magic of this world is mine!" He roared at the top of his lungs to the gathering crowds. "I have taken down your king!" he continued, gesturing to the still unconscious king tied to a post next to Natsu. "Although I spared his life specially! Gahahahaha!"
The crowd began to voice their concern as shouts of "My king!" and "Nooooo!" were heard from the mass.
"Redfox! Marble! Shadow! My underlings! Destroy the city!" Natsu commanded.
Gajeel was quick to begin cleaving buildings down with his sword arms. Harry began to enshroud whole buildings in darkness, and then exquip them.
"What the hell are these guys?!" a voice from the crowd shouted.
"The city!" Another cried.
"Noooo!" a man wailed as he fell to his knees.
"Gaooh!" Wendy shouted as she tried to scare a kid, who just watched unimpressed.
Gajeel and Harry were suddenly behind her glaring the kid down, and the kid ran away terrified.
"Destroy the city even more! My underlings!" Natsu shouted between bouts of maniacal laughter.
"Stop with the underling stuff!" Gajeel shouted at Natsu.
"Who cares, do ye my bidding!" Nastu shouted back.
"Why did your speech pattern change?" Harry added in.
"They're the ones who took the magic away from Edolas!" someone from the growing mob declared.
"The Great Demon King Draguml!" another shouted as the crowd turned from fear to anger.
"This is unforgivable!" a voice declared. "Give us back our magic!" another shouted.
"Never." Natsu said as evilly as he could. "Anyone who disobeys me will all..." Natsu puffed up before releasing a roar of fiar into the air.
The crowd as a whole gasped as cries rang out. "He's breathing fire from his mouth!", "Mo... MONSTER!", and "What... What is that?!"
"Stop it! Natsu!" a voice called from the palace.
"I am The Great Demon King Draguml!" Natsu declared. "FIRE!" he shouted as he sent a blast of fire towards the palace. "Think you can stop me? Prince of Edolas?" Natsu goaded.
The crowds below began to murmurer with this new information.
"Come." Natsu bellowed across the city to the prince. "Or else nothing will be left of your city." Natsu declared.
"Natsu! Don't move from there!" Came Mystogun's response as he swung himself over the guard rail on the balcony and began to run down the streets.
Harry, Gajeel, and Wendy easily stepped in to block the prince's path to Natsu.
"SLEEP!" Mystogun shouted, brandishing a stave in front of him. He froze as instead of hitting his opponents, the magic dissipated towards the portal still draining Edolas of magic.
"What's wrong?!" Came Natsu's mocking laugh. "Are you too scared without your magic? Of course you are!" Natsu continued, charging up another fire blast on his hand. "Magic is power!" He struck the very building he was standing upon with his flaming hand, causing it to crumble and fall beneath him.
"Stop!" Mystogun cried out as he ran past the three other dragon slayers and raced to Natsu.
"Natsu-san, you're over doing it!" Wendy cried out worriedly.
"He's doing fine." Gajeel told her. "Now the giant magic-weilding 'evil' will be opposed by the 'hero' without magic."
"They will root for their returned prince, and be inspired to live without magic." Harry explained.
From the wreckage of the building everyone watched as Natsu stuck out at the prince. "Fight me!" Natsu shouted.
Mystogun tried to retaliate, but his strike was caught by a grinning Natsu. Mystogun deftly recovered and wrenched his hand out of Natsu's, landing a kick to Natsu's face with the momentum.
The crowd erupted into cheers at the hit.
Natsu got back up and slammed into Mystogun's guts, and whispered something to the prince.
The two continued to trade blows back and forth, before they both wound up for a final simultaneous strike. Natsu stumbled down, and the crowd erupted with cheers. As Mystogun began to walk to the downed Natsu, Natsu began to glow.
"It's begun." Wendy said.
"Now, it's time for us to start writhing in pain." Gajeel calmly said as he collapsed to the ground and began to thrash and scream, enjoying the theatrics of their act.
"Time to leave then." Harry said as the buildings he had exquipped came back as he too fell to the ground. He couldn't decide if he wanted to go home finally, or tag along with the nakama he had longed for for so long. He knew he had magic in him and would be unable to escape the pull of the Anima. He wouldn't even get the chance to say good bye to the nakama he had found in this world. Shoving his thoughts aside for the moment Harry committed himself to the act the dragon slayers were putting on.
The four dragon slayers gave over enthusiastic portrayals of pain as they were dragged into the sky towards the portal along with the last of the magic of Edolas.
"I have defeated The Demon King Draguml!" Mystogun shouted to his people as the portal began to close. "Even without magic, we humans can survive!"