Oh, hello.

I'm...still alive? Instead of listing off the reasons it took me two months to update this story (believe me, there are a lot), I would like to apologize for taking so long, especially when I realized that this chapter was almost done before my hiatus OTL. I also want to thank everyone who has followed, reviewed, or sent me messages about how much they enjoyed my story. You are all amazing. This chapter is dedicated to one of my two beta readers: peppermintbee. She has been there editing and giving me help since the very beginning, so you can thank her for many of the ideas that pop up in this chapter!

Mako was staring at her computer with a frown when Gamagoori walked into the living room in the late morning. It looked as if she had just rolled out of bed, hair still a mess and wearing one of his shirts as a nightgown. He noticed stacks of magazines all strewn about, though he couldn't tell about what. There was also a notebook open that Mako was tapping her pencil on in frustration.

"Something wrong? Don't tell me the caterers are changing things on us again." He sat down next to her with a groan and she closed the screen.

"No, no, everything is still on for the wedding this is just something…a project I'm working on." Leaning over for a kiss, Mako recoiled and scrunched up her nose. "You need a shower, what were you doing?"

"Working out." Gamagoori grinned as he moved closer to Mako. "I thought you liked it when I came home all sweaty. You called me manly." She moved as far away from him as she could, though he still moved closer.

"I was wrong! You get your smelly face away from me!" Mako laughed as Gamagoori came in for a kiss. As quick as she could, Mako ducked under his arm and made it away from her now laughing fiance. "Go get clean and maybe you'll get a kiss."

"Hopefully I can get more than a kiss." Gamagoori got up from the couch and advanced on Mako. "You may not like the smell, but you do enjoy just how hard my body gets from working out. How strong I look, knowing how well I put that to use in the bedroom..." She flushed and he knew he had her right where he wanted her. Before she could move, Gamagoori grabbed at her with both hands and lifted her shrieking into the air. "You can't let your guard down around me, I fight dirty when I want something."

"That's cheating, getting me worked up like that." Mako groaned as Gamagoori pulled her into a hug. Struggling did nothing, and she resigned herself to her fate. "Now I have to shower too."

Gamagoori leaned and kissed the crown of her head. "Hmm, my plan to get you naked is working. Soon I will have you right where I want you."

"You must have hit your head on the barbell, Ira. You know all you have to do is ask and I'll get naked for you." Still not letting go, Gamagoori carried Mako with him as they made their way to the bathroom. "It's not that hard."

"Oh, I'll say its getting harder." He murmured as he turned the dial for hot water. "I may have had a few distracting thoughts as I was working out, pushing me to finish my workout faster so I could come home to my attractive girl."

"Still, you could have just asked, instead of manhandling me like you did." Mako's words were muffled as Gamagoori helped remove her shirt. He was surprised to find nothing under it, expecting at least her underwear and shorts like she usually wore on lazy mornings. "Perhaps I had the same idea as you."

Gamagoori growled as he stripped his clothes off as quick as he could. This time Mako was accepting of his kiss and the two of them made their way into the shower. It would be a long time till either got their clothes back on.


"I'm not sure I want to know the answer to this, but why are all the power tools in our bedroom?" Gamagoori called down the hall to where Mako was making dinner in the kitchen. He came over and sat after he had changed from his work clothes, looking at her with wary eyes. "I don't think I said anything about using a drill in our play when you asked, or did I miss something?"

"They're not for play, well, not entirely." Gamagoori choked on the water he had started drinking. After giving him a few hard pats to the back, Mako dished up their dinner and sat down next to him. "Actually, I need your help."


She set down the bowl of food, of which she managed to eat a good amount in the span of a few seconds. "Well, I was looking over the form that you filled out a few months ago, you know, about what you're okay with, not okay with." After Gamagoori gave her a slow nod, she continued. "And one that you had said you'd be interested in was suspension, so I've been looking up-"

"Wait, are you saying that you want to suspend me off the ground and then," he searched for the right words, "do what you want to me?"

"That is was suspension is about." Mako had inhaled another half of her dinner. "Were you kidding about doing it, because that really isn't what this kind of relationship is about…"

"No!" Gamagoori exclaimed, poking at his food. "I just...never thought you'd be able to…"

"Well I'm interested, and I've been doing a lot of research on the matter and I think I can make it a good time for the both of us-"

"But you're tiny!" He interrupted, his face going scarlet. Mako just blinked at him as if he had grown a second head. "There is no way that you could get me in the air in any of the get ups I've seen."

There was silence around the table after his words. He felt terrible for being so blunt and ending Mako's enthusiasm for this idea. Yes, it was something he wanted to try, but not at the expense of embarrassing her when she couldn't get him off the ground. Much to his surprise, Mako began to laugh.

"Ira, sometimes you are even more air-headed than me!" She giggled as Gamagoori looked at her, dumbfounded. "I know I can't lift you up. I've done a lot of looking into how to get your massive body off the ground. You don't think I do all that I can to figure out these things?"

"Well, I know you do, but…"

"I mean, don't expect anything too fancy in terms of how you're going to get up there, but I promise you, you will be off the ground." Mako smiled and reached over to pat his arm. Gamagoori felt a mixture of arousal and embarrassment.

"I...guess I should have realized that you would know how best to take care of me." He mumbled, finally beginning to eat his dinner.

"It's okay." Mako finished her dinner with a few more bites and sighed with satisfaction. "Now, since you finally believe what I'm going to do, here's where your help is needed. As you pointed out, I'm a bit on the smaller side." She laughed at Gamagoori's shamed face. He was not going to live this down for a while. "And because of that, you're going to need to lift me as I drill some holes in the ceiling. And help me find support beams. And hand me tools. And carry in some things. And-"

"So I'll be the one doing everything but designing?" Gamagoori chuckled. Mako nodded with enthusiasm at his words.

"Yes exactly! I'll also need to make sure it'll support your weight. I'd rather the ceiling not cave in while we're playing." The thought of the two of them naked, covered in debris from a caved in ceiling, sent Gamagoori into a fit of laughter. He could clearly see Mako's shocked face in his minds eye.

"Yes, I can do that too." He gasped between breaths. Mako shook her head.

"Well, once you recover from this most recent bout of insanity, you can finish your dinner and I can show you what I have planned?" Still laughing, Gamagoori nodded. "Oh, and Uzu stopped by, said he wanted to ask about your bachelor party plans." He wasn't paying attention as she continued to talk. Instead he was lost in all the possible ways for things to go wrong with their plans.

This was going to either be the most amazing experience or an unmitigated disaster, he thought as he ate. Either way, it'll make for a good story.


Gamagoori peered at his reflection in the mirror as Mako sat on the edge of the tub. "Well for my party all we did was eat and see a movie. I guess it's different for guys?"

"Apparently Uzu thinks that its tradition to end up at a gentleman's club by the end of the night." He grumbled as he made sure his hair was neat. "He wouldn't listen when I suggested anything else."

"Well, just know if you touch another woman, I'll never forgive you." Glancing over to where Mako sat, Gamagoori blanched at her serious face.

"It-it won't be by choice!" He stammered as Mako looked at him stony faced. A moment of silence passed before her face split into a grin.

"You need to finish getting ready, I think they'll be here any moment." She pushed herself up and skipped back into the bedroom.

"Mako, I promise I won't touch anyone!" Gamagoori followed her, trying to assure her of his devotion. "At least not on purpose…"

"Sure Ira." Mako flopped down on the bed and closed her eyes. "I trust you."

Sighing, Gamagoori sat down next to her. "I hate that I can never tell you're joking. It puts me at a disadvantage."

"Let me tell you how much fun I have doing it." She laughed. A poke in her side from Gamagoori caused her to squeal. She opened an eye to find him trying to look innocently at the ceiling. "Admiring your work now are you?"

Gamagoori nodded, now inspecting the network of screws and rope they had put in that afternoon. To anyone else it looked like there was some sort of construction project, but to them it was a promise of good times to come. They had tested it well and was as ready as it would be, though he worried that it would be some time before they were able to play with it. It was getting closer to the wedding and, after tonight, it seemed as if the date would be on them in a blink.

"I think it looks great." He said, leaning over to give Mako a kiss. "Good to know we can get through home repairs without killing each other."

"It helped that I was dominating you throughout, I'll say. I should have you tied up to do chores more often." Gamagoori chuckled. Before he could say anything more, a knock at the front door indicated the start of his night.

"That'll be them. Now," Mako got to her knees so she was looking directly into his eyes, "Make sure they don't have you do anything too stupid. I'm not bailing your dumb asses out of jail. And if you stray tonight, they will never find your body."

Gamagoori gave her a thorough kiss. "I love you Mako. I will not so much as look at another woman tonight."

"Good luck with that at the club." She said with a laugh. "Just make sure they're good looking at least. The shame I'd feel knowing you chose to be with someone uglier than me would break my little heart. Now go!"

With a final kiss and a shove from Mako, Gamagoori made his way to the front door where Uzu and Inumuta waited, dressed in suits and looking eager as he opened the door.

"You ready for the wildest night of your life Gama?" Uzu said, smiling wide. With a laugh, Gamagoori clasped his friend on the shoulder.

"As long as I'm not arrested by the end of it all. I look forward to this night Uzu."

"We make no promises." Inumuta said with a smirk. "Shall we begin?"


"One dance Ira, that's it!" Uzu nudged his friend who was taking a pointed interest to the floor and not the mostly naked women dancing around them.

"Mako won't know if you don't tell her." Inumuta laughed as Gamagoori shook his head.

"I don't think either of you realize how creative Mako is when it comes to punishments." He replied, his words slurring together. His friends had made sure he always had a drink in his hand no matter if it was dinner or the club they had just made their way into. Thinking about it as best he could, Gamagoori figured they were trying to lower his defenses in order to get him to agree to their plans. He hoped he could escape before then.

"Live a little!" Uzu said with a laugh. "You'll be chained up with Mako soon enough! Tonight is all about letting loose."

"I happen to think being chained up with Mako is a wonderful thing." Gamagoori pointed at Uzu, drink in hand. Inumuta sat to the side and continued to laugh at their argument.

"Well, I hate to break this to you Gamagoori, but you're getting a dance. Uzu and I have already arranged everything." The two of them grinned at their outnumbered friend. Gamagoori had gone bright red.

"But...that's not...I can't...Mako is going to…" He stammered as his friends gestured for him to get up.

"Don't worry Gama, we've got this figured out so you can still be that innocent flower we both know you are." Uzu said as he waved to some of the dancing women near them. Gamagoori mumbled under his breath, causing Inumuta to laugh.

"No, you cannot just pick us up and carry us out of here. Bachelor party remember? This is tradition. Come on, we got you a private room, just you and the dancer. We'll stay out here pretending we don't know what's going on, so when Mako asks us later, we can deny everything." They made their way to the back of the club where Uzu met with an older woman with eyes like a hawk. Gamagoori watched as he was gestured to and the womans face split into a toothy grin. She gestured for him to come and, deciding that he wouldn't be able to run from his friends, he followed.

"So you're the lucky husband to be." She said as she unlocked one of the many doors in the back. The music from the club was more muted in the back, though still distinguishable. The thrum of the bass reverberated through the walls. "And apparently this is all against your wishes? Your friends said something about your fiancee not exactly approving of this all."

Gamagoori rubbed at his temple, swearing that when this was through, he would throw his friends into the harbor for sharing his life story with this woman. "I just don't see the point-"

"Well, the point is you're gonna have a girl grinding on you and they hope you enjoy it. You're friends gave me this though, in case you want to deny anything happened." She held up a blindfold, which caused Gamagoori to chuckle. "I'll take it that you'll use it?"

"I'm going to get those two later. Yes, I will." The woman gestured into the room where a chair sat in the middle, presumably waiting for him. The lighting was low and the walls were lined with mirrors. Gamagoori made his way in and sat down, uncomfortable at what was about to take place.

"Your friends have paid for fifteen minutes with the girl so just sit back and enjoy. No touching or harassing the dancer or you're out. She'll knock when she's coming in." With that, she gave a curt nod and left, closing the door behind her.

'Shit, this is really happening.' He thought with a shaky exhale as he gripped the blindfold tight in his hands. It might have been the alcohol he had earlier, but after a few deep breaths Gamagoori began to feel calm about the whole situation. All he had to do was just wait it out and then he could punch his friends for making him do something so stupid. There was a soft knock on the door, causing him to jump. "One moment." He called back, putting the blindfold over his eyes as the door opened. His back was to the door, and he listened as the girl closed it softly and made her way to him.

When she had made her way in front of him, Gamagoori waited. After some time he began to get antsy with nothing happening. "Look, I know this is your job, but I would really like to get things over with. If you wouldn't-" A finger was pressed to his lips, startling him into silence. The girl began to trace her hands down his body, exploring him with her touch. His mind still hazy from the earlier drinks, he wondered if this was normal for dancers to be so hands on. When she grazed his cock, his thoughts flew out of his head.

"Wait, I-"The girl put her fingers back to his mouth and Gamagoori obeyed. He could feel her hips swaying and bumping against him. If he thought hard enough, he could pretend it was Mako; the girl was small and lithe enough to pretend. It wouldn't help the guilt later but for now, he reasoned, it seemed a good idea as any. The next time she brushed against his growing erection, Gamagoori sighed. Taking it as a sign to continue, the dancer turned and began to grind on him, causing him to bite his lip to keep quiet.

Unconsciously, his hands moved up to hold the waist of the dancer as if it were Mako. He was given a rude awakening when she slapped his hands back. It woke him out of the daze he had fallen into.

"I'm sorry, I-" Again the girl returned her fingers to her mouth, breaking Gamagoori off. She left and he could only pray that she was done and he could leave. He heard rustling, and realized she had brought a bag in with her. It seemed odd to him to bring something like that in, but he wasn't able to continue the thought as he felt rope being wrapped around his wrists, tying his hands together.

By the time he was unable to move his wrists apart, Gamagoori had regained from his shock. "What are you doing?" He exclaimed, struggling against the bonds he now found himself in. "You can't just-" Instead of fingers this time, Gamagoori was silenced by a mouth over his. Once again in shock at the twist of events, he followed along, the kiss becoming deeper, her hands pulling away the blindfold. He opened his eyes as the girl pulled away. Mako stood in front of him, smiling wide.

"I would have never thought you went for the dancing type." She said as Gamagoori stared at her, eyes wide in surprise. Mako was wearing little in the way of clothing, her panties and bra barely covering anything. "Or that you would be so into it. I guess we learn something new every day." When Gamagoori said nothing, she raised her eyebrows. "Still in shock? Or distracted? Answer me Pet."

"Lady Mankanshoku I-I-" He couldn't form a coherent thought, between her outfit and realizing that it had been her all along his mind had decided it was best to shut down for the time being. Mako began to laugh.

"Well, since you have nothing to say, how about we continue Pet?" She placed her hands on his thighs and leaned in. "Now that you're not blindfolded any more, I think we can drop the dancing charade. You are overdressed for my tastes, but we don't have much time. Don't want your friends to think you've run off with a dancer." She said with a wink. Springing up on her toes she placed another kiss on Gamagoori's lips. As they kissed her hands moved to his belt and undid it in short order. He broke the kiss with a gasp as she rubbed his cock through his pants.

"Lady Mankanshoku, please." Gamagoori could read the glint in her eye with ease, which caused him to lean into her for another kiss. When they separated, panting, he gave her a grin. "Please use me as you wish."

"I don't need your permission Pet." Mako said as she slid his pants and underwear down as best as she could. "You do have my permission to enjoy yourself though." She situated herself on his lap over his hard cock. Gamagoori was glad this would be quick, because he didn't know how long he would last after all that had taken place in the last ten minutes. Pushing aside the scrap of cloth that was her underwear, Mako lowered herself down. The feeling of entering her caused Gamagoori to moan. She placed a finger over his lips.

"Quiet Pet. You don't want anyone to come in and find us in this position do you?" He took a deep breath and shook his head. They weren't in public, but there was very little separating them from the others in the club. The fear of getting caught though, seemed to spark something inside of Gamagoori. He bucked his hips upwards, causing Mako to let out a cry of pleasure. She took his enthusiasm as a cue to speed up, riding him hard and fast.

Gamagoori could feel his orgasm building as she began to whisper promises of what she would do to him were they not in a public place. It soon was too much for him to handle. "Mako-" was all he was able to get out before he came, his body singing out in pleasure. He was aware of Mako joining him in orgasm a few moments following his own, her arms wrapped around his neck as she moaned his name.

They sat together for a brief moment as they caught their breath. "Well, there's another thing to check off the list." Mako said as she got up off Gamagoori. "Not exactly public, but not at all private. Think they got that all on camera?"

Gamagoori turned red. "I'm going to pretend that there is no one looking in on this room." He mumbled as Mako went back to the bag and pulled out a couple hand towels and tossed one at him. It hit him in the chest and he looked at Mako with a raised eyebrow. "Forgetting something?"

"Right, wrists tied. I knew that." Mako laughed as she pulled a loose dress over her head. Once she was dressed she made her way to behind Gamagoori and untied him. She said something he didn't quite catch.

"You say something?" He asked as he rubbed his wrists, red and indented where he had been restrained. As quick as he could Gamagoori cleaned himself up. Mako grabbed the towel from him and storing it with her things.

"Oh, just made the comment that it seems somewhat silly to untie you when I'm just going to do it again later tonight." She coiled the rope up and tossed it in her bag. "I'll be going now, but Pet," Mako sauntered to where he had been pulling up his pants, his face showing surprise, "do realize that this was your reward for the night. You behaved poorly tonight before I revealed myself, so do expect to be punished upon your arrival home."

Gamagoori shuddered at her words. "Of course Lady Mankanshoku."

When Mako was sure he was put together she opened the door to the main club. "Have a good rest of your night. I look forward to your return home." With a smile and a wave she was gone, leaving Gamagoori disheveled and excited. He took a quick moment to make it look like he wasn't just ravished by his fiancee and made his way to where Uzu and Inumuta were sitting, drinking and laughing with a couple girls.

"Now that wasn't so bad was it Gama?" Uzu said with a grin that showed he knew what was going on the whole time. "And we promise, we will never, ever tell Mako. Don't want to get you in trouble with the Missus now."

Gamagoori grabbed his drink from the table and laughed, feeling more relaxed than he had all evening. "No, we wouldn't want that would we?"


By the time Gamagoori made his way home it was well after midnight. After he returned from his surprise dance, they had made their way to a quieter bar and finished the night out there. As always, he had a good time out with his friends, but always in the back of his mind he was thinking about how he was going to be punished when he returned to Mako.

Upon his arrival at the front door, Gamagoori collected himself. He was no longer out with friends and Lady Mankanshoku wouldn't take kindly to him being difficult for her. Or maybe that would be more fun, he thought with a smile as he walked inside. Its been some time since she had to punish me for acting out and I'm not feeling that compliant tonight…

"Mako?" Gamagoori removed his shoes and tossed the jacket he was wearing to the side. He had sobered up, but was riding a buzz of anticipation. When he got no answer, he frowned and made his way through the darkened house to their bedroom. Knocking on the closed door, Gamagoori called out again, "Mako?"

It seemed that the night had taken much out of her, Gamagoori thought with a chuckle as he heard gentle snores rising from the bed. Mako was curled up on the bed, wearing nothing and holding a bundle of rope close to her body. Slipping out of the room towards the bathroom, Gamagoori got ready for bed as quick as he could before returning to their room. Doing his best to not wake her, he pulled the rope from her grasp and set it on the floor. Mako stirred and mumbled something about bondage, but didn't seem to wake.

After some gentle maneuvering, Gamagoori had her tucked in under the blankets beside him. He pulled her to him and placed a kiss on the top of his head. Tomorrow, he vowed as he felt his eyes begin to droop, tomorrow I will have to thank Lady Mankanshoku for tonights kindness. I wonder if she would like...

Gamagoori fell asleep dreaming of the many ways he couple please Mako.

As always, thank you for reading. Anything you have to say? Feel free to message me here or tumblr (musicaljinx). I promise it won't be two months before I update again! Shooting for finishing up the last three chapters before my trip at the end of November : Till next time.