
People were asking, so I answered. Hehehe. It's fun having a pairing like Gangrel/Luci! All the ways to embarrass everyone! But yeesh, that last chapter had a lot of splices, and I don't have the copy with author's notes available anymore. Anyway, this series won't have much of my attention unfortunately. I certainly don't plan to stop writing for Harena and her parents, but this being a series of drabbles and such, I have other projects of more concern we'll say (Too many). Anyway, with that being said, all I ask is that you sit back, R&R, and most importantly, enjoy! Word Count (1,158)

Another arrow zoomed through the air before landing deep into the neck of a training dummy. Its markswoman's sapphire eyes narrowed. She pulled another out another arrow, nocking it and lining up her target once more. Her grip upon the bow tightened, letting out a calm breath, her fingers let loose the bowstring, allowing the arrow freedom as it raced towards its target. The arrow flew true as it found its mark between the dummy's eyes. Well, if that training dummy had eyes…

Harena allowed herself a moment to smile, seeming satisfied at how well her practice was going. That was, until she heard the sounds of someone's approach. She reached to her belt, firmly grabbing the knife which lay hidden by her side, ready for an encounter.

"Hey, Harena, mind if I ask you a small question here?"

The girl gulped, letting go of the knife as she recognized whose voice it was. She turned around, facing her grandfather. Her gaze trailed off for a bit, the thought of what she almost did reentering her mind. As her eyes focused back upon him, she allowed herself to answer. "Um… what did you want?" She softly spoke.

"Well…" The king reached a hand up to scratch the back of his head as he looked away. "I haven't seen your mother around camp… or your father." His hand quickly fell back to his side as he continued. "Do you know where they are?" He quickly let out.

Harena let herself a moment to smirk as she heard Chrom's question. "Are not many other couples in the camp disappearing this day?" She paused a moment, letting her grandfather take this in. As he still held his confused look, she shook her head before fully answering him. "They're out in town together."

Chrom shot up to full attention as Harena made her statement. "Together?"

"What?" She asked. "They can't be? Didn't you already settle this with the two a long time ago?"

Chrom's face contorted to clearly show his displeasure with the subject. "I…" His future daughter on a date with the former king of a country Ylisse was at war with only a few years previously. Now, Chrom was here talking with their future daughter. "Well, who knows what they could be up to right now?"

Harena's smirk only grew as she watched her grandfather's flustered reactions. She started to wonder how far she could push the subject. "So… you don't want this world's version of me?"

Chrom's eyes widened, his expression blank as he stared off in some unknown direction. "Where in town are they?" He barely let out.

Harena only shrugged her shoulders. She wanted to spend the day training, and that's all she really cared about at this point. Thinking about what her parents might be up to was just a strange idea to her. Well, she wasn't that much younger than her mother, thanks to time travel, but it was still just plain weird to think about. "I dunno."

The Ylissean king latched onto his granddaughter's wrists, pulling her away from the archery range with him. "Then help me find them!" He demanded.

"H-Hey! Let go of me!" Harena shouted. Ugh… Maybe ignoring them was a bad idea. She thought as her grandfather kept pulling her along. "Fine." She said, twisting her wrists out of his grip.

"Really? Great! Let's go find them then!"

"Hold on!" She burst out. "You can't just go rushing into town to break up someone's date. You'll need a plan."

Chrom was still confused as ever. "And that would be?"

The Ylissean king and his future granddaughter found themselves at a small café in the center of town. They sat outside at their own table, a kettle between them as Harena munched a biscuit. "Are you sure this is the best way to track them down?" Chrom asked, watching a fountain in the middle of the square.

"Of course." Harena stated, her mouth still filled. She gulped down the snack and ripped off another piece. "Believe me, this is the best spot to look for any couple on a date."

Chrom cast his gaze downward, focusing on the food before him. "Oh."

"It's not so bad." The young woman said. "If anyone asks, we could be siblings out together. I mean, everyone does say I take after Mother."

"Maybe in looks but you certainly take your father's values." Chrom mumbled, silencing his future granddaughter as she caught his comment. "So." He started after taking a sip of tea. "Why are you so talkative right now? I don't think I've ever seen you like this… I mean, you barely talk to anyone except Robin. Why not your… parents? As painful as that is…"

"I have my reasons." Harena replied, taking a small bite of her biscuit once more. "Just… If I don't want to talk about something, that's my problem. But as for why I'm so open today…" She trailed off, turning her gaze to the fountain. "I suppose that's just my inner child coming out."

The exalt raised an eyebrow at the previous statement. "Your inner… child? Sorry if I tell you that's difficult to believe."

"Oh no, I don't blame you at all. It's just…" Harena didn't finish her comment, only staring at the fountain. Just a childhood dream.

Chrom waved a hand in front of his future granddaughter's face. "Um… Ylisse to Harena! Harena, what's with that look on your face? Hello? Hell-o?" Both of them went silent as they watched Gangrel and Lucina walk up to the fountain. "What are they doing?" Chrom asked.

"Just be quiet. I can't hear anything!" Harena snapped as she quickly glanced back to the king. She still couldn't hear any of what her parents were saying from this distance, but a smile crept across her face as she caught Gangrel pulling something from his pocket. Now just show her the ring.

"What are they doing?!" Chrom repeated as he quickly rose from his seat.

Harena caught onto her grandfather's actions as he stormed his way over to the couple. "No! You'll ruin it!" She burst out, leaping forth and grabbing the exalt's wrist as quickly as she could.

"Let… go!" Chrom ordered as he dragged Harena forward with him.

"Leave… them… be!" Harena's grip quickly failed, sending Ylisse's king tumbling straight into his daughter and into the fountain along with her.

"Father!" Lucina shouted as emerged from the water. "What do you think you're doing?"

Chrom started laughing nervously as he sat there at the edge of the fountain, completely drenched, with Gangrel laughing at him. "Why don't you ask her?" He said with a nod towards the thief from the future.

Lucina's future daughter shrunk under her mother's gaze as she awaited the questions to come. She just wanted to see the proposal, and it was ruined by her grandfather. Harena pulled her scarf over her face, just wishing to disappear.


Chrom isn't very graceful, huh. Hehehe. And he almost got himself killed by his future granddaughter as well xP

Anyway, thank you for reading, if you have. Follow, favorite, leave a review, of course, if you enjoy.

Most importantly, this is your lovely Squish wishing you all a wonderful day! :D