The staff wasn't really surprised when a middle-aged couple ran into the waiting room for the maternity ward. It happened on a daily basis- parents, siblings, friends, husbands, rushing in to see the birthing of a new family member, or supporting the woman who was screaming her head of in pain.
The couple rushed up to the receptionist. "Can I help you?" He, Sean, asked.
"We're looking for Annabeth and Percy Jackson."
A look passed over Sean's face. Neither the man nor the woman could name a word for it, but they didn't like the feeling they got from it.
"What's wrong?" The man asked.
"Annabeth Jackson, she-" Sean sighed. "Maybe Percy should tell you."
Sean had given them directions to the hallway where parents can observe their newborns through a large window.
When they found Percy, he was leaning with his forehead against the window. His eyes intently stared through the clear glass.
Percy turned his head, keeping it on the glass. His eyes were red. "Mom."
Sally rushed over and pulled her son into a hug. "What's going on with Annabeth?" She asked when he pulled away. "Is she okay?"
Percy shook his head. "She's gone." His voice was broken. "It killed her."
"Oh, honey." Sally pulled her son back into her arms. "I'm so sorry. We should've been here sooner."
"It's not your fault. You didn't know. There was nothing you could've done."
"But we could have been here for you."
"It's okay." Percy said. "I'm dealing with it." Percy turned to Paul and stuck his hand out. "It s good to see you, Paul."
Paul grasped his step son's hand and shook it. "It's good to see you too, Percy."
Sally knew Percy didn't want to talk about what had happened. So she changed the subject. "My grandchildren?" She asked out load, scanning the room full of babies clad in either blue or pink.
"I named them for her." Percy told them, as he scanned the room for his infants. "There." Percy pointed to the back corner of the room, a sleeping child marked as male with a blue cap. "That's Chase." He scanned the room again. "The two girls in the middle row." He pointed to the left side of the room where there were two adjacent babies in pink hats and blankets. "Anna and Beth. I can't tell which is which with the hats on."
"Three kids?" Sally asked. "I thought you said you were only expecting twins- one of each."
"I guess the doctor only saw one of the girls in the ultrasounds." Percy shrugged.
"Can you take care of them?" Sally asked concerned. "Because, you work full time, and I don't want to see your kids growing up with a nanny while their father isn't ever present."
Percy nodded. "Of course. I promised myself I wouldn't be absent their entire lives. But, I was hoping you could help me out, for a few days. I have no idea what I need to do, let alone how to do it."
Sally smiled. "What kind of mother would I be if I didn't help my son learn to take care of his kids?"
Percy smiled and hugged his mother. "Thank you."
End of Chapter Two. I'm not going to change the status of this story, because I don't want to have to feel obligated to try and update periodically. It's too hard for me when I feel like I have to. But please follow if tou enjoy it! And don't forget to favorite and follow. Also check out my other stories.
I am for a fact updating at least two more chapters. I've started writing both of them, but don't know how long it'll take.
Untill next time!