Wow, it has almost been two years since I revisited this account.
I would first like to personally thank everyone who has read this story and favorited, reviewed, etc. I have been working on this story since I was a middle schooler and to see that people are still interested about it really warms my heart.
As said in my previous chapter, I had planned to post only on Archive. And I fully intended too, however taking two ap classes in sophomore year was a big mistake on my part. But being away from this story for almost two years as revived me to restart this story. As officially, this one will be marked as complete. However, I intend to revise and edit this story and not only post on my new archive account, but also Deviantart and I will continue to post on this account. I want to thank each one of you for sticking around.
Expect the new revised story and the first of the series of The Nations series to be posted either on March 1st or March 20th.