She tossed and turned in the early morning hours, not quite used to the warmth that the late summer brought, but it wasn't the heat from the sun that caused it, it was the dampness that promised rain. It was something she loved to watch, even as a child, the rivulets of water that nourished and washed the streets of her beloved city and made each color more vibrant in the dimmed light. The late summer rain signaled the last push of life before the cold, hard frost would set in. Still, the clarity and refreshment the rain brought joy to her and it rivaled her love for the coming months. Even before she discovered what she was she had loved the winter; the beauty of the pure whites and crystalline fortress that came about the castle, the flickering of flame and the promise of hot chocolate – something new to her that a tradesmen had brought. The Ice Men would bring large blocks of dazzling blues that rivaled the sapphire of her crown. The crown a gift from her late Mother, now three years past.

With a start she sat up in the near vacant room, her heart racing and her eyes wide with fear. Besides her bed and nightstands there was a high-backed chair in the east corner near a large ornate door, painted white with patterns of deep blue snowflakes. On the west wall underneath the window was a small bench, just big enough to fit two people. What she saw as she stared straight ahead was another high backed chair, a large oval mirror and a wardrobe made of pale wood; the doors hung open and even in her age, she still could feel shadows creep out of them. Upon the pale walls ice seemed to grow, like moss upon a tree. The ice had grown soft as powdered snow the farther it was from her, yet as her eyes gazed down the side of the wall and upon the ground the ice grew thicker, more dangerous, and the soft blues and whites faded. The stalagmites that protruded from around her bed were akin to wolves teeth after a fresh kill. The reds glowed dimly around the navy and black swirls within the ice. Her breathing was ragged as she tried to recall just what had set her off. She started at the soft knock at the door and froze. The sound of her racing pulse was all she could hear as she slowly crept from the soft blankets to the door. With a shaky hand she reached, and turned the knob.

The door swung open and she all but sighed with relief at the sight of the young woman standing at the threshold. But something was odd, she thought, and it only took a few moments to realize what it was. Fresh tears threatened to spill from the young maidens eyes and almost immediately she understood why. It has now been four years since their parents had perished in a storm, four years of darkness and sorrow in the young queen's life, but at the time she had only been a princess.

She opened her arms and quickly embraced the young woman, her sister. Stiffly, almost in shock the other raised shaky arms to embrace her queen, but then she sniffed and soon began to sob. She clung to her like a lifeline and buried her face in her shoulder, tears staining the dark blue night gown. They had never been in this situation before; every knock was never answered, every year they would shed silent tears of grief in their own way on their own time, but now with the doors wide open and a bond reestablished a true sorrow over took them both and they slid from the door frame to the ground.

Lightning flashed and the gods themselves seem to shed their own tears, yet the storm that raged outside was nothing compared to what the sisters shared. Minutes passed and soon the tears ran dry, the Snow Queen slouched on the floor, her head leaned back against the wall, eyes closed she listened to the thunder and rain. Her younger sister curled up at her feet, her head in her lap. The younger had fallen asleep sometime recently; the mess of strawberry hair seemed black in the dim light. Unbeknownst to her a small smile graced her lips, the soft pink edges twisting upwards in fondness and pity. How much she'd thought she had been protecting her sister, when in the process killing her emotions. It's a wonder the girl that now slept on her lap had not become as cold and hard as the stalagmites that lay behind her.

Stroking the soft locks she almost didn't hear the footsteps as they approached. She turned a wane face to the intruder, her eyes tight with concern. The man that crept from the shadows was akin to the North Mountain, large, imposing and very strong. Clad in not but fur trousers she could see the taught muscles of his arms and bare chest. The Ice Master was handsome but for his nose which was a bit too large for her tastes, the blonde locks disheveled in sleeps disarray. He took note of the queen, her own silvery mane a thick tangle at her shoulder, but it was the woman on her lap that he had eyes for.

"Is it today?" The man asked crouching, his voice soft as to not wake his beloved.

The queen nodded, "Four years, and it still feels like the day the letter came." She looked back down at the woman on her lap. "Try and make her happy today, distract her, I do not wish to see my sister like this again."

"I will try my best your majesty." He bent and scooped the small woman into his arms.

"You do not need to call me that." The queen said softly, sending a reassuring smile at him as he stood.

The man smiled and looked back at the girl in his arms. Cradled like a babe, the girl instinctively turned towards him and the queen could see how her shoulders relaxed and true sleep overcame her.

She bit her lip, "Kristoff," The Ice Master glanced back at her, she sighed, her voice lost to her. She was always taken aback by the amount of love that swam in his deep brown eyes. "Take care of Anna."

"You can count on that." He said firmly; he turned and with his charge made his way down the hall towards their rooms.

It wasn't until they were out of sight that she stood. Brushing off the dust and wiping away the rest of the tears, she crept back into her room. The ice was removed with a gesture of her hand and at the next flash of lightning her room was at once back to its original state. Dawn was yet hours away but she still felt that ache in the depths of her soul, the sense of longing was all too familiar to her. How she longed for a companion; her snowman Olaf was pleasant enough, but his naivety was a nuisance every-so-often. No, this was something stronger than what she had experience before, and it clawed at her chest like a raw wound.

Almost violently she pushed the emotion aside and sat at the bench against the window, her breath leaving slight fog at the panes. She could see smudges from years past upon the glass, and with a wave of her hand she illuminated them all in thin frost. Intricate patterns she had drawn on the higher panes reflected the snowflakes on the wall, yet at the edge of the window on the bottom, were the small circles and shapes. She found three figures at the bottom of one pane, stick figures they seemed, like that made by a child. One of them had an arrow that read "me" the other said "Anna" the third was a mass of circles and lines, underneath it read "Olaf". She mused at the image, not entirely recalling when she had drawn this.

Her brows furrowed for behind the figure labeled "me" was another figure, smudged out slightly. Its head was square with spikes for hair and in one of its hand had what looked like an enlarged cane. With a frown she wiped the image away. There was no need to dwell on the past, not when the future seemed so much brighter. The ache was still there when the queen returned to her covers, the furs a welcoming embrace and for just a moment, she could feel someone's arms around her as sleep over took her once more.

As if under a spell she had awoken as soon as those arms had left her. She felt a chill beside her which was quite odd, but what was odder still was she awoke to the sound of her begging, pleading, for what she could not tell, though she desperately did not wish for them to leave. She curled in towards herself as the sense of longing filled her once more, and for a moment, she was afraid again. Alone in her Palace of Ice atop the highest mountain in the land she had reigned over her kingdom of isolation, a queen of ice and snow and frost. It was here that she had accepted the solitude and the ancient longing that plagued her had dispersed some, yet in her tower chambers she never truly felt alone. She always felt a comforting presence there, and only in her dreams did the presence take form. It was only now; here in her own castle chambers surrounded by those who loved her did she crave for that solitude again, if only to feel that presence once more. She cursed at her naivety and rose; her eyes hurt and she had to blink the sleep from them before she could see properly.

The rain still fell outside but the clouds were visibly lighter, another day as Queen in Arendelle. But it isn't just any other day, she thought bitterly. With new resolve she crossed to her wardrobe to dress; with Anna's visit her gown was thoroughly stained and in need of a wash. Slipping the soft fabric off and tossing it in a corner she caught a glimpse of herself in the large oval mirror. Despite needing a bath the alabaster skin shown as flawless as fresh snow, save for the dusting of light freckles on her nose. The thin frame seemed as fragile as an icicle but still just as strong.

A smirk graced her lips and she turned away from the reflection. A familiar gown caught her attention and it only made her smile widen. The day she had forsaken control for the opportunity to test the limits of her power had not only gained her a safe haven away from Arendelle, but a new found power within her. This new creature was dazzling, albeit imperfect and yet far more powerful than whom she had been before. The gown had brought back those memories and for once she felt as free as she did atop the world. An idea came to mind, if she could make this gown why not make another?

Turning back towards the mirror she focused her powers and began anew. This gown, though similar in design was far more fitting of the occasion than any other in the wardrobe. The dark sleeves ended just at her elbows and the neckline swooped slightly, the edges clinging to her shoulders. The floor length piece was a deep blue, almost black and the bodice only a few shades lighter. It twinkled with snowflake motifs, the sweetheart design edged in white. A thin cape clung to the bodice and blended with the designs, though it was not as dramatic as her usual ones. Pleased with her work she turned to admire the way it clung to her figure, the cloth draping dramatically in all the right places.

She then turned to her nightstand and began wringing the brush through the many tangles brought about by sleep. Twisting her hair into intricate designs she settled on a simple yet still stylish look. The thick platinum hair hung loose in the back, but she had braided the front to keep it out of her face. Her bangs had settled into place after a quick run through with her hand. She set the comb down and her fingers brushed the crown, she hesitantly took it. The dull gold seemed lost next to the dazzling sapphire set within, just a few shades darker than her eyes. Today she would wear it, in homage and respect, but she sighed at the little thing, feeling as if the weight of the world was trapped within the gem. She took a breath and placed it atop her brow and glanced once more in the mirror.

With a satisfied nod, she threw on a touch of makeup and her shoes before heading out for the day. Her bath would have to wait; it was already late in the morning. Passing by a few servants she met up with one of her favorites, his name was Jonas, a portly man with thinning auburn hair. He bowed to her and seemed to follow just a step behind.

"May I ask where you are headed your grace." Jonas inquired after a moments walking.

"I wish to speak with Anna; I will wake her." She assured the man.

"I shall see that breakfast is prepared." She nodded in agreement and left him at the corner of the corridor.

Halfway down the hall she heard Anna yelp, at the sound she quickened her pace in almost a run. She was about to knock when she then heard laughter, and not just from her sister, but from Kristoff as well. With her curiosity peaked and a suspicion forming she crouched to look through the keyhole. She could see little but it was enough. His back was to her, but Kristoff was still in his fur trousers and Anna the thin olive nightgown but it was her face that captivated the queen. In those clear blue eyes the look of trust and the thrill of excitement were to be found, yet despite it all she looked scared to death. Kristoff bent and took her face in one of his large hands, bringing her lips to his. The kiss was soft and tortuously slow, her eyes fluttered shut. Anna sat up higher and brought slender hands to his chest while one of his rested on the edge of bed. A shaky hand reached to the side of his head to tangle in his hair, and with the slightest bit of force they fell back into the bed. A soft sound escaped Anna's lips.

She had seen enough and a familiar chuckle had her on edge, standing briskly and with a nervous, knowing look she hurried to the end of the hall, just as Olaf turned the corner.

"Elsa!" He shouted enthusiastically, waving a stick hand. He looked behind her at Anna's door. "Where's Anna? A-and Kristoff?" He looked disappointed, like a child whose friend couldn't come out to play. "Are they still asleep?"

She bit her lip, "Yes Olaf, they're…still sleeping." She looked behind her at the door, but heard nothing.

"Oh! Well, I'll wake them!" He moved to hobble around her with another chuckle.

"No, no…" She said nervously turning the snowman around. "We'll um, let them get a few more minutes." She looked behind her again, "I'm sure they'll be down soon." She said louder, as if trying to warn her sister.

She pushed Olaf down the hall until they reached the end, letting him go and continuing on her stride. Olaf stumbled before he quickly caught up with her.

"So what's on the agenda today?" Olaf asked, looking up at her.

"More meetings with the city council, there's a few lords who do not wish to come to Arendelle." She felt a frown and it only seemed fitting.

Not long after The Great Thaw had many a rumor spread of a mystical land plagued by an Ice Witch. Trade had slowed dramatically and her own powers had harmed the land in the few days winter ruled the summer. Large amounts of live stock had diminished and the fjord was all but abandoned after the lords and company had left. Her coronation had been a disaster for the histories, but it was her determined actions thereafter that had earned her respect again. Still, there were a few kingdoms that had cut off trade all together, based on the lie that the Duke of Weselton had spread.

Though she had written many a letter only a few replies came, some were threats, some were thankful for her explanation, but mostly she was met with silence. She had hoped that the kingdoms Hallows Eve Ball would bring them back and earn her in their good graces, gods know her kingdom needed it. With winter approaching she had taken extra care to replace what she had destroyed.

She flexed her writing hand and felt the lingering stiffness, her frown deepened as she began to massage the tendons. No matter what I do they still believe that old man. I'll show every one of them what a conniving weasel he is and bring his trading empire to the ground.

"Elsa?" Olaf asked, in a voice not particularly fitting for him.

She looked down at him and only then did she realize she had stopped walking and a scowl was set on her face. She smiled down at him.

"It's nothing, just a thought." Revenge is the only thing that makes my blood run hot, she thought with a sardonic smile. "Come on little guy, I can smell breakfast."

Olaf looked back only once at the jagged swirls that laced along the floor where his Lady had been standing.

Opening the doors to a smaller dining area she could see platters of cooked sausage, bacon, eggs and biscuits littered around the table. Staff members offered her pleasantries which she returned however they did note Anna's and Kristoff's absence. She felt a small blush as she looked over her shoulder at the doors. Olaf went over to the window where he could sit comfortably and watch the town. Elsa followed him with hands clasped behind her back. Gazing out at the town square just beyond the gates she could see a few ships pulling into the harbor, a new but familiar banner was on one of them. She felt the corner of her lip perk up, knowing that this was a reply to one of her letters. She heard the last platter be set upon the table, she turned to the staff.

"It'll be a few moments before the Princess and Ice Master grace us with their presence. If you'd like, you may all take a plate for yourself." Though her tone was light her smile was smug.

She turned back to the window; after a few moments she heard the sound of plates scrapping. She smiled when she heard a remark from a young man, something about sisterly affection. She was glad of their ignorance and only wished she had some as well. Speaking of….With a thought and a slight gesture of her fingers she sent a trail of ice out the door and down the hall to Anna's room.

A tap on her shoulder made her turn; it was the young man from before, the one who made the jest. He informed her that a large stack of papers had arrived and that there were a few townsfolk who wished to speak with her, another was for Kristoff himself. She thanked him and requested that the townsfolk be let in as soon as they were done with their meal, the papers delivered to the council chambers. He bowed thanks and was about to exit when the doors opened beneath his hand. An ecstatic Anna bust through the door, her face beaming with joy. She awkwardly danced around the servant uttering many apologies before she turned loving eyes back down the hall, soon an equally bemused Kristoff followed greeting the young man as he passed. Anna ran right up to Elsa and planted a kiss on her cheek.

"Anna?" The queen asked, faking the puzzlement of her sister mood.

"We got your message," She said, tucking one of her braids behind her ear.

Her dress was simple, a white bodice with olive sleeves and skirt. Kristoff was distracted by the assortment of food at the table. Though he still wore his fur trousers and ice boots he had traded the fur lined doublet and for a brown leather vest and a cream colored tunic, the sleeves rolled to his elbows.

"I know you know." Anna said playfully, for her sister's ears only.

The blush was uncontrollable, as was the ice that suddenly streaked up the wall. Anna didn't need her sister to say it was true, she had enough proof already. With a delighted clap she turned on her heel to fetch her plate. Elsa stood flustered, and slightly embarrassed, her mouth agape in shock. She laughed quietly and shook her head, her own hunger getting to her.