
One Year Later

"Are you happy, Jane?" Loki asked as he pulled her back against him and wrapped his arms around her. They were back in Asgard, having just married that day, and they were in the tower they often loved to visit looking out over the city.

Jane placed her hands over Loki's and nodded, humming contentedly. "I am very happy, Loki. Are you? It's too late to back out now."

"Jane, you have made me happier than I thought I could ever be. You are my entire world."

Jane turned in his arms and rested her head on his chest, smiling when she heard the thump of his heart. "I do not regret anything, Loki."

"Even becoming an Aesir?"

She looked up at him. "I ate that apple happily and eagerly."

Loki smiled and ran his fingers through her long hair. "How was it seeing Thor again, love?"

Jane shrugged. "It was a little strange, but he and Sif are married and happy and I am happy for him. I think…well, I think I had to come here and fall under that sleeping spell. If I hadn't, then you and I might have never figured out how we truly felt for each other."

Loki arched a brow. "You forget, Jane, that I was already in love with you by then. The sleeping spell just moved it along."

"And move things along it did. We've traveled among the planets and stars. I've made breakthroughs in astrophysics thanks to that—"

"Ah, see? This is what you love me for."

Jane laughed and pinched his arm. "Come now, Loki. You know that's not it. I also love the way you make love to me."

Loki feigned hurt. "Is that all I am to you? Your travel guide and the one who makes you come?"

She smiled and leaned up to kiss him. "You know that's not all. I love your brilliant mind, your magic – especially when you teach it to me – how sweet you are, your mischievousness…I love everything about you, Loki."

"And I you, my wife," Loki murmured and kissed her softly. "What do you say we go to our room and have our wedding night?"

"Yes, please."

Hand-in-hand, Loki and Jane made their way down the tower stairs and to their bedroom. Chances were they would not stay in Asgard long before traveling again to wherever they felt they wanted to go. Things between Loki and Odin were not as strained – the year away from Asgard had done them good – but Loki and Jane were not ones to stay put for long. Jane had a thirst for knowledge and to see all that she could of the universe and Loki wanted to be the one to give that all to her. His wandering spirit had found a home in Jane and vice versa.

"Hello, Mother," Loki greeted Frigga as he and Jane passed by her in the hall.

"Turning in?" Frigga asked as she stopped to chat with her son and daughter-in-law.

Jane curled into Loki's side and smiled. Loki wrapped his arm around her and kissed the top of her head. "We are," he replied. "Thank you again, for the beautiful wedding."

"Of course, my son. Welcome to the family, Jane."

Jane smiled and then pushed away from Loki long enough to hug Frigga. Frigga hugged her back warmly and then the pair waved and headed down the hall together.

Frigga smiled as she watched them go and thought that though it had gotten a little hairy for a little while after she'd put that sleeping spell on Jane, things had turned out exactly the way she'd hoped and knew they would.