Author's Note: My friend, trying to help me with writer's block, put a challenge to me that she is doing where you turn your Ipod on shuffle then write a oneshot for every song. No min/max limit of characters, the only catch is they all have to be in the same fandom and the same characters. She is doing the A-Team and since I just recently fell in love with that show, I decided to do it, too. I love the friendship Face and Murdock have so I chose them. None of these stories are meant as slash. I'm having a bit of a tough time because a bunch of my music is romantic so...I'll figure something out haha I'm trying to keep them in character but I really don't know the characters that well yet so I'm sorry if they're OOC. All oneshots will be varying lengths and I'll be using all genres of music. Hope you enjoy!
Cop Car – Kieth Urban
"Where we goin', Faceman?" Murdock asked for the umpteenth time since his best friend had broken him out of the VA.
Face just smiled and focused on merging the Ford truck he'd recently scammed onto the freeway. The 'Vette was getting a tune-up and while Face could've just as easily found himself another car, recent personal experience told him that girls liked guys with trucks.
In truth, this outing wasn't as spontaneous as Murdock thought. Face had been called up by Dr. Richter (the only person outside the team to possess Face's actual number) a couple days ago to inform him about a change in Murdock's condition. It seemed the normally upbeat pilot had been taking a turn for the worse recently, picking at his food or simply not eating at meal times which was interfering with him taking medicine, insomnia, night terrors when he did finally pass out, and a complete lack of interest in things that he normally loved, such as his video games and music. In fact, Dr. Richter had told him, the only things that seemed to get through to Murdock anymore were the aviation magazines the team would send him periodically.
Face thought he knew what the problem was. For the last few months, the team hadn't been hired. It wasn't that nobody needed them, it was just that they had made enough off the last job to last them awhile and Hannibal figured some down time would be a good idea, keep them off the military's radar for a bit. It sounded like a fine idea; after all, Hannibal could go back to acting, B.A. would go back to the kids' center, and Face had the money to enjoy life in luxury for awhile before it ran out again. Only, no one really thought of what Murdock had to go back to. Not that the VA was a bad place but for a guy used to the absolute freedom of flying, being stuck there for any length of time became overwhelming.
Here's where Face felt extremely guilty. For the first month, he picked Murdock up regularly to hang out. Unfortunately, Hannibal had to put a stop to that when Lynch, suspicious of the lack of A-Team activity, began staking out the hospital.
So, Face spread the visits out more in the second month, only going a handful of times for a quick hello and the outings were limited to once or twice. At the end of the second month, he had a steady girlfriend and thoughts of Murdock slipped further from his mind, making him oblivious to the toll the confinement was having on the pilot.
That's how he ended up halfway through the third month without a single visit to the VA and feeling the guilt eating him alive. Face knew he let his best friend down and knew that he was a big part of the downhill slide Murdock was on, though Murdock would never place the blame on Face himself.
Face, however, was determined to at least start making this right and the first step was to "break" Murdock out (although Face had suspicions that Dr. Richter simply looked the other way by now) and talk to him. Face knew the man would rather be flying but since scamming was forbidden by Hannibal for the time being and Face had already gotten in trouble for getting the truck, the best Face could do was get him close to the airstrip. It just so happened that Face had found a field that backed up to the city airport and, though separated from the runway by a rather formidable fence, had a perfect view of the planes coming and going. Sure, it was fenced, posted, private property but seeing as how the rest of the pasture was simply barbed wire, a pair of wire cutters gave Face quick access.
We drove right past that no trespassing sign.
Sat on the tailgate, watched the planes take off.
As he turned the truck from the dirt road they had been on to drive through the gap in the fence and through the pasture toward the runway, Face glanced at Murdock, happy to see a grin break out across his best friend's face, the first since leaving the VA. The sun was just setting as he parked the truck and got out, Murdock doing the same, and walked to the back of the truck. He let the tailgate down and hopped up on it, scooting over to make room as Murdock jumped up as well. They both leaned back, hands behind their heads, shoulder to shoulder as they watched the planes flying directly overhead, so close it seemed they could reach out and touch them.
Thought we had all night, no need to rush...
Face felt Murdock relax next to him and was reluctant to break the comfortable silence but he knew they had to address the issues Dr. Richter informed him of. He decided to try indirectness and hoped Murdock would trust him enough to open up. "So, buddy, how are you doing?"
Murdock raised an eyebrow, biting back a smirk. The kid may be one of the best conmen he'd ever seen but he could never quite pull it off for Murdock. Maybe it was because they knew each other so well or maybe it was because they were so close but either way, Murdock immediately knew Face must have found out what was going on. He decided to save them both the time and cut to the chase, "You talk to the Doc?"
Face tensed, opened his mouth with an excuse, then sighed, "He called me, yeah." He could never lie to Murdock. "He was worried about you. What's going on?" He felt Murdock shrug and waited for him to gather his thoughts.
Sure enough, Murdock spoke softly, "I dunno, Facey. Nothin' specific, I guess. It's just...bein' in that place, it gets to ya after awhile, ya know?"
Rhetorical question but Face answered anyway, "I'm really sorry it took me this long to come, Murdock."
Murdock turned his head, looking at Face in surprise, "Don't be. We haven't been hired so you haven't had any reason to. Plus, with Lynch hanging around, it wouldn't have been safe anyway."
Face knew Murdock was giving him an out but he just couldn't take it this time, "No, those aren't excuses. You being there is reason enough for me. I let you down, buddy, and I'm sorry."
Murdock smiled at him reassuringly, "It's alright, Faceman."
But something was still off with the pilot and Face nudged him gently, "Are you sure it's just being stuck there that's been the problem?"
There was a pause. "No..." Murdock admitted quietly, "I...I've been having flashbacks."
Face winced, those had happened on and off since 'Nam. Most the time, he could bring Murdock back to the present without much difficulty but Face had quickly learned that the more time that went by since the flashbacks begin, the harder it was to bring Murdock back. There didn't seem to be any specific trigger, although Dr. Richter had once confided to Face that they seemed to happen more when Murdock was less active. Murdock himself had told Face it was when he had too much time for thinking. Face wanted to smack himself; Murdock hadn't had flashbacks in a very long time, not since he'd been out every week with the team. Left alone in the VA, however, and of course they were bound to come back. "Murdock," Face said seriously, "I haven't been there for you like I should've been and I wish I could take that back." He waved off Murdock's objections, "What I can do is promise you this: you won't be going back until those flashbacks are gone and when you do go back, I will be there at least once a week. And I don't mean just to visit. We'll go hang out somewhere, maybe see if someone would "loan" us a plane for awhile."
Murdock grinned at him and sat up, wrapping Face in a hug as he did the same, "Not your fault, Face, not at all. But...thank you."
Face smiled and returned the hug. As they both sat back, sirens sounded and a couple cop cars came rolling up.
That's when those cops came pulling up.
And I thought, man ain't this some shhhhh...
Your daddy's gonna kill me.
Face groaned; he couldn't believe they'd been so careless as to get caught by the police! Hannibal was going to murder him when he found out. Although, in his defense, being so close to the airport made it impossible to hear the cops driving up. He felt a little better when Murdock grinned at him, though, and a lot better when he saw that the familiar twinkle in his best friend's eyes had returned.
But if I survive tonight.
I wouldn't change one thing...
Man, I know it sounds crazy.
There was something 'bout the way the blue lights were shining,
Bringing out the freedom in your eyes
I was too busy watching you goin' wild child
To be worried about goin' to jail.
Even as the cops walked up to them, Face could only watch Murdock. The sirens had been turned off but the lights were still flashing and in their light, Face could see a mischievous glint in the Captain's eyes. As soon as the officers were close enough, Murdock launched into a tirade using his best British voice as he talked about the injustices of the local law enforcement forced upon a foreign dignitary.
You were thinking that running for it would make a good story.
I was thinking you were crazy as hell.
Didn't matter. Annoyed, the officers grabbed both Face and Murdock, pulling them from the tailgate and walking them toward a patrol car.
Murdock intentionally stumbled into Face's shoulder so he could mumble, "We jump the fence, grab a chopper, be at your place before Hannibal suspects a thing." He grinned as Face laughed before the cops roughly pulled them apart, shoving them into opposite sides of the police car.
You were so innocent but you were stealing my heart.
I fell in love in the back of a cop car.
Man, they weren't playing.
Sure threw those cuffs on quick.
You tried to sweet talk 'em.
They didn't fall for it but I did.
Murdock lost a little of his good humor when a cop walked over to handcuff them both. He didn't deem that necessary; after all, they'd been perfectly complacent up to now...well, pretty much. He elbowed Face. "I got this, muchacho," he whispered, "Don't worry 'bout a thing."
Face raised his eyebrows, "And what, exactly are you gonna do?"
"Hey, you aren't the only one that can talk us out of stuff," Murdock answered, "I've picked up a few of your tricks."
Face barely had time to stifle his chuckle before the cop made it to the car. He couldn't wait to see this.
As the cop leaned in to cuff him, Murdock turned on his most charming smile, "Officer, let me first commend you on the excellent job you're doing here. Secondly, allow me to explain what is going on."
The officer look suspicious, "I know what's going on. You're trespassing."
Murdock laughed, "Ah, I can see how you would draw that conclusion. In fact, this is a, uh, an integrity check. Yes. And clearly, you guys have it covered. So, if you'll be kind enough, good sir, as to let us out, we will be on our way but rest assured our report of you will be glowing."
The officer clenched his teeth, "Look buddy, you're not going anywhere and the more you talk, the less likely it is you'll be leaving anytime soon." He quickly strode over to Face's side of the car, cuffed him as well, then stood a little ways from the car as the other officers ran the plates of the truck and waited for the landowner to arrive.
Face grinned over at Murdock, "Ready to admit defeat and let me handle this, rookie?"
Murdock mock glared at him but Face could hear the smile in his voice as he replied, "Not quite."
You were on the left, I was on the right.
I knew you didn't smoke when you asked him for a light.
And I laughed, he got mad and slammed the door.
The officer had shut Face's door but left Murdock's open so he could keep an eye on the two troublemakers. Murdock leaned partially out of his door to yell, "Hey, officer! Officer!" No response. Murdock doubled his efforts, using different accents and several different languages until the officer finally walked back over.
"What do you want?" he snapped, glaring at Murdock.
Murdock grinned innocently up at him, "Can I get a light?"
A tiny bit of the annoyance fell of the cop's face, only to be replaced by confusion, "You don't have a cigarette."
Murdock looked surprised, "Don't I? Oh. Well, can I get a cigarette?"
Face laughed and Murdock winked at him before turning back to the cop.
The cop, however, had had enough. He scowled at Murdock and slammed the door of the car, stalking off and leaving the two men alone.
I swear, your daddy's gonna kill me.
But if I survive tonight.
I wouldn't change one thing.
Man, I know it sounds crazy.
They're as good as dead when Hannibal finds out and Face could guarantee he would find out. He didn't know how the man did it but he somehow always knew when they got in trouble. But as Face looked at Murdock and his best friend grinned at him, eyes bright and troubles forgotten, he knew he wouldn't change a single thing about tonight.
There was something 'bout the way the blue lights were shining,
Bringing out the freedom in your eyes.
I was too busy watching you going wild child
To be worried about going to jail.
You were thinking that running for it would make a good story,
I was thinking you were crazy as hell.
You were so innocent but you were stealing my heart.
I fell in love in the back of a cop car.
"You know, Face," Murdock began, "Since Hannibal is going to be mad no matter what, at least we could give him a good story to be mad about."
Face glanced over wearily but his smirk made it clear he already knew exactly what Murdock was thinking, even as he asked, "What's your idea?"
"Well, there are a couple planes just a hop across the fence..."
Face shook his head, chuckling as he finally picked the lock of his cuffs. It paid to keep a couple of lockpicks hidden on his jacket. "Nice try," he said as he worked to get Murdock's cuffs off, "But I would like to make it through this without Hannibal literally killing us."
The cuffs slipped off and both men hid the cuffs behind them, replacing their hands so when the cops opened the back doors, they wouldn't realize their prisoners were free.
Side by side, locked in tight
They were taking their time but we didn't mind.
We talked and we laughed and sat real close,
By the time they let us go, I was already gone.
Now they just had to sit there until the chance came to make a run for it. The landowner still hadn't shown up but that was alright. As they talked and joked around with each other, it hit Face just how much he trusted Murdock. He was a fugitive, on the run from the military, and sitting in the back of a police car. By all indications, he should be at least a little freaked out by now. But he wasn't. He knew they would get out of this, knew that Murdock wouldn't let anything happen to him. It was an unspoken promise made by a young Captain to an even younger 17 year old 2nd Lt. back in 'Nam and even though years had passed and situations were drastically different, it still applied just as much today as it did back then.
Murdock fell quiet and a quick glance told Face that the Captain was thinking hard about something, an escape plan, if Face had to guess, since his sharp gaze was flitting from the officers, to the truck, to Face, then back outside.
People really didn't give Murdock enough credit, Face mused silently to himself. Sure, he was technically the XO and so Hannibal's second-in-command but Murdock was actually better at planning and executing than either B.A. or Face. Even though he tried to play it down, Face knew he was very intelligent and suspected he had an eidetic memory from the way he could so easily pick up new languages and how he could take one look at a map and remember right where everything was located, even hours later. Knowing Murdock had this situation under control, Face relaxed against his best friend's shoulder, closing his eyes. Murdock would fill him in soon enough.
Sure enough, about 15 minutes later, he felt a nudge and opened his eyes, leaning his head back so he could look up at Murdock, who was already looking at him, a small smile on his face.
Murdock outlined the plan he'd come up with and Face agreed that it sounded like it would work. It would kick off as soon as the officers opened one of the back doors. They didn't have to wait much longer; the landowner finally arrived and an officer was sent to grab Murdock and Face for questions. He had the unfortunate luck of heading to Murdock's side first. In a flash, the Captain had the cop knocked out on the ground and his gun pointing at the other two and the landowner.
"Look, guys," Murdock tried to placate the furious cops that he held at gunpoint, "I want this over with as much as you do. So here's what we're gonna do. Drop your guns, carefully, and kick them towards me. The truck keys, too."
The cops grumbled and called Murdock some pretty creative names but they did as they were told.
A nod from Murdock and Face gathered the weapons up, grabbed the keys, and stepped back to Murdock's side. They slowly made their way to the truck and while Face covered the cops, Murdock shot out the tires of the patrol cars, the landowner's truck, and disabled the radios. It was going to be a long walk back for these guys.
Once that was done, Face climbed into the driver's seat, Murdock into the passenger's side, and with a friendly wave, they took off. Murdock ejected the clips from the guns and tossed the guns out the window as they drove through the pasture. Once they were back on the dirt road, he tossed the clips out.
The two beat it back to the city, laughing and exhilarated from their spontaneous "jail" break. They dropped the truck off at B.A.'s garage, where he gave them a good dressing down before promising with a growl that he would take care of the offending vehicle. After that, they headed to Face's apartment, collapsing onto his couch. Unfortunately, ten minutes later there was a rapid knocking at Face's door.
Raising his eyebrows at Murdock, Face called out, "Who's there?"
"Face, if you don't open up right now, I'll break it down myself," came the furious voice of Colonel Hannibal Smith.
Wincing, Face got up and unlocked the door, stepping back just in time to avoid being hit with it as Hannibal stormed in and continued to the living room. "What's this I hear about two men, who sound remarkably like yourselves, escaping arrest? You've been out for one night, Captain, one night and already you guys are in trouble!"
Face followed him, dropping back onto the coach beside Murdock and settling in for a lecture.
Murdock flashed him a grin and slung his arm over Face's shoulders before turning back to Hannibal, "Aw, c'mon now, Colonel..."
Face just smiled. As long as he had Murdock at his side, everything else would turn out fine.
Side by side, locked in tight
They were taking their time but we didn't mind.
We talked and we laughed and sat real close,
By the time they let us go, I was already gone.
I fell in love in the back of a cop car.