Dear Readers,

I have made the conscientious decision to discontinue many of my incomplete fanfictions due to life having gotten in the way. Admittedly, I should have done this sooner instead of leaving them untouched for years, but I truly believed that I had the capability of completing them. However, I have recently started college and am unable to write anything more than short stories or chapters sparingly. It is for these reasons that I have decided to only release from now on complete or nearly complete works. I find that this strategy of writing works out best for me and you as it allows me to write at my leisure and have more for you to read at one time. Understand that I will NOT be deleting my discontinued works so they will be left up on the sight for anyone to still read. With this said, I want to thank those who have read my work so far and have enjoyed it. Over the years, my fandoms have changed, so I hope you look forward to what I write next!
