A/N: Sorry about this LATE update everyone! And I know it's short, but I'm a bit out of it because it's been so long! Between school and a new job, well it's been stressful! Please be patient with me! I've been fighting with how to start this chapter for a while now, and though I've written some drafts (crappy ones), it wasn't until I listened to some of my old favorites that this song inspired this chapter! It's named after Anna Nalick's "Breath (2am)"; check it out if you haven't already! And yes, there are two parts to this! I'll get started as soon as I can! Enjoy!

Breathe (2 am)

They'd both been right. There was at least a foot of snow out here. Arya wrapped the wool blanket tightly around herself as she took a seat on one of the chairs they kept on the porch.

At two a.m. she'd been jolted awake from her fiendish nightmares. Eyes heavy with sleep, Arya kept them wide open, looking out into the darkness as the snow continued to fall. Yesterday had been confusing. Between her family, Gendry, and now Jaqen, well they were serving as distractions. But only barely.

Unable to release a deep sigh, she watched her breaths as they disappeared. Life. Though Arya was sure her family would find her, there's a part of her, a part that she hated but was nonetheless there. She thought they'd be too late in finding her. Leaning her forehead on her knees Arya felt her breathing begin to waver. Not now. Not. Now.

Attempting to take deep breaths Arya begged her body to relax. A shiver ran through her body as the brisk winter air cut through her skin. Her feet were beginning to numb; her toes on the edge of the lounge chair were turning pale, unable to handle the cold chill. But she didn't care. Feeling her control return to her, Arya breathed in deeply, loving the way the air smelled during the winter. Just like when it's raining, there's a unique fragrance for when snow falls, and she loved it.

Lifting her head up, she leaned her chin on her knees. Not one star in sight.

Relaxing was her first mistake. Feeling a tug on her loose strands of hair she heard pssst. Turning quickly, she slapped the hand away and pushed up to her feet as fast as she could. Arya's heart felt as though it would burst out from her chest. The puffs of air that came out of her mouth were as quick as her breathing. Her eyes were wide as she looked to the figure that had scared her. Unable to keep standing anymore she fell to her knees, the blanket falling from around her to form a puddle on the porch beside her.

Her hair. She'd forgotten to pull it back into a ponytail. Arya couldn't even bring herself to touch her hair right now. Biting down on her lip, Arya swallowed down a whimper that was rising up her throat. Her arms felt weak, numb from the memories that were flitting through her mind. Images of what she'd gone through with those bastards. "Such pretty hair. Smells nice, too. Wonder what else smells as delicious."

Gendry watched wide-eyed at Arya's crumpled body. He hadn't meant to scare her, and it was clear that he'd done more than scare her. He couldn't even bring himself to speak—No, to apologize for scaring her like that. He took a step towards her but saw it was another wrong thing to do. If anything it shook Arya up even more. Gendry felt like he was intruding, watching Arya deal with her demons was as bad as invading her privacy. But he couldn't leave her, not like this.

He heard Arya breathe out a soft "No." before letting out a growl in annoyance. He wasn't sure how long he was standing there, or how long it took Arya to compose herself, but when she did she stood up as graceful as she could. It was dark, but he could still see her face. Arya had completely written away everything from her face. Picking up the blanket, Arya turned to him with a raised brow, questioning his presence.

Unsure of how to proceed, he gave her what she wanted. His indifference to what had just happened. Not daring to clear his throat, he risked speaking, out came a gruff, "Hot chocolate?"

Extending one of his arms, Arya noticed that he was carrying two mugs of hot chocolate. Tentatively, she took the mug and sat back down with her blanket around her feet, leaving her upper body with just her oversized hoodie. Gendry wanted to breathe in relief when she accepted the mug. Knowing that he was playing with fire, Gendry sat down on the lounge chair on the other side of the main door. Taking a sip he noticed that the hot chocolate was tepid now.

They sat in complete silence, just like last night by the lake. Arya was glad Gendry didn't ask her about her, whatever that was. Not even she knew what had happened. That's a lie. She knew exactly what had happened. Arya had let her guard down. But just like yesterday something jumped to her mind, "You knew I was out here."

Though it was a statement, Gendry decided to answer, anything to make her more comfortable, "Yeah, I was in the kitchen when I heard someone come down."

Arya's only response was a grunt. Again, they both fell completely silent as they looked out to see the snow falling. In a way, Gendry was relieved she hadn't asked him why he was even awake at this time, but he knew it was the same reason she was awake. Seeing Jaqen for the first time in years shook something in Gendry, enough to give him flashback dreams of his life with Jaqen. Finishing his hot chocolate before it turned to ice he placed the mug by his feet. Risking a look towards Arya, he noticed the glazed, faraway look on her face and eyes.

Turning back to the horizon, he froze at her soft voice, "When you tugged my hair you reminded me of them."

Gendry bit the inside of his cheek, angry at himself for being too friendly. Arya didn't even have to specify who them was, he knew perfectly well to whom she was referring to. Something bubbled deep inside of Gendry's chest. Anger? Maybe. But there was something else. Pain? Pain for whom? For her? Because of her? Or for himself?

Self-hatred. That's what he remembers feeling the most after Jaqen, when he'd discovered what Robert had gone through after Gendry's overdose. Robert himself had been abstaining from drinking, but with Cersei's actions, and then Gendry's own, that was the only thing Robert could fall back on. The great Robert Baratheon had a weakness after all, and it didn't deal with pride. The man actually cared for his bastard son. And because he allowed Jaqen to manipulate him, Gendry almost tore apart, not only his life, but those of Robert's and his friends.

Knowing Gendry was off in his own world, Arya sat in a daze, unsure of why she'd just told Gendry the truth. Well, some of it. She'd avoided telling him the details. But that nagging feeling inside of her, that was what had pushed her to tell him why she reacted the way she did. Her fingers wrapped around the empty mug, holding it tightly. Her mind was getting to her. She didn't know what to think anymore. But she did know what to do about what just transpired.

Arya's long hair had to go.

A/N: I know! But I'll do my BEST to update soon! Reviews, comments, CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, I accept it all! Hope to see you guys soon!