Disclaimer: Read ch. 1 if you've forgotten.

Quick note: thank you SO MUCH for the reviews!!! Mizalye's really inspired me to finish this.

Two elves, a man, and five wolves stood at the edge of a cliff, looking down into the valley that held the fabled Rivendell as the sun set. Aragorn and Legolas had the tact to pretend they didn't notice the tears on Sadroniel's cheeks, tears she quickly rubbed away.

"Tell me," she said to Aragorn as they started down. "What has become of Elrond's children?"

"Arwen—" the Dúnadan said the name with a sigh that foretold trouble, "—is with her mother's people in Lothlórien."

Sadroniel sighed. "I remember Celebrían. And I remember how sad Elladan, Elrohir, and Elrond were after she departed."

"Elrohir and Elladan are here."

She looked up suddenly. "Here? Now? They're down there?" She pointed toward Rivendell.

Aragorn nodded. Sadroniel took a deep breath. "Let's hurry."

They strode boldly into the courtyard. Sadroniel was smiling uncontrollably. "I remember," she whispered to herself. "It didn't change."

The wolves sniffed the air intently. ~It's too warm here,~ Sunrunner complained.

Sadroniel laughed. "It'll be warmer yet, meleth," she told him.


An elf crossing the yard with a pair of buckets glanced at them and did a double take. "Estel!" he cried and, dropping both buckets, hurried toward them. Water spilled unheeded across the stones.


Nandir and Aragorn embraced, and the elf turned to his friend's companions. "Legolas, welcome! And—" His eyes widened as he saw the wolves.

"They're friends," Sadroniel assured him, a smile still flickering across her face.

Nandir's eyes widened still further. "Sadroniel?" he breathed incredulously.

"It is me."

"We thought you were dead!" Nandir flung his arms around her. Sadroniel returned the hug with equal enthusiasm.

 "I cannot believe this!" Nandir gushed, sounding very childlike. "At last, you return to us! Your family, are they well?"

Sadroniel's smile faded. "They are all dead."

Nandir's face fell. "I am sorry."

"It was long ago and far away. I am only glad to be home again."

The wolves began to howl, telling the story of their Songblade, speaking of stolen years and lost innocence, of a beloved family lost and a new one gained, of journeys and pain and hardship, and, at last, returning home.

"Wolves! There are wolves in the courtyard!"

The howling stopped as the alarm went up. Two elves, each carrying a strung bow with an arrow ready at the string, sprinted from the house.

"Get back!" one shouted, raising his bow.

"Elrohir, no!" Sadroniel cried, diving in front of Nightwind and hefting her spear.

Elrohir's hands shook, and the bow dropped from his grip. Elladan, standing next to him, looked as if he'd seen a ghost. "Sadroniel?" he gasped.

"Don't hurt my pack," she ordered, then ran into their arms.

Nandir smiled and shook his head, watching Elrohir and Elladan fighting each to hug Sadroniel, all three of them laughing and crying at the same time.

"I didn't know they were such good friends," Aragorn observed.

"Elrohir, Sadroniel, Elladan, and Rhovan terrorized Rivendell as younglings," Nandir explained. "You should have seen them."

The three elves finally got themselves under control. "What happened to you?" Elrohir asked.

"Where is Rhovan?" Elladan put in.

"Where have you been?"

"Why are the wolves here?"

"Are they really tame?"

"Why didn't you come back sooner?"

Sadroniel laughed and slung an arm around each of their shoulders, wincing slightly as she stretched her wounded side. "It shall be a long tale at the Hall of Fire tonight, my friends." She grinned over her shoulder at Aragorn, Legolas, and her pack, standing calmly next to Nandir. "Are you coming or not? You have your part to tell."

"As ridiculous as ever, I'm sure," Aragorn muttered dryly as the wolves galloped past him, but he followed them, with Legolas in tow.

"There is one thing that concerns me deeply," Legolas whispered to his friend as they followed Sadroniel and the twins.

"What's that?"

"Which one of them will she marry?"

"I heard that!" Sadroniel called back.

*          *            *

That night, after the tale had been told in full, tears shed, and most had taken to their beds, Sadroniel came to Legolas and Aragorn, who sat at the edge of the Hall. Aragorn was teaching Legolas a game he had learned in Bree called cards. The elf hadn't quite mastered the art of cheating.

"Thank you," she said.

They looked up with surprise. "For what?" Legolas asked.

"Everything. Just—thank you." She sat next to them. "Now deal me in."

"How do you know cards?" Aragorn wondered.

"You learn a lot as a mûl for forty years. Deal me in, and take that card out of your sleeve."


Ah, done at last! What did you think? And THERE WILL BE A SEQUEL!!!! (In which they figure out Legolas' wolf name, worry not)

Elvish Glossary:

avo garo: don't do it

avon: I won't

a gellam: oh joy

mae govannen: well met

Meril: "Rose"

nin mellon: my friend

meleth: love

mûl: slave

Sadron: "Faithful one"

suilad: greetings

Talagan: "Harper"

raug: demon

Rhovan: "Wild"